Walking in Love
Walking in Love and Letting Nothing Be Done Through Strife or Vain Glory Keeps Us In Peace.
If you lost your peace you probably walked out of walking in love, got into doing it in strife, or Pride, Stubbornness, Vain Glory
Here is the writing:
Love is the key...
People just need love and acceptance..
I like this saying....
People need love the most when they deserve it the least....
That is why we love God.
He is always there
He always understands
He always helps
He is always merciful.
We should always try to be like HIM
Always be there
Always be understanding
Always help
Always be merciful.
Always accepting the person and loving them for who they are right now does NOT mean that we condone or accept their sin..
It means we always love them and accept them.
That is dividing the sin from the sinner.