The True Vine Wine pt.6
The True Vine Wine (pt.6)
Text: John 15:9-17
Introduction The Family of God in Fruitful Communion Brings a
Plentiful Harvest to A Joyful Community. (Communion brings Community)
1. The Family of God _______ is the Vine, _____is the Vinedresser.
We are the Branches: ______________ & ______________
Four Levels of Fruit:
1) ____ Fruit; 2) Fruit; 3) _______ Fruit; 4) _______ Fruit
Fruitless: God __________ the Fruitless for fruit – deals with _____
• Discipline: 1)__________ 2)___________ 3)__________ He.12:5,6
Fruitful: God ________ the Fruitful for more fruit – deals with ____
Three Tools of God the Vinedresser:
No Fruit. 1) _______________ Fruit. (15:2)
Fruit. 2) __________________ More Fruit. (15:.2)
More Fruit. 3) _____________ Much Fruit. (15:.5)
2. In Fruitful Communion (15:4-6) ___________ & ___________
A. __________: devoted attention to Christ without distractions, hindrances, or diversions.
B. __________: asking Jesus into our lives of distractions, hindrances, and diversions.
C. __________: > _____________________
1. The ________ of Fruit: Fruit comes from the union and
communion with Jesus.
2. The __________ of Fruit: Fruit is determined by its source
Fruit is the result of ____________________________________
3. Brings a Plentiful Harvest (15:7,8)
A. ________-___________ Life (v.7)
B. Answered _______________ (v.7)
C. ________________ God (v.8)
D. Displayed _______________ (v.8)
______ in Christ &______ in me _________God with _______fruit
4. to A Joyful Community (15:9-17)
A. Community __________ (v.9-13)
1. ____________ (9,13)
2. ____________ (10,12)
3. ____________ (11)
B. Community __________________ (v.14-17)
1. God _______________ (14)
2. God ____________ (15)
3. God ______________ (16)
Crucial Command: ________________________________
Major Lessons I Learned: