The Christian and Money
The Christian and His Money
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Those are God's words from Hebrews 13:5. Money can be a blessing from God but is often a temptation that draws us away from God. A crucial test of whether one's lifestyle is Christian is one's attitude toward and use of money and material things.
The apostle Paul speaks to us about this attitude in the sixth chapter of his first letter to Timothy. He warns us to avoid false doctrines that treat godliness as a means to gain material wealth. We are instead to value contentment, being satisfied with having adequate food, clothing, and shelter. Recognize that the love of money whether as a source of security or as a means of gaining things is a trap. Reject the love of money and choose contentment.
Paul goes on to encourage us to pursue righteousness from God, godliness as living to please God, faith in God as our provider, love that turns our attention to the needs of others, endurance as we rely on Jesus for all things, and gentleness in our treatment of others. Our priority in life is to take hold of God's gift of eternal life rather than grasping for money and material things. Put God first in your heart and life. Trust God to provide for your needs in His way. Be confident that when your priorities are right, He will supply your needs.
Paul concludes with instructions for those who are materially rich. Almost all Americans are rich by historical and world standards, so this message is for you. Put your trust in God, not in your savings, investments, or possessions. God blesses us for our enjoyment, so we should enjoy the things we have, but we should hold things lightly. Use your blessings to serve others. Do good works as well as give money. As Paul told the Colossians, set your heart on things above where Christ is seated. Peter tells us to remember that earthly wealth and things will not last.
Once we have the right attitude toward our money, what are we to do with it? Some answers are quite basic. In Romans 13, Paul tells us to pay all our taxes. We should not overpay, but we should pay whatever is due. Paul continues that we should let no debt remain outstanding. This means to pay all your bills and debts on time. In 1 Timothy 5, he tells us to support our families. That is one's responsibility before God. Proverbs teaches us that it is wise to save for future needs, but also teaches us to keep our trust in God because wealth is so uncertain.
Effective witness for Jesus is impossible without financial responsibility. This is true both for individual Christians and for churches.
Paying taxes and bills, providing for one's family, and saving for the future are all essential. But they are not the whole story. If you truly love God rather than money, you will also give generously. In fact, giving generously will help you to learn to trust God rather than trusting money. The following comments on giving all come from 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9.
By relying on God's grace, everyone can be generous. God evaluates our giving based on our willingness and our means. If you have little and willingly give a little, you can be generous. If you possess a lot and willingly give abundantly, you can be generous. Giving was never to be a burden on just a few. All should practice giving. Giving should be done with wisdom being sure that the recipients are acting with integrity.
So, let us give willingly. Plan your giving so you are giving generously and not grudgingly. Do not let people pressure you to give more than you choose but do rely on God's grace and learn to choose to give generously from your heart. Apply the sowing and reaping principle properly. You do reap what you sow, but do not try to manipulate God or others to make you rich or to give to you. Rather learn to flow in God's river of blessing. God blesses those who give so that they can give more. So, give more as you receive more because God has blessed your previous giving. As you give generously, you allow God's grace to flow through you to bring Him praise.
Let us value our relationship with God above our possession of things. Let us live to serve and glorify God rather than to accumulate earthly treasure. Let us learn to enjoy giving generously and cheerfully. Remember that it is wise to save for anticipated needs, but that it is even wiser to trust God with all our needs, present and future. Remember these words of Paul, See that you also excel in this grace of giving.
May God bless you as you trust everything to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.