Until Joy is Complete

The Postcard Epistle: Walking and Growing in Truth and Love  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Focus will be on the conclusion of the book and the joy we can have in fellowship with one another. What does fellowship look like for us today? How can we truly engage in fellowship moving forward and how does that impact the health of the church?



Alright, thanks so much for being here this morning as we are bringing this sermon series to a close. We’ve been slowly walking through 2 John looking at how these truths impact our lives. I hope you’ve been enjoying this as much as I have. I’m sure some of you were probably a little surprised to hear that we were doing four weeks through such a short book. But as we discussed last week, this short letter illustrates to us that the Apostles were fighting for the basic truths concerning the person of Jesus Christ and that this fight was for the local church. And it’s really the same fight that we have today. The notion that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God is a dangerous notion. As followers of Jesus, we know that what scripture teaches about the person of Christ is true. That is why such a short book can have such a deep meaning behind it.
It’s sort of like having some good food. I think your really supposed to eat good food slowly. Did you know that your actually supposed to chew each bite you take about 32 times before you swallow it? I think thats why if your eating a fancy meal your supposed to take a bite and then set the fork down while you chew. Slow and steady wins the race. The slow chew as I like to call it, is supposed to be better for you too. The food is broken down more so that your body can digest it and the nutrients can turn into fuel for your body in a better way.
Most people don’t chew like that. They take maybe 2 chews per a bite, or 2CPBs as the scientists like to say.. instead of the recommended 32CPBs. For most people, most of their meals are eaten as quickly as possible. I know that I’m guilty of that. I love food and the taste of food and I’ve actually spent most of my life training my stomach to take in as much food as I can. The problem is, that when we scarf down our food we miss out on so much of the rich and complex flavors that the food has to offer.
And I think unfortunately we have a tendency to do the same when we read scripture and our faith in general. We approach the meat of scripture with two chews per bite and move on like were done instead of slowing down to chew through the deeps truths of God’s word. Thats why we’ve been moving so slow through 2 John. This short postcard of a letter is rich in truths that quite literally can change your life when your obedient to live your life through walking in truth and love.
So far, in this four week series, we’ve looked at the past three sections of this letter and I hope I’ve done a good job of showing you that the elect are those who remain in obedience to walk in truth and love and who will receive the reward of Christ.
Our election as saints is not based on what we do, rather what we do is based on our election. To say it a different way, you are not saved by how obedient you are to God’s commands. Your obedience to God’s commands is an outward sign of your salvation through faith in Christ alone.
We know from John’s earlier writing in his account of Jesus’ life that Jesus is the truth. And now, through reading this letter, we see that the elect, the chosen by God ought to love the truth (2 John 1-3), live out the truth (2 John 4-6), and look for the truth (2 John 7-11).
Today, were going to be looking at the final 2 verses to see what they have for us. This is John’s closing greetings to this congregation that he loves deeply and cares for. In these final two verses, John is going to encourage this dear people whom he loves to now Long for the Truth. When we long for the truth, that is, when we long for Christ and desire Christ, there are two things that this passage show us will happen. For the elect who long for the truth, you will experience the fullness of Joy and the fellowship of the family. Let me say that again, Longing for the truth yields an experience of the fullness of joy and an experience of the fellowship of the family.
Now, I would like to warn you. My first sermon, and so far longest, was about 40 minutes where I preached on 3 verses. Based on that, you would think that 2 verses would have to be way shorter! But in reality, this one will probably be about 30 minutes per verse! So buckle up… No of course, I’m just joking with you! I do have a lot say though, and I think that John would appreciate that. What makes me say that is that I think that John was most likely a talker. I think if John, Billy, and I were to work in the same office, we’d hardly get anything done because we’d just talk all day! Why do I think that? Well remember what he said in John 21:25.
John 21:25 CSB
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which, if every one of them were written down, I suppose not even the world itself could contain the books that would be written.


Imagine the stories that John could have told to this congregation.
As John is writing his final greetings, he says in 2 John 12-13
2 John 12–13 CSB
Though I have many things to write to you, I don’t want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face to face so that our joy may be complete. The children of your elect sister send you greetings.

It is here that we read about the Experience of the Fullness of Joy

John had much more to say to this congregation but chose to hold off for an in person meeting rather then to write it out here. And we may be wondering why? Well first, we must remember the context. I think that if you were to explain to a first century individual how easy it is for us to write a letter and send it across the country, they would be shocked! Letters written during this time period were no easy task. Often, the Apostles when sending a letter to a congregation, would have journals where they worked out their ideas with others as they talked through issues that they were addressing. Then, once they had their thoughts together, they would often hire a scribe who they would dictate the letter too who would write it out on a piece of parchment. The whole ordeal would have been pretty spendy! So perhaps John didn’t want to start another piece of parchment because he didn’t want to pay for it!
I think we also have to remember that John was addressing a big issue that was happening in these churches that he cared for. He was charging this congregation to know the truth, to walk in the truth, and to guard against the anti christs who were seeking to disrupt the congregations. This isn’t a light matter! There were heretics and false teachers that were not only so very prevalent during this time, but whats worse is that their teachings were often infectious! It’s not as though there is some fighting over the carpets or pews, as important as those issues might be. John is addressing a matter of ones eternity. I think in writing this, John knew that there was an urgent need for him to send a letter off quickly to address a major issue, but he also knew that the content of what he needed to discuss with them would have been best discussed in person. He probably wanted to make sure they got the message clearly.
And we understand that right? In the day and age where we send texts and emails almost a thousand times a day, how often are our written words misunderstood even though we wrote them so so clearly? We see facebook post after facebook post of conflict that I’m willing to bet would have been so much clearer if done in person. I think that most, if not all, serious conversations where clarity matters tremendously, need to be had in person. A letter, an email, not even a text can really smile as a person can or respond to changes of mood or body language.
I think John understood this and wanted to talk in person. He writes a similar sentiment in 3 John 13-14 where he writes,
3 John 13–14 CSB
I have many things to write you, but I don’t want to write to you with pen and ink. I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.
Some of the other New Testament authors probably had similar longings. Peter wrote in 1 Peter 5:13
1 Peter 5:13 CSB
She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings, as does Mark, my son.
And Paul wrote in Philippians 1:8
Philippians 1:8 CSB
For God is my witness, how deeply I miss all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.
Writing a letter was necessary to address problems and give encouragement, to offer rebuke and teaching, but what was more important for them was being face to face with other believers. That was their desire. That was their longing, and that should be our longing as well. Especially after our Covid experience. Honestly, I’ve heard too many people say that they would be fine to just sit at home and watch the service online. Now I totally get the safety of it and ones health. But even still, our desire should be like that of the Apostles, to see our brothers and sisters face to face. There are some of you watching this right now from home who really have no good reason to be at home right now. Perhaps you need to pray to God and ask Him to give you a desire to see your brothers and sisters in Christ. And for those of us here, we should have a desire to see those who aren’t here. If you haven’t seen someone in over a year due to COVID, then maybe this week you need to reach out to someone. Invite them to church, invite them over for dinner, meet them for coffee. Get in a group. Whatever it takes to see each other face to face.
That phrase face to face was common Greek idiom that was literally ‘mouth to mouth’ or ‘stoma pros stoma.’ Now obviously, mouth to mouth wouldn’t fly in our society today, so for sure don’t take this to mean you gotta go give mouth to mouth to someone. Also remember, please direct all greek questions to Alvin or Heather. They are the experts… But that phrase is really cool because I think it shows the intimacy of the desire. John loved this congregation and desired to be together with them and to discuss the truths of the Gospel directly with them. To have a conversation with them.
It’s a feeling that I think Rachel and I are getting ready to experience. We are excited to be overseas doing what we feel God has created us to do and what He has called us to do, but we still have a strong desire for you all here. For the youth of this church. Not only for LifeWay but for our other church partners because the fact of believers as a family encompasses the individual congregation and then extends to multiple congregations because of the truth we share in love. We will send updates and emails and videos, we will have zoom calls and whats app messages, but none of those things will ever replace being physically present with you all who we love so dearly.
It is that physical presence that leads to a completed joy. One commentary clarified that,
The Letters of John 12–13 Final Greetings

By speaking to them face to face, he will be able to say much more than he wants to put on paper now. And by doing so, the elder hopes to ensure that they continue walking in the truth, and that will make the great joy he already has (v. 4) complete.

John wrote earlier in verse 4 that he was glad to hear that some of the children of this congregation were walking in the truths of the Gospel, and now he is writing that his joy will be complete at their being present in person. Not only his Joy, but their joy also would be complete as they resisted false teachers and walked in truth in love. Nothing can beat the experience of being together in person with brothers and sisters in Christ. Joy is complete when the body of Christ gathers together and walks together in truth and love.
Now this isn’t a new idea. Jesus Himself says in John 15:9-11
John 15:9–11 CSB
“As the Father has loved me, I have also loved you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commands you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. “I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.
Our obedience to walk in truth and love together will lead to the experience of the fullness of joy. That experience of the fullness of joy also leads to an...

Experience of the Fellowship of the Family

And this is no small thing. But before we can dive deeper into this next part, lets first define our terms. Family is the term to refer to other followers of Christ. If you are part of the elect, if you have been redeemed by Jesus, if you have been made new by the His blood for you when He died on the cross and rose from the grave, and are walking in the truth and love of the Gospel, then you are a part of the Family and whats more, you are an important part.
If you come to church on Sunday listen to a sermon and then go away, there are two possibilities for you. The first is that you may not actually be a part of the family. If you cannot see any fruit of obedience in your life, if you have no desire for true fellowship, if you simple come to church on Sunday and then go away never to think about or engage with God throughout the week, then you may not actually have a relationship with the Father through the Son. If that is you, then take heart because the Father is calling you to Him. He does desire to bring you into the family. He has already sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for you so that you can be made new and brought into the fold. Repent and be baptized. If that is you, don’t leave this building or this live stream without talking to someone about what next steps in your life may be.
The other possibility for someone who may just come to church on Sunday, listen to a sermon, and then go away is that you are simply missing out on the fullness of joy that living in community brings. Earlier I said that some of you have no good reason to be at home right now. And I know that sounds harsh and I don’t mean it to be rude. The reason I say that is because as a member of this church body, you have play an important part. And by not being here, you are robbing your brothers and sisters in Christ from the joy that you bring. You are also missing out on the joy that they have for you.
I recently was watching cable TV, something I only do when I’m in a waiting room or in a hotel room. And an ad popped up that honestly broke my heart. It was a beautifully made ad showcasing the diversity of humanity and was trying to encourage people to live healthy lifestyles and ultimately use their product to do so, but one line just broke my heart. The line said, “You were randomly placed in this body that you didn’t choose.” How sad is that? To think that we were randomly placed into this body. That could not be farther from the truth. The God who created the heavens and the earth, who created all things in this world, knit you together in your mothers womb. He knew you before you were even here. And whats more, He desires to know you now and be known by you. Do you realize just how insane that is?! I am the worst sinner I know, I feel like I’ve done so much garbage in my life, I’ve allowed my sin to dictate how I live and walked so contrary to God’s ways, and yet, because of Jesus Christ, I have been made new and when God looks at me, He no longer see the broken wretched sinner that I am, He sees Christ in me.
We have a student in our youth group who has been around LifeWay for a while. Many of you probably know him. This student has often told me that he feels like no one notices him. He doesn’t really like to talk to new people and would rather just do his own thing with the few friends he has. Rachel and I feel like broken records every week telling this student and showing him just how much people love him and just how big of a role he plays in the life of this group and this church. He is loved by God and he is here for a purpose.
For some of you listening or watching this, perhaps you need to hear the same. God has created you uniquely and wonderfully. You are important and loved and needed. God has given you gifting and talents and His Holy Spirit within you to work and to will for His good pleasure. If you wondering what that looks like or what ways God has gifted you, then I want to encourage you to reach out to someone on staff or maybe one of the small group leaders or elders and grab coffee with them and start that conversation. It’s not a matter of if God has created you for a purpose, its what ways has He gifted you for His purpose. If you are one of the elect, then you are a member of the this family.
And as a member of the family, you are then able to experience fellowship.
I’m using fellowship to specifically refer to the intentional gathering together with other believers. It’s what we read in Acts 2:42
Acts 2:42 CSB
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.
Fellowship includes listening to the apostles’ teaching, to taking communion, to participating in baptism, to singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, to serving together and sharing resources and having all things in common.
There is a distinction here between fellowship and hospitality. Fellowship for sure includes hospitality. In fact, whenever you have fellowship, there needs to be some level of hospitality. But Hospitality does not necessarily include fellowship. Fellowship can only be done with other followers of Jesus whereas hospitality is for both other believers and for strangers and the outsiders. It’s used as a way to bring those strangers in so that they can experience the grace and love of God and be brought into the fold.
The fellowship of the family of believers is gathering of followers of Jesus. Fellowship with other believers is what it means to be a part of the church.
It is that experience of the fellowship of the family that completes our joy. Let me say it another way, Joy is complete by fellowship.


Over the past four weeks, I have had the privilege of sharing with you from one of the smallest books in the bible. This postcard epistle was meant to warn a congregation of false teachers and was motivated by a deep love for God and for them. The same is true for us here today. The warning of this epistle echos through the ages to you and I and will continue to be relevant until Christ’s return. But that warning that we remind each other is motivated by a love for the truth. 2 John encourages us to walk in the truth, obey God’s commandments, love one another, and guard the teachings of Christ so as to not be deceived by the antichrist. It shows us that the elect are those who remain in obedience to walk in truth and love, who will receive the reward of Christ and whose joy is complete by fellowship.
2 John’s call to abide in the teaching of Christ remains the same for us all. Will we be on guard against the deceivers in the world and remain true to the Father and the Son? Will we remain in obedience to walk in truth and love, receive the reward of Christ, and have our joy complete by fellowship with other believers?
Don’t leave this service without honestly asking yourself these questions. Don’t leave this service without talking with someone or setting up a meeting with someone or reaching out to someone. Don’t let these words from God’s word to fall on def ears. Let these words pour new life into you souls. Let these words motivate us to love the truth (2 John 1-3), live out the truth (2 John 4-6), and look for the truth (2 John 7-11), and long for the truth so that we can be the elect who remain in obedience to walk in truth and love, receive the reward of Christ, and have our joy complete by fellowship.
Let’s pray.
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