Church Activation
That's funny.
So services that we've been honest in a series about yielding to the spirit of God. allowing him to lead your life allowing yourself to be okay with letting him take the charge and before like we had like a covid outbreak.
That Sunday we learned to yield by praying together you guys remember that?
We all and we all got kind of juice. Then after I came back I said listen guys, you'll part 2 was more so about oneself eolian and not yielding together. That I said we're going to do one more activation on yielding to the spirit of God.
That's what we're doing today.
before we do when you are using together as a Congregation of people. It's very important. That you do certain things in order to allow God to connect with your heart. But you don't do these things. It's hard to connect with God how many people ever felt disconnected from God? Yeah, we all were Sinners, dude.
But as Believers how many people have ever felt disconnected from God?
Yeah. So isn't it quite difficult to when you're gathered together on a Sunday and you feel like God. Where are you? Connect to him then Workshop to connect to him in prayer. So before we dive into her activation, I'm going to share some things that hinder you from connecting to God. You have your Bibles. I want you to turn to Matthews the fifth chapter the 20, we're look at verse 21 through 24. It's not it's going to be up here on the screen. It says you're familiar with the Commandment that the older generation was taught do not murder or you will be judged but I'm telling you if you want to anger in your heart toward a fellow believer your subject to judgment and whoever demeans and install a fellow believer. It's answerable to the congregation and whoever calls down curses upon a fellow believer is in danger of being sent to a fiery hell. That is tough man. This is Jesus talkin. So then if you are presenting a gift before the altar in the temple, and suddenly I love that suddenly.
You ever been in prayer and then you had a thought suddenly? Let's not talk about a bath. I'll put a memory of something that happened to you in Life or something that someone said to you talk. Is that ever happened to anyone?
That's that suddenly thing that the spirit of God is doing bring it up to memories cuz he wants to deal with something pulling on to your heart. It is you remember Coral you have with a fellow believer leave your gift there in front of the Altar and God wants to apologize with the one who is offended then after you have reconciled come.
Then after you reconcile come to the Altar and present your gift.
A lot of times as Believers when we are disconnected from God. It may be that we have something that we're blocking us in our heart.
You ever been angry at like they just angry at someone that you like like, you know, don't do this with your spouse your argument.
Father said you said to her she's pretty father. Why'd you send him?
There's something that we have to do first is to connect with God is that we have to get rid of these these things that block our hearts.
But let me tell you this he says he says leave your I don't. Look I don't want your worship.
Do you know God doesn't need your worship? I don't need you to say holy. Holy Tim. He doesn't need you to cry out to Ashley doesn't even need you to pray to him.
So he says if you remember something leave stop stop what you're doing. Don't go on and worship me don't go on and pray. Find that person reconcile it over in your heart and then come back to me. Because God knows he knows this that when you're like that you can't receive from him.
you can't
been your major wife mad. Literally never Angels guys were Angels, right?
Can you make your wife mad? Maybe you didn't take the garbage out or maybe you left the toilet seat up or down or maybe you switched a roll of toilet paper.
So there's this funny thing about the toilet season, okay. Are you know it's always men getting it like like you got to put the toilet seat down and then you meant to respond. Will you never leave it out for me?
That sounds like a serious man. Never forgets. Oh, man. You find yourself. In a moment of conflict you find yourself. In a moment of oh, man, we're going to heat it and then as mad, you know, we try to make up right. I mean guys try to make up first. Someone okay. Couple you guys do you have a really heated in and then all the sudden you try to give your wife a hug? He would do that. Oh, yeah, there's a bad honey. Just come here. Honey, I know I'm guilty.
We're in a heated argument right about the toilet seat. You know, we don't we we fight about really this is life-changing for some people. I don't like, honey.
Mister where I'm upset with you right now. I don't want nothing from you right now. No, I'm in my heart. I want to reconcile my babe look better at leaving the toilet seat down. What you like now? This is like the hundredth time. She knows the record. It was 2 a.m. In the morning.
Are you find yourself? Like I can't receive showing that state of mind that we all can get into you can't receive nothing. Make sure you come and say look, I'm sorry, dude. I'm listen when you say sorry. Don't call yourself an idiot. Okay, you heard that type of apology. I'm sorry, you put themselves down real low so that someone can receive no don't do that. You're not an idiot.
But sincerely, I'm sorry that I affected you in a negative way. I'm going to try to do better in my heart. So this so I can handle this but you can't receive do you know, that's the same way with God. Think about this you're mad at someone you got issues going on and you're going to worship and God like you can't even receive God's not saying don't worship. He saying you can't receive the goodness I have for you.
That was a poor out his goodness on you. That's why David Road goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life goodness and mercy can be following you. But how many people know you got a turn to receive it?
You know what? I mean? Do you know what you just heard me honey? Just come back and hug.
I'm persistent.
Yes, I am alive.
You know, my wife's middle name is Grace, right? So it's by the grace of God.
Skip a beat for that one. Did he?
Eventually, my wife's like okay, is she she how to steam for a while and I kind of went out and did something. She's like okay on this talk we become reconciled and then she can receive again. God says the same way in your prayer. And your life with me and your walk with me your day-to-day life with me. If you have issues don't come to me saying how holy I am deal with your heart.
This is the hardest thing for believers to do.
We don't really like talking about the heart. We prefer to just do good behavior instead of have a good way of being.
The insurance we can put on our happy face into good behavior.
During the week. Do we have a good Bean?
Behavior doesn't make you you make your behavior.
I think another scripture.
Another one in Matthew's 18:15 through 20, if your fellow Believers sends against you you must go to that one privately and attempt to resolve the matter if he responds. If you responds your relationship is restored, but if it's hard as close to you then go to him again told you man. You got to get persistent.
Taking one to two others with you. And usually the first time I go I go in alone like, you know, I got I can handle this and then she says no and then I'm like, oh God. He's like finally you're inviting me.
Ellie we go with Holy Spirit God and Jesus. I did it goes like this.
51 and 2 others with you You'll be fulfilling what the scripture teaches when it says every word may be verified by the testimony of two or three Witnesses. And if she refuses to listen, then share the issue with the entire church in hopes of restoration. Why do you share an issue with the church? Why do you share? Listen? If you're going to talk about something if you're going to share issues going on in your life with people with other people. The goal is restoration. The goal is reconciliation the goal. Is that ceiling that goes on Man, I'm so excited for the next couple of sermons were going to ask. Trump excited about this winter because listen that Jesus promises something. Do you know what that was? I think Rick knows what it is that in this life you will have.
In other translations in this life, you will have trouble. Uh, oh.
That we don't let the many will take many blessings many other things. Yeah, we said you have trouble. Let me let me change the word to something else in this life. You will have many conflicts.
I don't care what relationship you are. And there's going to be conflict. I'll prove it right God had a conflict with God. Why didn't you do that Lord, or why did you do that? Do this? Never been there? Come on, man. What's going on? It isn't God from but we have a conflict. Come on your marriage, right? Let me give her a conflict their parents and siblings me with children with about sibling rivalry, Zack and Nick. never
So there's joy to listen if there's conflict in every relationship. I want you to realize something when you're in a relationship with people with Believers and stuff and it doesn't matter who he was or not. There's a conflict there's going to be trouble this is going to be trials. But listen. Jesus made us a promise in Matthew 5
no closer to those who sweep it under the rug and act like it doesn't exist. Are you sure we can keep the peace? He's sure the peacekeepers is a people pleaser.
another word for a peacekeepers a people pleaser you're trying to please people so you're not going to ruffle anything. I got news for you. Sometimes you have to go to war to create. Peace.
It felt really good. Sometimes you have to start a war to create peace and we're like no. No, no, not at all. No, no, like when he goes off to Joe Joe's been running his mouth for chapters after chapters and got okay. I'm here. But you stand before me like a man because I'm requiring you to that that means we're going to have a talk. I'm coming down to your level now. And she was like no Oak Jose like you. What are the Kansas city morgue? No princes? Almighty, God and God's her singing. Where were you when I formed the world? Where were you when I held the oceans in the hollow of my hand. Can you string up the Leviathan? Can you do that I can.
I said that because sometimes we got to realize that we're going to have conflict in relationships, but God wants us to be peacemakers. not people Pleasers and peacekeepers
And everyone in here it's unnatural for us to run into conflict.
so natural what this scripture is telling us to run right into it.
I've been telling you to yield to the spirit, but what about you looking for the word of God having the absolute Authority in your life?
Cuz if he still refuses to respond disregarding The Fellowship of the church family, you must disregard him as though he were an outsider on the same level as an unprotected Center.
a scripture
Received this truth. Whatever you forbid on Earth will be considered to be forbidden in heaven. And whatever you release on Earth will be considered to be released in heaven. I get I give you an eternal truth if two of you agree to ask God for something in a symphony of prayer. My heavenly father will do it.
For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name. I'm right there with them.
Jesus is also signifying The Importance of Being in fellowship and relationship. Like Christianity was never meant to be a Lone Ranger thing. You never meet people to like I'm a Christian well for you and connect with no, I don't connect with anyone I go into the woods by myself and I have my church in the woods with the squirrels. When someone tells me that I'm like well we are a little nuts There's nothing wrong with walking in the woods and praying. I love doing that. There's a trail back there now, dude. I'm going to blaze that with some oil and every person that walks in this child. I need like a water gun to put it in so I can do it that way. It's a little bit easier. Yeah, man.
What Jesus does signifying is so important for you to be in relationship? Because listen when there's two of you to gather Jesus's I promise you or even three of you guys. I'm right here with you.
I'm going to reveal things to you. And also I'm there because I I mean an eternal truth that on the word of two to three Witnesses of thing will be established. Listen. We're two or three are gathered you guys can establish something and whatsoever you two when your unified agreed in heaven, you won't do binding on a North is bound in heaven.
Oh, yeah, someone got the drinker.
You guys to this is the reason why he doesn't want us people to be in relationship Unity going on. There's so much consistency. We learn how to not run from conflict. But learn how to manage conflict that we come together and be closer and we were built up more then to generate have been on Earth.
Oh my god, when you love to generate heaven on Earth.
So I'm at Walmart this week. And trust me. This wasn't my best weakness feeling kind of down feeling kind of self-condemned like tap at all these things up above my head looked at me and I made myself into this work headspace. I'm like to go out tomorrow. So then I'm like dude. I don't know. I'm tired to walk into Walmart. Do you know God is the best one to encourage you? Summit walk in the Walmart. I'm not even in Walmart. I'm going to go get some fruit and this lady is in my way.
Being me right now. This is funny and I'm going this way.
They can bring your way. Oh, yeah, so I'm practicing patience, you know, thank you Lord for the gift of patient. So it's a fruit not a gift. Yay. That means I have to produce it's not given freely.
Let me say that gifts are given freely fruit. You have to produce.
So if you can shock our Baba gay, but when you can show love even when you're feeling impatient, that's something produced within you. You asked me which one's greater. I don't think either or I think we need both and I think I need when I'm in that place to stay Chaka Baba off and then beginning a lot of that fruit of the spirit to come out. So then you know, I'm I finally can get to the blueberries from mechanical is I wouldn't get the blueberries and strawberries and I go again. person
infantry like okay and I like what I see. She blocked me from getting strawberries. It was like if the Browns had this defensive line.
So you're not practicing patience again, so I'm like, okay. Well if you're good. Trying to get my strawberries. Have you had the cherries a cherries are phenomenal this year their way over there. So I'm like there where we away from you.
I'm going to get some cherries. God bless you. I got to go get your own walking over to the Cherry place to get series, you know, and I'm thinking why are the cherries not with the grapes?
And it's ladies like oh my God. Are you a Pastor Mike?
Could you pray for me? I'm like, yeah, she's like I just lost my my grandson.
So the middle online start praying for this lady. I want to tell you personally I didn't have the best week. I don't like earlier that day. I saw what I did on June 3rd last year. I was at someone's car and I prayed for them and this woman literally or hand friend in front of us and her husband said oh my God because her hand was swollen and she had other issues going on their elbow and she gets miraculously healed right in front of the car. I don't know about you but I'm due for a lot people I should have killed when I hurt my leg God. Where are you?
He's like I'm in the hands of the doctor. Oh, man. I love Jesus do cuz he's always giving us a clearer picture of who he is. So, I'm at Walmart. I'm praying for this lady. Do you know that lady who kept getting in my way comes over and starts praying with us?
she comes over and starts praying with this isn't Brave and I'm praying and then the other one is like God's doing something big in her life, man, and I'm like, yeah your back while I'm
Immediately was like thank you for praying with his wow. I also said thank you God for putting bacon. Thank you for not allowing the donkey to go on top of my head.
You there? Cuz it was really cool. Cuz that was a moment forgot to something really cool in the middle Walk Hard. I was encouraging. And it's not going to have planned.
That's true.
That's true because you know if I would have just went if she wasn't there I would have got strawberries. I would have got blueberries and then I would have went to the barbecue section.
I would have missed the cherries and Bliss very some good cherries here.
Is it where they're playing together? And I didn't know she just came up like I'm going to pray with you guys is amazing that God's doing this.
But there's something rich what happens if I would have liked or get out of my way and exploded and walked in my flash and then she would have never told me about that. She was like, what's wrong with this guy. And then imagine. Hey Pastor, you're a pastor. Somebody Prayed For Me
Really cute eat the liver.
Good Lord.
Dexter to please Andrew this is found in Peter and I want to tell you this because this is what stops you from Prairie. And this is what blocks your prayers and this is for husbands and wives. Wise fit in with your husband's plans for then if they refuse to listen when you talk to them about the Lord they will be won by your respectful Behavior stop.
You know, you heard the statement you may be the head of the house behind the neck that turns the head. You heard that statement before? Hahaha. My mom said it to my dad wants his pretty good today.
Universal policy powerful statement you the other day ahead you absolutely are because guess what the Bible told me if I do Chase conduct in the King James or by your respectful Behavior, you can turn the head of your husband towards. Because this is your Godly lives will speak to them better than any words next scripture don't be concerned about the outward beauty that it's a jewelry and beautiful clothes or hair Arrangement beautiful inside and your hearts with this is not a sermon against makeup.
We're going to hairdressers. I adjusted this all kind of hair she does. Be beautiful inside in your hearts with lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit. That is so precious to God neck stretcher. That kind of Deep Beauty was seen in the only woman of old who trusted God and fit in with their husbands plan Sarah Frances obeyed her husband Abraham as the head of the house. And if you do the saying you'll be following in the steps like Goode daughters and doing what is right, then you will not need to fear offending your husband. You husbands must be careful. Missed your hug. You husband must be careful of your wives being thoughtful of their knees and Honore them as a weaker sex remembering that you and your wife are partners and receiving God's blessing. And if you don't treat her as you should your prayers will not get ready answers.
men Did you hear that list for women right but Men smell? She is isn't she she like how are you see that and you wonder why?
This man if you don't treat your wife's right if you don't bother them.
We're going to go into detail about more of this. Next month lease is your prayers are hindered. And your relationship with me God is like it centered. Cuz you're not cheating your wife's right? There's something so important about being in good relationships when you're praying and God bring something to your memory and you're like no I'm not going to deal with it was her fault his fault. It was their fault if they didn't if they shouldn't have got enough all that. Who is US can't receive from God because we're elevating but people did two was over with Christ did for us, hahaha.
You ever heard of a golden nugget that drops? So it was can't receive from God because we elevating what people did to us and not what Jesus did for us. And when you do that, you can't receive nothing from God because all you're going to see is the offense and you can't see Jesus hang and saying forgive them. They don't know what they're doing.
I don't know about you, but I know God forgive me a lot. Thank God there's a sea of forgetfulness. Could you imagine if God kept a record of every round you did? Could you imagine RJ dream with me for a moment, dude?
God is speaking to you today, sweetie, and you're not here.
But think about this man imagine God we keep a record of every wrong thing it is.
On a scale 1 to 10 how bad 13 He said I saw you you don't and it's whole list and you can't even far away from you as I possibly can and you know some of us. Deal with that girl lives we deal with that. We're like God I have you see all this list of what people and and you even did to yourself and it keeps you away from God. Could you imagine in prayer? Father I come before you now you're coming.
Didn't come like 2 minutes ago when you said this and that and then you did this.
I know I should have.
I mean really? Well, I'm here now better late than never.
Talk to you that way. Okay, you're right. I know.
If I were you you get to start playing Lord, and I thank you. Okay, it sounds better. Thank you for the breath. You gave me one day. I'm going to get it back from you.
You're really trying to connect with God. I think you like what will Papa I I just I just want to argue, you know. And you're trying to connect with them trying to honor him and next thing you know before you can say the next word you want to hurt me. You should do that two years ago before you did this. You are all over me. Can you do the bird too because she cut you off. I want it honoring.
Yeah, I think he doesn't keep a record like that. But how many of us do with other people?
someone comes to us all really Harden ourselves We Harden our hearts.
Thank you.
There is no,
Come on, man.
Yeah. Commandeered what that is called the voice of the accuser the accuser of the brethren in the Bible says he accuses the brother in day and night the only one who remembers your offenses that you did wrong towards God is Satan and maybe you because he reminds you of where you screwed up. Do you know hear me out here when you as Believers start doing that to other people you have partner with the Accuser.
Oh my goodness, when you as husbands and wives start doing that to each other you partnered with the voice of the Accuser.
Thank you, Frank. Yes.
That is the complete Pockets man. David's not here, but I see his dad. Do you know about septics right? You know how they can get a plumber so you buy trade, you know, they can get blocked up, right? Lots of it ain't good and someone has to do it. So they call you and you going with the tools. You're here. Probably praying. I don't know if I let this go down smooth. I am not in the mood for Old Faithful to come guys are not so your pray. I do. I don't know how.
Yeah, you know what? I'm talking about that.
It's a good life. Lord Jim. Let's just go down smooth. It's a lot of stuff blocking and I didn't ask you how she will get it Sunday that we don't know about wasting time with the little plunger and you're pray that that doesn't shoot back on you. I mean, come on. I've been there before I blocked a lot of toilets.
That's weird. But you know my uncle he was he was a Vietnam vet. And so you know how out there in the the jungle boy. You don't know how to use them the right amount to take one sheet. Otis Redding fold it again and then you fold it again. Take a 42-yard cuz it's bad. What you've learned when she's like this time, I'm telling you this because there's a way when what you should use your septic system for your toilet system. So you don't block it up. God is saying there's a way to handle the septic that comes into your life. So it doesn't block of your heart.
big slide
and now that would this word to all of you to be like One Big Happy Family full of symphony sympathy. Thank you toward each other loving one another with Tender Hearts and humble Minds. the only way that happens is when you and me learn to not hold things against people so tightly
I'm your pastor, but I'm going to screw up. I don't want to. But I will. When did I miss you the wrong thing and offend someone?
Talk to me.
And my people and you may offend me.
Give me say something mean to me when it's locked. ouch You're preparing it doesn't matter you sitting.
But I go back home. Cry a little my wife sick. Are you okay?
It sounds funny, but this is a true story.
I don't know man. We got real men then we can't hurry like babies to you. and so UNLV hard work you imagine doing a car Zack and hours and hours in this car and your soon-to-be wife looks at their card says what is that? Like that's my car it just built from scratch. You should have built it hurts.
movie some nice words Did you can produce a lot of good food?
What would we have to do as a community as a family of Believers as we have to be willing to go to something to Harry? I don't mind you being constructive. Please don't like like that that hurts. We have to be okay with doing that to one another less slide Andrew.
These are usually the steps in your prayer life is his papa. You want to go start with number one Papa. Thank you. What do you want to reveal after you get done with thanking God for who he is in your life. You need to ask his what do you want to reveal to me? And I'm not just talking about here is a encounter I'm talking about. What do you want to reveal about my relationship with you and with others? Where is the blockage at in my life? Which brings us to number two? Who do I need to forgive? Do I need to forgive God? What do I need to let go of what experience what bad experience am I allowing exhaust so big and over traumatized by it because I'm replaying it in my mind and I'm thinking about it and when no one's around him having conversations about it with myself.
Who do I need to forgive?
So I can be set free from my relationship with you. It's on is it is so free. number three What do I need to ask forgiveness for the Lord's Prayer? Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive others of their trespasses or debts or sends.
right through the liver also is forgiving yourself to Is that what do I need to ask forgiveness for who I need for you to forgive yourself? Sometimes you're you're being so critical of your own self that you are putting yourself in a cage and what you can't be free from Sometimes the worst critic in your life is you.
Is anything too hard for God?
Anything come on, let's answer this question. Your heart is anything too hard for God?
Come on, Frank.
Jess Jess do not make Jesus's blood or not what he's done for us what God can do through US bigger someone else or something else to be God in our life. Roll out a circumstance that happened to you when you were five you got in your life and you'll live from what happened when you were five years old for the rest of your life.
And what that tells me is that you're exalting. The Christmas present your mommy didn't buy you.
over the blood of Jesus
that's a tough one in there, but I really wanted that red truck. 12 by 12
That's what we do. He says I need you to I need you to come into agreement and say what do I need forgiveness forward and forward brings us into Holy Spirit. What do you want me to pray about? Sometimes you got to get to a place of not reading your prayer list. And after you ask Donny forgiving people always fear. What do you want me to pray for? What? Do you want me to pray for?
Who do you want to pray for? How should I pray for them? This is yielding right now. I'm about yielding to the principles and God's word.
Fifteen minutes of activation. That's all we need. It's all we need next flight Andrew Bird. Just 15 minutes guys, and then you're free to go.
Last time I had you partner up and pray for each other right remember that.
This time we are going to pray together as a church.
If we are going to change the world out there he has to First change the world in here.
This is how
everyone I want you guys is just beginning Just Close Your Eyes. That's a good tour of their Andrew does I know he does? I know.
Robbie does he play you play bass today, Robbie. Play drag race.
And Jim hi, Jim you could you guys give me some soft music. Just soft whatever you want to play. If you want to play with me you can. Every cool it's off 1 people to be relaxed.
When you guys begin to ask the father.
asking me Your Heart Lord
Who do I need to forgive?
Who do I need to release for my own hard prison?
It is you get someone I just want to see you put your hand. Don't be ashamed or if you get something put your hand up not going to ask you to come up to the mic and pray ft that person's name out. We're not going to do that.
And you may ask God what would I need to forgive some of you? Who said I didn't know I'm popped up and want you to ask God what negative experience do I need to let go off?
Show me maybe a family what happened during your childhood. So maybe. working with that boss
cuz you got that and I just want to lead you into letting it go.
Jesus I invite you in.
To this experience to this incident. And I applied your blood to it now. And I choose. of my own free will to forgive them to release this negative experience.
I choose to walk in you.
And I thank you.
Next I want you to place your hand on top of your head.
Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is your own self.
I want you to say your name to yourself.
Remind me Paul. Don't follow me here. I choose. of my own free will to forgive you. of every negative thought
a very harmful experience
did I did to myself?
And I released myself. by the blood of Jesus
and his word alone. from all guilt football shame condemnation and as a church group.
We bind. this. Accusation Uncle Spence right now in Jesus name
some of you did take me for a little lighter. So you may feel like wow who you may not feel nothing. That's okay doesn't mean that it didn't work because we walk by faith not by feelings.
I should doing this. But if you would practice is in your day-to-day life, you would fine. There's less things causing blockage in your life.
Now that we have blank did that.
I'm going to open the my cap for prayer. We got 56 minutes prayer as a community, whatever God places on your heart. I want you to come together. I want you to come up and prayed over the community. It could be about our nation. It can be about this Lord Thomas start off you guys ready? And are you guys going to be in agreement with me here? Right cuz Jesus said where two or three are gathered. In honor of his name. Keaton and bats and whatsoever. We ask he'll do it. I'm going to hold him to that word so cute. Sapulpa in the name of Jesus. We thank you. We honor you Jesus. The Lord my heart's Bernie right now that you would like Unleashed a wave of refreshing over your people Unleashed a word into their hearts Lord. Encourage us God and we thank you for doing it Lord You're Holy Spirit father asking a Revival in this area. That can't be stopped that makes the factories and everything in the business is shut down for a week because of God's in the land. Ask you for something only you can do and we're believing for together as a congregation that many sons and daughters come into the kingdom Lord. And that disciples are made. That go out and make more disciples.
to start a fire in our souls Lord I let it burn for this. are we thank you for Benji
Lord Jesus you've brought us together here at restoration Chapel as a very diverse group of people and you did that on purpose to bring us together to be a bright light to this region to Northeast, Ohio where there are people who have not heard what it is to follow Jesus the Lord the past two weeks my prayer for restoration Chapel has been that we could come together and be United and today Pastor Taps talked about that because Lord your desire when you're sharing with your disciples those important words you wanted to hear right before you knew what would happen to you the next day that you be tried and you be crucified. Disciples didn't know it but you keep telling him be United work together guys. That's how the world around you will know there's a difference in you. Or just my prayer for us that we have that privilege of working together here and being united. Largest one man from this community shared two years ago when he followed Jesus to his Bishop when the bishop said, why would you follow that Jesus why you're doing what you're doing. The man said look those people work together better following Jesus. We can't work together or communicate. We don't get along with the group in the next District are in the next Church. They're working together. What can you say against them are working together toward me that BS maybe be able to let you only way to know that they're going to heaven people who right now are told they cannot know they're going to happen if there's no way to know they're going to happen and they're literally kicked out their church because they know they're going to happen if they say that they're not as they're told you're gone. Lord may we be that bright light may we allow those little things that irritate us to no longer irritated so we can smile and just say hey we can work together because you brought us together and God thank you for bringing us together as a diverse group of people you have done that because that's going to be the strength of what this church is to this community diversity working together in unity. Thank you for that God. Thank you for sharing with us. Today was been on my heart that we can work together and we're trusting you Jesus for that and we're looking forward to a Jesus that you sent people here one by one by one by one your spirit is being poured out in this region Lord. I've seen it. And Lord, I'm seeing it happen in the community. There's people waiting to be loved. There's people who are so hurt that don't even know how to receive love and they're going to hurt his back when we show him love cuz they're going to be unable to receive it. It may we keep showing love even when they're kind of kicking and hitting because they don't know how to take it but they still need it. We love him Lord, even when it hurts there could be others that just able to take it. So easily Lord may we be ready to give it to them? I've seen both Lord in the past month. And there's many more waiting to be loved and you're going to send him. Maybe we should church family. Say yes Lord. We're here and we're willing willing Lord. Thank you Lord that we can be a church family together, and we love you. God and attorney. Thank you. God Amen.
Father God I lift all the marriages to Lord. I'll ask for your protection over the marriages of of all that we know and I ask that you would bless those marriages Lord. and just used the love that spouses have for one another when they don't have any love left love through each of us Lord love through the wife or the husband and husband for the wife. That's my prayer. Thank you Father.
Pray that we live up to our name reservation Chapel. I pray that we
allow every single person to walk through that door. You don't have to be perfect. You. To be amazing, but you have to walk through that door.
We have to reach out to people to get them to walk through that door and show them how we live our lives.
Encourage them to walk through those doors so that they can hear what they need to hear.
Father Jesus Holy Spirit. I just getting a real sense father that you're calling us to be unified in the spirit. unified as a body of Christ story is so much division in this world and so much. It's just I can cut it with a knife Lord. I just father we need Restoration in this community and healing from all that's happened in our nation and even in church ward. righteousness peace Joy That's the kingdom of God Lord. That's how your church should be. Lured to Spring us United. In this body of Christ Lord, we just thank you Lord. We love you in Jesus name.
Papa as we leave this place. We are so you continually stirring us. Working on us and lead us help us to be spiritually practical people. 4 live by your spirit filled by your spirit, but do things in practical ways to reach people. According to your word and leading and we ask this in Jesus name the Lord and let your face shine on us let your spirit overflow in US. I'll let your word be made real to us and in us the mighty name of Jesus. We all said amen. I love you guys.