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Colossians 3:12–17 (LEB)
12 Therefore, as the chosen of God, holy and dearly loved, put on affection, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, 13 putting up with one another and forgiving one another. If anyone should have a complaint against anyone, just as also the Lord forgave you, thus also you do the same.
14 And to all these things add love, which is the bond of perfection. 15 And the peace of Christ must rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body, and be thankful.
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another with all wisdom, with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God, 17 and everything whatever you do in word or in deed, giving thanks for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus to God the Father through him.
In this life we have trials as believers everything don’t always go as you would like them to with friends, family members, I would say strangers but I don’t meet them just people I have met yet. Amen. Along our journey we tend to get bumps and bruises from time to time. In relationships, friendships, and day to day encounters. So I just came to encourage you today. To Don’t Stunt your Growth.
Forgiveness is paramount to our faith as believers. The key to forgiving others is remembering how much God has forgiven you. Is it difficult for you to forgive someone who has wronged you a little when God has forgiving you for so much? Realizing God’s infinite love and forgiveness can help you love and forgive others. Let God worry about the wrongs you’ve suffered Don’t quench your life in bitter feuding ; live life renewed in love and joy.
Paul offers a strategy to help us live for God day to day, all the virtues that He encourages us to develop are perfectly bound together in love. As we clothe ourselves with these virtues, the last garment we put on is love, which holds all of the others in place. To practice any list of virtue will lead to distortion fragmentation and stagnation. Christians should live in peace. To live in peace does not mean that suddenly all differences of opinion are Eliminated, but it does require the loving Saints work together despite their differences. Such love is not a feeling but decision to meet each others needs. As believers we should be building bridges not walls.
The reason I believe the Holy Spirit put this in my heart is because when I’m talking to different people I keep getting the same outcome. We can’t let go of some stuff talking about things that paralyze our upward mobility or moving period. The only people we hurt is ourselves by not progressing staying stagnate. Not to mention stunting our spiritual growth not being able to fulfill the plan God has for our lives. Holding on to hurt from our childhood not liking someone cause you didn’t get along holding to every word that they said. Who report are you going to believe God’s or the world social media beef what someone said in the chat room. When you get up in the morning do you praise God first or check your phone. I’m just speaking on it because your spiritual health depends on it.
Paul offers in this text a strategy 1. Imitate Christ’s compassionate, forgiving attitude. 2. Let love guide your life. 3. Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart. 4. alway be thankful 5. Keep God’s Word in you at all times. Live as Jesus Christ’s representative.
To put on love leads to peace between individuals and among the members of the body of believers. Consider what can you do to heal those relationships. Paul also explains that we must decide between conflicting elements by using the rule of peace. Which choice will promote peace in your soul and in our churches. To increase you thankfulness, take inventory of all you have in relationship, memories, abilities and family.
Close Declare today thanks, faith and hope day Doing everything in the name of the Lord Jesus means bringing honor to Christ in every aspect and activity of daily living. As a Christian in every aspect you represent Christ at all times wherever you go and whatever you say. What impression do people have of Christ when they see you? What change would you make in your life in order to honor Christ.