Encouragement: Good God, Good Suffering
Encouragement to Foreigners: 1 Peter, Message 13
1 Peter 4:12-19
ETS: Peter encouraged his readers to rejoice in their trials knowing that it has a positive outcome.
ESS: We, as believers, ought to rejoice in our trials which come with a positive end for us.
OSS: [MO: Supportive] {SO: I want the hearers to trust that God is working positively in their life, even amidst trials.
PQ: What support can we gain from this passage?
UW: Support
Intro.: Three questions: 1) Who is hurting this morning? (Spiritually, emotionally) 2) Who is exhausted this morning? (Spiritually, emotionally) 3) Who needs support this morning? (Spiritually, emotionally)
There is support to be gained this morning for you.
TS: Let us examine together the support we gain through studying this passage:
You are not alone in your suffering. (v. 12)
Do not be surprised...
Suffering is a normal part of the Christian life. 1 Cor. 10:13 affirms that we are not alone in our suffering- for ages, believers have suffered and struggled, but for ages, God has been faithful. He will ALWAYS be faithful.
You are blessed in your suffering. (vv. 13-15)
But (or instead) rejoice...
Suffering that results from living a life of faith in Jesus is something that brings blessing from God. The word used here communicates that a special “unusual fullness of the presence of the Holy Spirit to bless, to strengthen, and to give a foretaste of heavenly glory.” (Grudem, notes under 4:14 in Logos).
Note, though, that Peter implies (rightly so) that God’s blessing does not rest upon every kind of suffering (such as described in v. 15, suffering resulting from sin) but only the unjust suffering for bearing His name (as in the context of the readers).
You are in good hands when you suffer according to God’s will. (vv. 16-19)
Let him not be ashamed…let him glorify God...
God is the all-knowing (omniscent), all-powerful (omnipotent), all-present (omnipresent) God. He is sovereign. His will, even in suffering, for you, is GOOD. We have to trust this.
Romans 8:1; 28 reminds us that in Christ, we are not condemned as believers; it also reminds us that God has our best interest in mind. God is good; thus the suffering willed by God is good.
Think about Joseph. Man, he could not win for losing… so it seemed. He won, though, because his suffering was willed by God, the good God who had his best interest in mind: Gen. 50:20 supports that God, who is good, intended good for Joseph. This is only one example, but Scripture is replete with examples of individuals who endured good suffering that was willed by a good God.
CONCLUSION: We must acknowledge that God is good and that there is nothing bad in Him. The suffering we encounter and endure here, He intends for the good of us. We must entrust ourselves to a faithful Creator while doing what is good. What hinders you from trusting your WHOLE life to this good and faithful Creator, God?