Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
Point #1: Lazarus is Critically Ill and Jesus Does Something Curious…He Waits Two Days!
This statement is ironic. Jesus’ power and obedience to the Father were displayed, but this event led to His death (cf. 11:50–53), which was His true glory (17:1).
Point #2: Lazarus Dies, Then Jesus Chooses to Go to Him!
TS: Continuing in John 11:17
Point #3: Jesus says, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. The One Who Believe in Me, Even if He Dies, Will Live.”
This climactic miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead was Jesus’ public evidence of the truth of His great claim, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Death is the great horror which sin has produced (Rom. 5:12; James 1:15). Physical death is the divine object lesson of what sin does in the spiritual realm. As physical death ends life and separates people, so spiritual death is the separation of people from God and the loss of life which is in God (John 1:4). Jesus has come so that people may live full lives (10:10). Rejecting Jesus means that one will not see life (3:36) and that his final destiny is “the second death,” the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14–15).