Family Dynamics
What does it means to obey?V1
What does it means to obey?V1
I. DUTIES OF CHILDREN TO PARENTS. 1. Children owe to their parents an inward affection and regard. Their obedience should flow from love, gratitude, and esteem.
2. Children are to honour their parents by external tokens of respect.
3. Children are to obey the just commands of their parents.
4. Children are not only to obey the express commands of parents while under their authority, but to receive with decent and humble regard, the instructions, counsels, and reproofs which they may see fit to communicate afterward.
5. Children are to remember, and, if there is occasion, also to remunerate, the favours they have received from their parents.
What does it mean to Honor? V2-3
What does it mean to Honor? V2-3
which is … promise—The “promise” is not made the main motive to obedience, but an incidental one. The main motive is, because it is God’s will (De 5:16, “Honor thy father and mother, as the Lord thy God hath COMMANDED thee”); and that it is so peculiarly, is shown by His accompanying it “with a promise.”
first—in the decalogue with a special promise. The promise in the second commandment is a general one. Their duty is more expressly prescribed to children than to parents; for love descends rather than ascends [BENGEL]. This verse proves the law in the Old Testament is not abolished.
This promise is always fulfilled, either literally, or by the substitution of a higher blessing, namely, one spiritual and eternal (Job 5:26; Pr 10:27). The substance and essence of the law are eternally in force: its accidents alone (applying to Israel of old) are abolished
(Ro 6:15)15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!
Do not provoke your ChildrenV4
Do not provoke your ChildrenV4
IIn first-century Greco-Roman society, fathers—as the head of the household—had complete authority within the household to administer discipline. Paul advises them to avoid exercising that authority in ways that might cause their children to harbor resentment. Paul is advocating for fathers treating their children with kindness, which would have been unexpected for Graeco-Roman society; he is arguing that parents treat their children as Christ would.
Paul teaches parents a different approach. They are not to use their power to oppress or to discourage their children. They are to show their children the love of God and give them the training of Jesus.
Conclusion:So Paul teaches that Christian marriages and families are to be marked by respect and love, obedience and encouragement. Christian homes are to be places of acceptance and training. Jesus is the key to loving discipline—and the perfect example of obedient love.