The Kingdom
There was a misunderstanding of the kingdom, and what it was. The pharisees were looking for a time when God would rule on earth, setting up his kingdom. Because that is what we see in the Old Testament.
Have you ever seen mountains, how they all look like they are right in front of you, but as you get closer, you see that they are spaced apart. That is what the OT prophecies are like. There was a depth to them.
Now they are looking for God to be ruling in the world. (For one, that had been happening. The lepers were just healed.) But Jesus is pointing out that they are looking for the mountains farther back and missing the ones right in front of them.
The Kingdom is in Your Midst
The Kingdom is in Your Midst
The kingdom isn’t about a physical location, but it’s about Jesus Christ.
Where He is, the kingdom is present.
The kingdom was being shown, in the lives of the lepers, it was shown in feeding the 5 thousand.
After the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in us, the kingdom is shown in the lives of those who live not for themselves, but for Jesus.
It was shown in power when Peter who had denied his Lord on while Jesus was going to the cross, boldly stands and tells others of the saving faith that they need to place in Jesus.
It is shown in the lives of all the apostles, who spread out through the land proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord. Who all except John faced horrific deaths but courageously stood their ground not willing to deny their Lord and savior.
It is shown in the lives of Christians who wouldn’t say Caesar is Lord, but accepted death knowing only Jesus is Lord.
It is shown in missionaries who willingly leave their homes and places of comfort so seek out the lost, wherever they may be.
The kingdom had come with Jesus Christ in relational reality. It exists wherever the lordship of Jesus is acknowledged in repentance, faith, and new obedience.
Wherever people live for the king, the kingdom of God is being shown.
This is why Jesus says that the kingdom of God is in you.
Charles Spurgeon asked: “I wonder how many Christian people could have their biographies condensed to this line, He lived to make Christ known?”
Paul expressed this in:
Galatians 2:20
20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
I have died to myself.
Everything I do now, is not for me, but for God. To make Him known.
My life is now dedicated in living for the kingdom.
What citizenship are you living for?
In your daily activities, how much of what you do is for heaven, and how much is for here and now?
Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily activities, that we forget what is really important.
Seen By All
Seen By All
The kingdom coming in power, the final consummation. These are the mountains in the distance that are now present.
v.22-24, as lightning flashes
The second coming will be seen and heard by all.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
The voice of an arch angel, arch being first. The voice of the Seraph shake the foundations of the temple. Are you ready to hear the voice of and arch angel?
A trumpet of God!! The long blast of a trumpet!
Then the dead come out of their tombs!
Then we are caught up in the air with Him.
The Kingdom now isn’t seen by all, but the one that is yet to come. That will be amazing and all will see it!!
Jesus is warning them, don’t fall for heresies.
This is speaking of the time of the anit-Christ.
Many will follow Him, The bible even says that God will send a strong delusion so that those who don’t know Him will follow the lie.
Take Some By Surprise
Take Some By Surprise
v.27, 28
They were going about their normal lives.
They had no concern of God, but only to do what they desired. To eat, drink, go to work. They didn’t care about God.
The people were focused on building their own kingdoms and not the kingdom of God.
What does your daily routine look like?
Are you focused on living for your own kingdom, or for God’s kingdom?
Do you realize that God is the one in control, that He is still on the throne?
Do you desire to spend time with Him, Do you desire to see others come to know Him.
When Jesus returns it will be a time of joy for some, and a time of dread for others.
In the days that Jesus was describing, no one looked and saw the wickedness around them.
No one saw the impending judgement or recognized their need for repentance.
Joy if you are living for the Lord, serving Him, looking foreward to His return.
A time of dread if you don’t live for Him. If you only care about yourself.
Don’t Desire This World
Don’t Desire This World
When I was 15, I didn’t want Jesus to come back until I could drive. Or maybe even until I could get married.
Are their things in this world that you value more than the kingdom?
Jesus is warning, don’t go back for the things that you desire. Don’t turn back like Lot’s wife, where she remembered all the good she had in this world.
We need to be people who have a love for God, a desire for Him!!
Then the things in this world won’t matter, because they can’t compete with our greatest desire, GOD!!
Citizenship is Singular
Citizenship is Singular
A husband and wife. They share everything in their life.
This doesn't mean that one will be saved by their relation to the other.
Two co-workers. They discuss things all the time. Spending absurd amounts of time together.
They will not be saved by the faith of the other.
You must have a personal walk, a personal relationship with Jesus, not based on another.
The good news is that if you aren’t living for the kingdom, if you aren’t a citizen of the kingdom. It is free for you. But you must become a citizen yourself.