Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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So I put on my slides, when I was studying for this week that we were going to do pergamus and diet.
Tyra both, today.
We're going to finish up.
Yeah, I know we're not going to do that.
So I was a little ambitious there.
You can't hear me.
Can we get more volume back there?
Okay, we can I'm sure they can.
Give us more volume.
There we go.
All right.
Let's pick up in verse 12. That's probably a little too much, get a ring there.
Take it down to Peter and to the angel at the church and prove them, right?
The one who has the sharp two-edged sword says this.
I know where you dwell where Satan's Throne is and you hold fast my name and did not deny my faith, even in the days of Antipas, my witness, my faithful one who was killed among you received Wells, but I have a few things against you because you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching, balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel to eat things sacrificed to idols and commit acts of immorality.
So, you also have some who in the same way, hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans, therefore, repent, or else I'm coming to you quickly and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth.
He who has an ear.
Let him hear what the spirit says, to the churches to him who overcomes, I will give some of the Hidden Manna, and I will give him a white stone and a new name written on the stone, which no one knows, but he who receives it Heavenly Father.
We thank you.
Lord that we can come together and study your word freely to Worship You freely Lord this morning.
As we look to this passage of scripture where you are speaking to you at the church, but I just pray this morning that you would fill up the ground of our hearts Lord, then it would be ready to receive your word Lord and I just pray especially this morning that we would apply the power of your Holy Spirit Lord that we would be tuned to hear what you're saying.
But I just pray that this word this morning, that might be a little hard for some or that we'd allow you to do your work in our heart.
And so we just invite you to have your way in and Among Us this morning.
We thank you in Jesus name.
As we have been going through this, it is the book with a promise.
Are you ready to be blessed this morning?
Every time we open the Book of Revelation, we can be sure that we will be blessed for me, read it, and hear it, and keep it.
It's also the only book that really comes with its own Divine outline, laid out for us and Darren Verse 18.
And we are in that section talking about the church.
The things that are right in the chapter 2 and 3 of The Book of Revelation.
And this time span started, as we talked about last week, when Israel.
When Christ came as Messiah and he rode into Jerusalem as prophesied, by the Prophet, Daniel in Daniel chapter 9, that he would come.
And he did on the exact day prophesied and what that he would be cut off, but not for himself.
Another words not on his own, for what he had done.
But on the behalf of someone someone else and that basically stopped the time clock when Christ died on the cross that stopped God's dealing with Israel.
In fact, that was their chance at that moment.
Had they seen it and it tells us there that Jesus looked over the city of Jerusalem before he rode in and he wept over the city and he said I would like to gather you up like a mother.
Hen gathers, his chips, but you won't have it and so because they had missed the day of his visitation and so the clock stopped, but, of course, we know from our Study last week that there's another seven years still waiting to be fulfilled.
It hasn't come to pass yet.
It is yet to be fulfilled of dealing with the people in the land of Israel, very specific.
And Daniel chapter 9 and who he's talking about his talking about the place of Israel.
But what about the the interim?
Well, the Old Testament prophets didn't see this age, the church H.
They missed it.
It was like a dip in their View and they couldn't see that.
All they saw was Christ coming to rule and reign victoriously as the FED with physical Kingdom.
I didn't see this area called The Church, which the Apostle Paul said, was a mystery.
It wasn't revealed to the Jews in the Old Testament.
It was something that was hidden from them.
It was alluded to in places but really obscured, right?
This idea that Jews and Gentiles could form this entity known as the church together was completely foreign to the Jews.
They couldn't believe the God would do anything for the Gentiles.
They believed that the Gentiles were put on Earth, just as firewood to keep the hell's of fire hot.
That's route.
Literally went many of them believed and so So they didn't see the church Jesus.
In verse 19 of chapter 1 of The Book of Revelation.
He referred to it as a mystery as well as mysterious.
It's this kind of strange thing where people from every tribe.
Every Nation, every tongue become one in the body of Christ and the are presented to him as his bride.
A very mysterious thing that only God could do it.
So we're looking and we're studying the, The Book of Revelation in end of three different ways.
Course, we talked a lot about it and I'm not going to go into too much death, but we're looking at it in the historical grammatical literal contact or who hermeneutic and end in the three perspectives, right?
How When it comes to the churches to you as ear, let him hear that.
Is he who has a spiritual ear to hear what Jesus is saying to the church personally?
Do you have a spiritual ear to hear what Jesus is saying to you?
And these letters personally do we as a church corporately, like the church, the body of Christ.
Do we have an ear to hear Whitney's corporately as a church?
And then of course, what he saying prophetically about it because remember chapter 1 verses 1 and 2. It's a very clear Apostle.
John says, this is a book of Prophecy foretelling.
What will happen to prophetically?
Are we looking at this in that context, as well?
So that's how we're going to study this.
And we're looking at the church in all those ways.
How does it apply to us personally, but we're also going to look at it in the timeline of the church is so the different ages of the church, the different kind of epics of the church as how it has progressed from the beginning.
Acts chapter 2, Holy Spirit fell, the church was formed that day 3,000 people.
And how the church has progressed through to where we are today.
That's we're going to look at all that.
So we started on this journey, and I'm going to do a little bit of review but not a ton.
For those of you who haven't been here.
There are now I think five or six teaching to the Book of Revelation you go out to our YouTube channel and watch them there or get online and on the app and listen to him.
So the church in Ephesus, again, I'm not going to go to in-depth.
We looked at this, they are.
They opposite Dalek Church.
They are the, the beginning of the church, and the church in Ephesus was like the perfect prime example of this, right?
This is the church that the Apostle John himself ended up at, after you left, the Isle of Patmos and he lived out his days here.
So he knew these people well and
Now, I also told you last week, that each of these churches, Jesus talked about because each of them have certain characteristics that are part of what makes up the church and Jesus.
In his parables in Matthew Chapter 13.
They were the kingdom Parables if you remember that, right?
He came.
And he was teaching about a kingdom and I thought about it.
They didn't get it because it was talking about a different kind of Kingdom than they were expecting.
They were expecting him to come in.
Raise up, an army drive out the Romans and establishes physical Kingdom as Messiah ruling over a nation state of Israel.
That's what they were expecting.
And then he came along and he started proclaiming that the kingdom of God is at hand.
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