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"So, Why do we worship"  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:08
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Crazy. Praise the Lord church. This morning scripture reading will be taken from Psalms 150. Praise, ye the Lord. Praise God. In his Sanctuary. Praise Him. In the firmament of his power. Praise him. For his mighty acts, Praise Him. According to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet. Praise him with the summary and harp, praise him with the tremble. And Dan, praise him with string instruments and organs. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals. Praise Him upon the high-sounding symbols Sixth and final. Let everything that has breath. Praise the Lord, the Lord, amen.

Thank you, superintendent. Hallelujah, praise the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Welcome, welcome, welcome, Hallelujah. I don't know if any of you remember him but he graced us with his word. Hallelujah. For pasta for men Sunday, praise the Lord, praise the name of Jesus. And the hair is it the first time you were here?

Oh okay okay praise the Lord but me would like to honor you so we would give you a moment just to tell us what's been going on with you. Hallelujah and just blast us today. I don't know if you're saying or your sister thing but we would love to hear from you both. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, in the name of his Imperial Majesty. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Every time I turn around Yeah. Mike Rd bless us through covid-19 line, Church's Rising Stars, top country. I greet you in order name, boats, in the name of Jesus bishop and First Lady Bird, I want to get to your butt. What time is now? Hallelujah. Amen. Praise for morning. Hallelujah. On this manner is not going to be free and parents of the Living. God surround me. Oh my God. I just being a power Mighty God is here.

Current you now in Jesus name. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord.

Bless the Lord, hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Charged. So we bring you greetings from Kings Chapel death in Hartford today. We just felt like going out and visit in charge and no snow and it's a heavy anointing. So, I do. Thank you guys to welcome us with open arms and I hope you have a blessed. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the name of Jesus. Praise the name of Jesus. Thank you. Lord! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah. Thank God for Jesus and what he has done what he promised to do, walk with us, talk with us even to the end of the Earth. Hallelujah, praise the name of Jesus brother. Chris, are you ready for us? What time is it? Is it time offering time. Praise the name of Jesus. Hallelujah, minister of Music. Hallelujah.

You've been in the storm. It seems like forever.

Night of confusion. Last Dance.

Just hold on to Jesus.

And ride up. Just don't

I don't know. Just don't know.

Miss you.

You may not feel it with you.

And ride out your storm.

Just remember, this is from.

Do you know how?

All right, come on.

Do do song.

Glad you're mine.

Does hold on to Jesus and ride.

Ride out your storm.

He is there with you.

You may not be you not alone.

But your answer is coming. Just hold on to Jesus and ride.

Just hold on to Jesus.

And ride out your storm.

That in the word right there. Hold on to whatever you're going through. Hold on, your answer is coming. Hold on, hold on. It's on the way. Hallelujah.

But your morning is coming.

Hold on to Jesus.

And ride out your storm.

Good morning is coming.

Gigi's Playhouse.

And ride up there or so.

Cardinal, but Johnson is coming. He man is coming to lemnos is coming. Is coming. Hallelujah.




You have to go.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you, Lord.

But you're cold.

Check your temperature. Thank you, Lord. Runner-up. Miss, Hallelujah. You can just come and bring on the man of God this morning.

Praise the Lord. Can you expand this morning, please?

It is time for. The word to be preaching to you. And at this time, I would like to introduce to you the pastor of this church. And He's a wonderful man of God, we all know him. So no need to add any more, but I do and I do enjoy being under his pastoral Ministry and Leadership. How do you say electing the juice? You bought the birch? Pastor, Steven brought you the shepherd of this house and Church on 19th to Pastor like to introduce to you. The congregation that the Lord has blessed you, with just continue to do what the Lord would have you to do. And say what the Lord. Hallelujah.



Praise the Lord.

Come on in the room. Come on in the room. Jesus.

Need a ride.

Why don't the room?

You're right solo.

You know there's joy in this room know. Yeah.

Oh yeah, there is still Joy.

Iran soleimani.

Oh yeah.

Bruised ribs.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh yes. Oh yes, Hallelujah. Today I tell you, we woke up this morning feeling in church today.

You know, it if you're not going to be on the first or second card is trained, you just make sure you grab the Caboose before it's gone by hallelujah. Hallelujah.


man, let me keep on going with the Amman. Now I tried, you know, lady pieces, I want to get out of church on time today.

A man who praise the Lord. So, why do we worship everybody? Let me go way back and referred was an anointed angel. Created to leave the angels. To worship God. But understand worship, we have to go away scripture.

What will also find out? Why the devil hates us so much? Then why he's doing everything in his power to try to stop us from worshipping our Lord and savior.

Alright, Lucifer means Daystar. Son of the morning.

You see, we know Lucifer, the Fallen the disgraced Archangel of God, but most people don't know him before his downfall.

Lucifer was a magnificent. Wisp ug. Unique Ministry. Lucifer was one of the three yards paying tools mentioned in scripture. He was created by God, why God just has all the Angels, but his role was different. He was referred to as the hovering game show. Just as determined covered The Mercy Seat. Of where the Ark of the Covenant. Lucifer was established by God to be the angel of worship Ezekiel. 28-14 said, he was created by God to dwell eternally in the throne room of heaven. And in the very presence of God,

And according to Ezekiel 28:13, he was amazing to behold. You were the Seal of perfection full of wisdom, perfect. In Beauty. You were in Eden, the Garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering the Sergeant's, the topaz, the diamond, Onyx and Jasper, Sapphire, turquoise Emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipe was prepared for you on the day you were created, can you just imagine seeing this being of glitter and beauty?

To dwell in the awesome presence of the perfect and holy God. You see, Lucifer had to be perfect.

There was nothing. I said there was nothing plain about Lucifer. He fit the name, son of the morning. He was A step above all the other archangels, not only a terrorist, but an insolent. This wisdom far exceeded all of the other Angelic beings. He understood the ways of God. What do surfers? Beauty did not last forever.

You see what ministering to God. He started thinking about his own position of prominence. He became prideful believing that he deserved more. Isaiah 14 tells us of the fall of them. Mikey Lucifer. And his fall from the heights of Heaven.

We now know him as the genomic creature that he is today, how you were falling from Heaven, old Lucifer, son of the morning. For you have said, in your heart, I will Ascend to Heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit down on the Mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north. I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high. A man. you see, Lucifer had wisdom, he had Beauty, he had the ability, he had perfection,

Water to be worshipped. Like our Lord and savior God.

But understand this today. God does not share his glory North.

Learn. So before Lucifer had the chance to try to convert heaven to worship himself. Instead of God shammgod, the man, man.

Ever since. He's been constantly attempting to impose, the mighty plan of God.

Lucifer's name, son of the morning was given to a far more deserving individual. The son of God, Jesus Christ is called the bright and Morning. Star is this in Revelation, 22:16 of God, that many thinking claim. There is no getting in. There is no Yanks there is no balance between God and Satan's daughter. So you have to make guns in Satan being the ultimate badge is not the opposite of God know that.

He's an Angelic being was created by God. He was created by gods to worship God who lost his level of perfection.

He lost his level of Glory because he attempted to convert one third of Heaven's angels to worship him. Instead of God, he was created to worship. Pride over took his heart and I hope you're looking deep within yourself today. Since custom everything. He was it still is reduced Beyond any creature or spirit in heaven and on Earth and it is only through the deceit and lies that he gains a foothold in the people's lives of today, understand something. Pride pride Talent.

so, if you are talented, Shut the door. On Pride, someone who has a wonderful talent. I can sing better than you. I can play better than you. Can preach better than you. I can win this war dogs better than you.

Lucifer was able to do something for God, that God could not do for himself, and that is to worship himself. Since Lucifer was able to do something that I don't even, God could do.

It was the only thing.

He became prideful. Pull up ride. And then, Lucifer became rebellious. He tried to get the other Angels, the hop, on board, his train.

And when he did this, the scriptures say that you fell from heaven like lightning. No time for repentance no. Second chances for him, no opportunities in heaven.

No glory. On his belly. No opportunity to create more damage in heaven. Before God and man both spiritually. And physically.

There was no telling. How long. Was without worship.

Then Adam was created.

And with Adam, the human race. The Bible teaches us that Adam taught his sons to worship. From the day Adam was created. He was the object of God's affection. God's worship and praise of God. Lutheran first worship was not heartfelt. His worship only came out of obedience. And not from his hearts.

Play not to please God. But the police himself. He saying not to bless the Lord, but the bless himself. Sounds good. Don't I look good?

Are you watching me? Do you see how wonderful I am?

What you see if I redeem to mankind. Appraise them from their hearts and man and man because he is our savior.

Because he's our savior, we would wash. we will worship him not because we are commanded to

What we choose to worship him, we worship him because he gives us joy, we worship them, we worship him because it's our privilege.

We worship him because we can know the joy. It brings him when we worship Him. John 24, John 4, 23, and 24, ft, our coming and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and Truth or the father seeks to worship him, he see, God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit. And in truth worship doesn't come from our sinful Act of God. It comes from the deep pit of our souls man.

I wanted you to take. if there's anyone who God has been good to, I want to hear today. If anyone here has been blessed by God,

I was lost and I was old.

I don't deserve his grace. I'm not good enough to stand in his presence.

Dirt bike, riding my Russia. Man, I just want to tell you this morning. I just want to tell you this morning.

You Don't Know What You Got. Till It's Gone.

I know how many times we had Parents. Tell our kids that I know how many times our friends tell us as adults man. You got a good and you just want to go and mess it all up.

It's no wonder.

Lucifer's, such a miserable p.

Aren't you glad for the opportunity to worship your lord and savior today? Hey, you may want to know the devil doesn't like you.

You may want to know the devil he wants to destroy you.

because God would rather hear you are crazier than his

You see, God doesn't want to see. Old worn-out. He doesn't want any. I don't know if you heard me. God doesn't want to hear?

God wants you to hear your loving phrase.

The Bible says he inhabits the Praises of his people. And I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be a worshipper my pastor. I am a worship before, I am a father before, I am a husband, I am a worshipper, we need to be worse. If we want, we want to worship through our hearts. We want to worship through my sickness.

Man. And on the day that I die. You all won't be here in My Worship anymore. I'll be taking my worship to the throne room of Heaven.

Lord, I am not worthy to be there.

See, I don't expect you to understand why I'm so emotional. When I talk about this.

But I notice.

If you let him. if you really watch him, if you really want him,


Take that pain. A Reason To Worship.

DJ business license and then he's an amazing God almighty God and I love him.

When do we worship Him?

We worship Him.

How do you get back? We worship. God, we worship Him brother. Chris, we worship him cuz he is our healer who do you worship him? Cuz he is, cuz he makes,

We worship Him. Cuz God enjoys our worship.

if you want to feel, And I said, if you want to see if you want to feel the presence of God in your life, if you want to see in the presence of God, sometimes you need Deliverance.

Search that died for our sins.

Show me. Battery in 3 days later. Rise back up.

Somebody to lift up your hands and worship your. Hallelujah.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you. Lord. I don't know if you heard me. I don't know if you heard me. Thank you.

I need to know right now, if you've opened an Incredible Edible guy,

Anytime I call you answer.

A need or I knock your boo, been incredible, incredible.

Red Oak.

Anytime I call you anytime I call you answer, you an incredible guy. Where do Bugatti, incredible?

You are an incredible guy. Incredible God. Red Oak.

Anytime I call you. Are you a banjo? Any do right now? You've opened Incredible? God incredible.

Yo, I need incredible, incredible. Creative.

Extraordinary strategist.

impossibility, specialist Middle Georgia ports, do

Extraordinary specialist impossibilities. Tragedies, incredible, incredible.

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