Concerning Leaders
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Difficult passage to break; also difficult to fully cover in one session
Not a lot of cohesiveness of thought from here to 19
We’re chase one theme at a time
Tonight—the matter of leaders
Next week—regarding Jesus
vv 7&17 form a bracket around the rest of the passage; it will be handled as such
Verse 7
Verse 7
Commentary on leaders; quite likely (from the context) those who had passed already
Remember—the action of keeping something in mind; mnemonic devices
Image of something being held in front of you and burned into your brain
Leaders---those set over the church, not a matter of political or social leaders
…we could go to Romans 13 and find that
These leaders spoke to them the Word of God; the Apostles and early preachers, teachers, evangelists are in view here
Consider—their lives did not always end well, by human standards, allusion to ch. 11, hall of faith;
Imitate—The faith that took them through much, often to their graves, but on to a glorious reward
The Faith of those Leaders
The Faith of those Leaders
Always in Christ—who is the one thing constant in that day and time…and yet today
If those leaders were to be remembered and honored, what about the current leaders
We translate this into today’s culture as pastors, elders, deacons
Verse 17
Verse 17
Advice to the sheep:
Advice to the shepherd
…are keeping watch over their souls
....will have to give an account
…must work joyfully, without groaning