A Leader's Time Chapter 9
Take Control Of Time
Leader’s Follow God’s Will
Leaders Say No
Healthy leaders, on the other hand, graciously, yet regularly, say no to many opportunities presented to them. They say no far more often than they say yes. By declining to become involved in a project, these leaders are not belittling the activity, as if it were beneath them to participate. Saying no is simply the leaders’ way of acknowledging that they are human beings, with human limitations, and thus they must make choices with their time. Leaders who are deluged by their schedules are leaders who have failed to say no when they should have. It’s that simple. God does not give people more than they can handle, but people regularly assume responsibility for things they should not be doing.
Leaders Maintain Healthy Routines
Leaders Delegate
Leaders have focused concentration.
4 Important Things A Leader Must Spend Time Doing
Unhurried Time With God
A Good Leader Spends Time with His Family
Astute leaders schedule regular, quality time with their families. They are intentional about planning dates with their spouse. They calendar their children’s special events well in advance so they can attend, and these remain sacrosanct. They guard the privacy of their home, and they avoid bringing work home with them if at all possible. Wise leaders strive to be home at mealtimes with their family and refuse to submit to the tyranny of the telephone during occasions when they are spending quality time with their family. A ringing telephone does not take precedence over family time.