I'm Getting Back to Me

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Genesis 1:1 ASV
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
We are amongst one of the smartest generations to ever live, we have advanced greatly in our technology, we’ve surpassed most of our predecessors in athletics, we are constantly discovering new ways of living and formulating new ideas to help our world, but we struggle in one area and that is discovering who we really are. We are masters of disguise and we have become so comfortable, we have adjusted our lives to where if we don't like what we see we can just put a filter on it and tweak it until it shows others the filtered us and not the real us, but I get it because if they caught a glimpse of the real us we would not get as many likes, our following would go down to just a few people who don't check social media frequently and some people will even delete your number out of their phone just so they won’t be associated with such imperfection and because of this we have created a persona which is different from personality becausepersona comes into play when you mix who you are with the views of your social connections, in other words your persona is who they see you to be therefore you can never reveal yourself as anything other than that or you then become a fraud so now your personality which is your identity which is comprised from within and is connected to your genetic make-up and your environment and culture and moral upbringingis thrown in the shadows never to be seen again and now you are struggling with what we call an identity crisis. This is where we have become confused to the point we start recreating genders and sexualities because we have not been affirmed in who we are so we create our own definition outside of scripture which is the foundation of all moral codes, now we have 46 terms that describe sexual orientation and behavior and whichever you decide to follow that becomes your 'truth', now we have to adjust our by-laws to fit your preference when the only preference there is the Bible which is God's law concerning man. Tell somebody it's a crisis...
So, the question is who stole our identity? What happened, who happened that has betwixt us to the point we can't even recognize ourselves anymore.
You know you don't drink, but that loneliness on the inside of you has stolen who you really are
You know you don't party, but that lack of acceptance has stolen your identity
You know you don't fornicate, but those insecurities have caused you to forget your worth
You know you don't cut yourself, but you're just trying to find a way to remove the agony of not knowing who you are.
You know you don't skip church, but you're too ashamed of what you did
And now we have to ask the question “ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU?”
And since we are talking about Adam let’s not forget how he lost himself, because we will blame Eve in another message but today we will shed light on Adam because he was the one who met with God in the cool of the day, he was the one God has a special connection with that he only added someone else just to give Adam help but Adam didn’t need Eve for relationship he needed her for reproduction because he had God all to himself and now we found him in a situation where he’s doing something he knows is outside of his personality but because his persona is a loving husband he trades that in for his personality which came from God and now he’s lost his identity which was connected to his time with God and God comes down to the tree of life in the cool of the day and Adam is nowhere to be found so God has to wake up his identity by saying ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU?!?! And some of us in here have been in this place where we let one moment snatch us of our identity and now we are like Paul who said the very thing I should be doing I can’t but that which I'm not supposed to do I find it easy to, O wretched man who is this person in the mirrorcuz I promise you that's not the same that was standing in this mirror last year, what happened to that smile that used to be there, what happened to that innocence that used to be there, maybe I’ll close my eyes and when I look again I’ll be back to normal and then I open my eyes and that joker is still staring right at me waving back, tell somebody I'm getting back to myself.
And this is the confrontation it takes for us to get back to ourselves because if we can’t bring our shadows to the surface we will end up snapping on the wrong person one day and make a complete fool of ourselves, our shadows according to philosopher Carl Young are those characteristics in our lives we’ve suppressed to save face and now I'm living a lie because my emotions are hidden in the shadows and all of my responses are based on what I think you think I should say and how I think you think I should behave, but when I can see my flaws and realize it's a part of my personality and my personality is connected to the way God created me to house my purpose I am now able to turn them over to God and say search me o lord from the inward place and if you find anything there that you didn’t put there TAKE IT OUT OF ME and wash my clean because I’ve got to get back to me…
And we are seeing here in Genesis one and verse one that God has created the heavens and the earth as a perfect Earth because there is a period at the end of the sentence and not a comma which means it is complete, in verse 26 he has a conversation with the Angels and said LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE AND IN OUR LIKENESS and then as you drop down to chapter 2 verse 7 you will see that God created us from the dust of this earth whole and complete in a mature state. But something happens in verse two that shakes up your previous theology and that is the earth which was made perfect is now waste and void… how does this happen?
It is believed that this gap is considered the time of Lucifer’s fall, and not to get into too many details, pride seeps its way into Lucifer and he decides he wants to be like God and set his throne that he has on Earth which was his kingdom above the throne of God in Heaven, and some of us in here our pride is so strong that we take credit for our own salvation and we act like we chose God when you wouldn’t have had the mind to choose God if his spirit didn’t first draw you so humble yourself because pride only leads to destruction, but not only was he defeated but it caused God’s creation to be thrown into Chaos and some of us are in here sitting in chaos, trying to figure life out trying to control our own outcome trying to find our own solution and we won’t here nobody else opinion because if it wasn’t for the pressure of others we would probably have a clearer view of where we are and now everything is upside down and the only thing I can do is just sit here and wait for things to somehow get better and that's when verse 2 comes and the spirit of God comes and hovers over your situation and began to stir the waters for a rebirth, tell somebody I'm getting back to myself.
And this is where our text meets us, here is an Earth that was once perfect and innocent and cared for and well-kept now void and wasted and we look at the text and say well that's it I guess he just starts over again and verse 3 says God said Let there be light, but the original meaning or etymology of this word 'let' notes to us a return of something to its original state, in other words he didn’t forsake the light that he originally created in verse 1 he just called it out of the chaos to get back into its original state, LETS GO HOME, TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR GOD IS NOT CHANGING YOU, HE’S RESTORING YOU!!!
he didn’t create a new sun
he just waited for the chaos to be over
and called it back into its original place,
he doesn’t have to give you a new mind,
he said be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
he’s not going to give you a new heart,
he’s just got to do a circumcision of your heart to remove the chaos,
he doesn't have to create a new you,
he’s just calling the original you out of the chaos,
and all you’ve got to do is hear him call you Lazarus,
and come forth out of that place of Chaos,
he's calling you
out of confusion,
he's calling you
out of hurt,
he's calling you
out of disappointment,
he's calling you
out of shame,
he's calling you
out of failure,
he's calling you
out of sin,
he's calling you
into purpose,
he's calling you
into destiny,
he's calling you
into zeal,
he's calling you
into fulfillment,
he's calling you
into joy,
he's calling you
into love,
he's calling you
into passion,
he's calling you
into the original you
he predestined you to be.
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