Untitled Sermon
Sunday, June 13, 2021
9:30 start LiveStream/church with rainbow (destinations on restream.io RTMP Facebook toggled on, Youtube Event toggle off)
9:35 check sound going out to encoder to restream monitor.
9:45 Start Recording
9:54 Open mics
9:54/55 am toggle on youtube event stream (check to ensure that facebook live and YouTube Event have started) (ensure that ASUS tabs (restream, FBLive, YouTube are MUTED))
Organ Cam
38 seconds
Fade to ppt slide 1-34 (3:44) Click for slide to start
Fade back to Organ cam 38 seconds
10:00 am.
Pulpit Cam/ PIP slide 36
Good morning, in the name of Jesus Christ, I welcome you to worship. I am Stephen Fram, along with our music director, Malcolm Bradley, we join you live from Grace United Church on June 13, 2021.
Pulpit Cam/PIP slide 37-39
Today’s service will be simple. Music will be live, a children’s time, a message, and prayers. Should be about 50 minutes.
Pulpit Cam/PIP slide
Our Virtual Sunday School takes place at 9:30 and the...
Children’s story...
Children’s Hymn, “Small Things Count”
Singer Cam/PIP slide 41-43
Jim Connolly has been offering his prayer for a few years. He has a gift of connecting the scripture with our context.
YouTube Playlist: “Jim’s Prayer” (1:33) Cc: ON. 44
COVID-19 is ushering in a gentler, more caring society, sensitive and responsive to many injustices. Positive change is planting the seeds of growth and hope for future generations. Isolation has empowered an awakening or inner reflection allowing a greater appreciation of the sounds and visuals of nature. Positive change is good news as business as usual can't last forever. David was anointed king of Israel replacing Saul, by the lord, notwithstanding being the youngest son, chosen for his heart, not his outward appearance. God rejects the expected and selects the most unexpected. God's empire has a multitude of ways to vanquish powers bent on their own profit and power. God's sovereign and life giving power will embrace the whole world. Be one with nature, in harmony, respecting the environment and all living creatures in God's world, to the glory of God. Amen.
Pulpit Cam/PIP slide 45-49
Vision and Mission Statement
Grace United Church is an Affirming Ministry committed to transforming lives by living God’s vision as an active part of the diverse community in the Heart of Dartmouth.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we journey together in faith as people, embracing every age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, family composition, mental and physical ability, cultural background and socio-economic status in the life and work of Grace United Church.
Call to Worship:
We walk by faith, and not by sight,
seeking your company,
desiring your presence.
As the Spirit moves, let us welcome the unexpected:
you and your unfathomable love, O God,
you and your astounding grace. Surprise us again as we raise our voices in praise.
Prayer of Approach: (together)
Spirit of God, settle in among us; look past our external features and peer inside our hearts. See us for who we really are: yours. Stubborn, doubting, self-centred and yet, ever yours. Grant us insight to see as you see and the confidence to allow your unpredictable choices to lead us closer to you. Amen.
Sing along with Andrew, “In the Bulb There Is A Flower” VU703
Singer Cam/PIP slide 50-52
Pulpit Cam/PIP slide 53-55
Prayer of Confession: (together)
Holy One, surprised when you call us to lead, we doubt our God-given abilities and your wisdom. Instead, we seek leaders who assure us they will do those things that further our well-being, rather than your will. We surround ourselves with comfort and with like-minded friends, while insulating ourselves from those who seem "different." We judge others based on their capabilities, their degrees, their rank and status. Forgive us. Open our eyes to our narrow-mindedness and our hearts to trust you to provide the way forward. Help us see the good - in your unexpected ways, and extraordinary leadership. Amen.
Assurance of Grace:
So, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation:
Everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!
Celebrate the new life you have received, trusting you are at peace with God!
Our scripture lessons today are from 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 (lego by Hazens) and Mark 4:26-34 read by Bill Foster.
YouTube Playlist: 56
“Samuel anoints David” (2:55) Cc: ON.
“Mark 4:26-34” (1:33) Cc: ON.
Pulpit Cam
Enjoy this anthem recorded on June 17, 2018, “Sanctuary”
YouTube Playlist: “Sanctuary” (3:38) Cc: OFF. 57
Pulpit Cam
Broadview Magazine...
Walks were all they had. This alleged hate crime took that away too By Emma Prestwich
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have treasured our walks, a fairly safe activity that allowed us to get some fresh air and move our bodies.
But some Muslim Canadians are second-guessing their after-dinner strolls after four members of a family - a couple, their 15-year-old daughter and her 74-year-old grandmother- were killed on Sunday in London, Ont.
Run down by a driver in what police say was Islamophobic violence, the Afzaals regularly went for evening walks, greeting friends and neighbours.
It has been hard to watch the news the last little while.
215 children, Kamloops Residential School, London Ontario...
We wonder what is wrong with our system in which this type of hatred can manifest itself.
Biblically it has been the role of prophets to offer critiques of the system when hatred flourishes. One monarchy fails and plans begin for another in ancient Israel. Yet in the midst of all of that, Samuel grieves what could of been...
We just finished a book study on Cornel West and Krista book, Black Prophetic Fire. It was a dialogue between these two scholars about the impact of Black Prophetic Voices (Fire) from the 19th and 20th Centuries and how their voices effect how we live today. The voices included Frederick Douglass, E.B. deBlois, Martin Luther King Jr., Ella Baker, Malcolm X, and Ida B. Wells.
Those who participated had a lively discussion about how these prophetic leaders impact our ongoing struggle for justice and compassion.
At the very end of the book, Cornel West talks about the need for a vibrant and strong Prophetic voice as we meet the crisis of today. He writes, “On the international level, when the Black prophetic tradition is vital and vibrant, anti-imperial critiques are intense, and the plight of the wretched of the earth is elevated.”
Covid 19 has magnified the disparities in our society. When you add this to a growing awaking of the profound suffering caused by hate and greed we have a moral imparitive to speak up and to act.
We can’t let folks like George Floyd and so many others who have been murdered be in vain. We can’t ingnore our history, Indigenous children, missing and murdered indigenous women and children, Islamicphobia.
It was great to have an Australian voice as part of our study group. John Menzies offered an unigue insight into our social and political issues. When we were discussing grassroots leadership (in particular about Ella Baker) John told us about a Australian land claims issue with indiginous people.
There is even a ballad written about it by folk singer, Paul Kelly.
Today I want to play the ballad because is fits so well with the Gospel. The kingdom of God is like... someone scattering seed, its growth a mystery, a miracle. Or the Kingdom is like a mustard seed....
It is amazing how from Little Things, big things Grow, even though it took eight years of struggle and determination.
YouTube Playlist: “Paul Kelly - From Little Things Big Things Grow” (6:53) Cc: OFF. 59
United Church of Canada
We invite people to pray and engage in acts of solidarity.
The United Church of Canada strongly condemns the horrific hate-filled attack that killed three generations of a Muslim family in London, Ontario on Sunday, June 6.
The United Church recognizes Islam as a religion of peace, mercy, justice, and compassion and has affirmed that the church wants to journey toward reconciliation, understanding, and cooperation with our Muslim neighbours. The church is deeply committed to working with Muslims and others for peace and justice for all humanity and to seeking ways to build right relationships among us. The United Church decries a White supremacist system and culture that allows feelings of racial, cultural, and religious superiority to flourish and that enables such heinous hate crimes to occur.
Késa Munroe-Anderson, Deputy Minister
Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, in a memo to CCH employees. (Quoted with permission)
This news rocked our hearts at the core. The sense that Canada is a country free of terrorism, where all people, regardless of religion, race, gender, or ethnicity can belong and thrive has been challenged once again and we are all faced with the realities that our country, our cities, and towns are not safe havens for everyone.
And so again, we grieve with a profound sense of loss. We grieve with Muslim communities near and far who are facing the intense trauma this violence has caused. We grieve the loss of four lives cut short by hatred, exclusion, and supremacist beliefs. We grieve because whether or not we realized this was possible, strolling down a sidewalk in their own neighbourhood cost a family their lives. We grieve because we realize bigotry and discrimination thrive when we choose not to use our privilege to educate, inform, and speak against such vile actions that threaten the peace and security of all Muslim people.
May our grief spur us on to action and our souls remain in a state of unrest until we find some way - as uncomfortable and inconvenient as it may be - to challenge, resist, and work against Islamophobia, racism, and all forms of hatred in the spirit of community and belonging. To our Muslim sisters and brothers, we extend our hearts and our hands and offer our support during this difficult time.
As people of faith...
Paul's writes in 1 Corinthians 5: 6-8
The term translated "confident" means "daring, courageous, bold," even "audacious".
So we are always confident; for we walk by faith, not by sight.
Enjoy this solo by Andrew “God, When I Stand” VU618 (Written by Herbert O’Driscoll, Terry’s brother)
Singer Cam/PIP slide 61-64
Pulpit Cam/PIP slide 65-69
Prayers of the People:
Like the psalmist, we ask many things of you, Listening God - send help, give support, remember our offerings, grant our heart's desire. There is not one prayer we lift that you refuse to hear.
Help us be honest with you.
Like Samuel, we grieve over endings. There is not one sorrow we bear that you do not bear with us.
Help us find comfort in your presence.
Like Jesse, we overlook people whom you deem valuable. There is not one person you've created who is not worthy of your love and our respect.
Help us see others the way you see them.
Like David, help us be the people you've created us to be. There is not one moment when you doubt our abilities.
Help us live into our gifts, the ones that come naturally and those needing nurture. Surprise us with your grace.
Help, support, grant, remember. Hear the prayers we bring before you - spoken and unspoken: for your incredibly beautiful and fragile world; for our nation and all nations; for leaders, both bold and weak; for your church - changing, evolving, seeking to do your work; for families of every size and kind, and for ourselves.
Spirit of God, come mightily among us and receive our prayers. We lift them to you with the one Jesus taught us, saying…
Pulpit Cam/PIP slide 70-71
Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done
on earth, as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, the power
and the glory, forever and ever. Amen
Sing along with Andrew, “When We Are Living”
Singer Cam/PIP slide 72-75
Pulpit Cam
Daily Kids corner and Spiritual reflections...
Fb and the United Churches for Dartmouth.
Fellowship time, following service.
Your support for this ministry and all of our ministry is more important than ever. Go to our web page and see a variety of options. Please remember Grace and help us to continue to reach out to you and to our community.
I want to thank the folks who have made this morning possible. Jim Connolly, the choir, Malcolm Bradley, Mark and Shirley Hazen, and Bill Foster
the AV team (Anthony Archibald and Ian Fraser)
Pulpit Cam
Go, as God sees, looking for what is hidden in the heart.
Go, as the Spirit moves, expecting the unexpected.
Go, as Jesus lives, leading by serving.
Go in peace, love and joy.
Powerpoint slide 77-79
fade to Church and Rainbow.
End Stream.