The Life of David- 2 Samuel 16-19

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Acts 13:22 NKJV
22 And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.
When people speak of the heart, the mean more than the organ that pumps blood through the body. Comments are made such as, my heart is full, that touches my heart, bless your heart, or that breaks my heart.
People use the heart to explain their emotions and how they feel. Some have a soft heart, a bleeding heart, or a hard heart. But when we read about David, we see that God found a man after His own heart.
How would we describe the heart of God?
How was David a man after God’s heart?
God’s heart is full of love and forgiveness toward us. Even in our sin, God loved us so much He sent His Son to die in our place. As we look at the life of David this morning, notice how he displayed the heart of God in his dealing toward those who had ill will toward him.


2 Samuel 15:30
After years of estrangement from his father, Absalom finally went through with his plan to take the kingdom from David. He manipulated and worked to get people to shift their loyalty.
He set himself at the gate week after week trying to get people to tell him their grievances. Then, he would tell them that the king could not hear their case and he would show them sympathy.
Eventually, most everyone turned on David. Therefore, David left with a few close friends. Broken from the sting of rejection, he went up the Mount of Olives, fleeing from Absalom.
Why did David leave Jerusalem when he faced rejection?
What spiritual disciplines did David display in time of rejection?
David depended on God through his prayer and worship. Instead of coming against Absalom, he trusted God to either work on his behalf or show him that the Lord was finished with him.
He had a strong conviction that the Lord would help him, sustain him, and eventually deliver him. However, this difficult season of life helped him display the character of God to those who wanted the worse for him.


To see why David is known as a man after God’s heart, we need to see how David dealt with his enemies.
2 Samuel 16:5-8
At one of the lowest points in David’s life, a man waited for him on the road. To add insult to injury, Shimei followed David cursing him. He threw stones at David and his warriors.
He made awful accusations, calling him a murderer. Then he declared that God wanted to repay David for the blood of Saul. He believed that David stole the throne from Saul and now the Lord was stealing it from David.
Everything Shimei said was a lie. Historic record proves that David was honorable and patient with Saul and his family. He loved Saul so much that he even took care of his last surviving relative, Mephibosheth.
Shimei attacked David’s character. Then he tried to belittle his relationship with God. David had the utmost trust in the Lord, yet Shimei painted the picture that David had forsaken God and God had forgotten him.
How would most people react to Shimei?
What would Jesus do to Shemai?
2 Samuel 16:9-12
David’s nephew, Abishai became very defensive of David. Being a good relative and friend, he wanted to defend David’s honor by cutting off Shimei’s head.
David could have allowed Abishai to go through with his threat and still been technically innocent. However, David took the high road. He wanted to discern the will of God.
It could be that Shimei was right in his words, maybe God was done with David. Or it could be that Shimei was coming against God’s anointed. Therefore, God would defend David.
As they went on their journey, leaving Jerusalem peaceably, Shimei continued to curst them, throw rocks and them, and kick up dust.
When they got far enough away, David and his entourage rested. After a time of rest, they regrouped and were refreshed. Then David worked with his warriors on what to do with Absalom.
Remember, David sent his friend, Hushai, back to Jerusalem to work with Absalom, and to keep David informed. He learned of Absalom’s plans and told David to not stay in the wilderness, but to get to a safe place.
David numbered his army and divided them into three groups. He wanted to go with them into battle, but they objected. They knew that Absalom had one goal, kill David. Therefore, they wanted him to stay safe.
David listened and sent the troops out in groups of hundreds and thousands, but he left a specific command.
2 Samuel 18:5-10
He wanted them to keep Absalom alive.
How does David reflect God’s heart?
Why didn’t David want Absalom killed?
The battle ensued and eventually Absalom got caught by the hair in a tree. When he wanted to get people’s attention and steal their hearts from David, he would weigh his hair each year.
Now, the same symbol of pride was used for his downfall. His mule kept going after Absalom’s hair was caught and he hung their by his hair, dangling back and forth.
One of them warriors saw this and reported it to Joab.
Knowing Joab’s character, what do you think he did?
How do you think Absalom felt?
Joab scolded the warrior for not killing Absalom. The man explained that he would not kill Absalom for a thousand pieces of silver. So Absalom took matter into his own hands.
2 Samuel 18:14-16
Joab disobeyed David. He killed his son and buried him in battle. Everyone returned home, and someone went to David with the news. David hoped for good news. However, they came with the events of the battle.
Everyone was excited, in their eyes, the traitor, Absalom, died the death he deserved. When the man told David the news, he told David, I have good news, God has rescued from the rebellion.
David wanted to know about Absalom, was he okay? Was he alive? How did he make it in the battle?
The messenger couldn’t wait to share the news, Absalom is dead, God has rescued you!
How do you think David reacted?
Why should David be thrilled?
Why should David be sad?
2 Samuel 18:33
David was moved, he wept over Absalom. He was discouraged and distraught over the death of his beloved son. Despite all the hurt and pain Absalom caused, he wanted reconciliation and true forgiveness betwen them.


David’s regard for those who wanted harm to him show us heart of God. We live in a society that shows contempt for God. His name is abused and taken in vain everywhere we turn.
How does society consistently disobey God?
How does God feel toward society’s disobedience?
Just as David felt the sting of rejection, Jesus felt the pain of people turning their back on Him.
2 Samuel 15:23 NKJV
23 And all the country wept with a loud voice, and all the people crossed over. The king himself also crossed over the Brook Kidron, and all the people crossed over toward the way of the wilderness.
John 18:1 NKJV
1 When Jesus had spoken these words, He went out with His disciples over the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered.
Both David and Jesus felt the pain of having people they loved plot harm toward them. David crossed the Brook after Absalom stabbed him in the back.
Jesus crossed the Brook while Judas plotted with the Jewish authorities to take Jesus’ life. Yet both David and Jesus showed the heart of God by forgiving their enemies.
David wept over Absalom, wanting to reconcile. Jesus hung on the cross and prayed God to forgive those who came against Him.
If David showed forgiveness, and Jesus showed forgiveness, then we should show forgiveness.
How can we develop God’s heart in our lives?
Why should we learn to forgive?
How can we forgive those who come against us?


Pray for God’s forgiveness every day
Pray for God’s help to forgive others
Ask the Lord to help us become more like Him
Read 2 Samuel 19
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