Titus 2:3-5 Doctrinally Sound Women Part 1: Godly Women



What does it mean to be a godly woman?

In a post equalitarian world, this is one of the most confusing and offensive questions you can possibly try to answer.
That’s because feminism is so ingrained in our culture that to say anything about biblical masculinity or femininity is to be a misogynist, sexist, a bigot, and oppressive.
And so most women are unsure about a clear answer to what it means to be a godly woman.
And to make matters worst, most pastors are either too afraid to address it, or they immediately go to egalitarianism in the church. That God has called men, and men only to be pastors and shepherd God’s people.
Leaving women in the church left wonder, but how do I honor God as a woman.
So here’s what we are going to do. I’m going to spend three weeks on biblical womanhood.
Because I love you. And I’m willing to step on some landmines to edify you and help you to follow Christ with all of your life.
But before I start stepping on some landmines, I’m going to do something I almost never do. I’m going to equivocate everything I’m about to say.
So before we get going allow me to set up some ground rules first.
First, Peter says men are to treat their wives in an understanding way showing honor tot he woman as the weaker vessel.
Now I’m not your husband, but the principle stands. My heart is to be gentle with you.
So if you hear me get rough at all, I want you to assume I’m not talking about you.
I do not believe the women in our church our worldly women. I do not believe most of you are feminist or even functional feminist.
So if you hear me being hard, that is most likely about the women of the world, and not you.
My assumption is that you desire to be a godly woman.
Now if something I say does sting a little bit in anyone of these sermons, I would encourage you to pray and repent if the Holy Spirit is convicting you of some sin.
Second, Men. Why should you be engaged. Why would it be a mistake to check out my next three sermons.
For one, most of you have a wife.
And as the head, it is your responsibility to love and disciple your wife in all godliness, so you need to know what a biblical woman looks like.
And if you don’t have a wife, statistically you will have one and you need to know what to look for and then lead her in godliness as well.
Additionally, many of you have daughters who need to be trained up in the way they should go.
And if you don’t have a daughter, many of you have have sons that you will need to train up to find a godly wife so that your grandsons and granddaughters will glorify God.
Finally, here’s how these sermons are going to work. We are going to study what a doctrinally sound woman looks like.
Who she is as a godly woman. Who she is as a godly wife. And who she is as a godly mother.
Today we are going to look at who she is as a godly woman, and I’m mostly going to ignore biblical womanhood in terms of being a wife and a mother.
I want to start with the basics and talk about who a woman is, as herself, before God.
If you want the other two all you got to do is come back.
So what does it mean to be a godly woman? Let’s start with point number 1...

I. Godly Women are Kingdom Women

Titus 2:3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior...
When Paul says older women, he means women who have raised their children and no longer have any children in the house.
Now I know you’re not supposed to talk about age, but childbearing typically ends around 40-45, and raising children anywhere from mid 50s to mid 60s.
So older women, probably, roughly, are around 60 years old.
But that doesn’t mean this doesn’t apply to all the women of the church.
Because just as Older men are supposed to be examples to younger men of what godly masculinity actually looks like, so too older women are meant to be examples to younger women.
Think of Paul’s description of older women as the pinnacle of mature, biblical womanhood. What every woman in Christ should aim for and aspire too.
And there is one overarching characteristic that Paul wants wants every godly woman in the church to be. Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior.
The word reverent is a compound word. Its one word that’s made up of two.
And if you took it literally you would get this idea that women are called by God to be fitted or suited for holiness.
And specifically holiness in their behavior. And that word, behavior, can also be translated as demeanor or the way a woman lives her life.
So here’s the idea: God wants women to revere God and live a godly life. To honor God in everything they do and love him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.
God wants women to honor him as women.
Well what does that mean? What does it mean to be a godly woman?
To answer that, we need to go all the way back to the beginning when God first created Adam and Eve.
But before we do that, we have to deal with two false expressions of manhood and womanhood. Sin has corrupted absolutely everything including what it looks like to be a man or a woman.
So before we can know what a godly woman looks like, we clear off the dross of ungodly views of gender that run rampant in our culture.


First there is chauvinism. The belief that men are over women.
Not in the biblical understanding of male headship where God has given men the responsibility to provide, protect, and lead in the home, church, and society. But in the sense that women are lesser than men.
That they belong to men. That a woman’s only place is barefoot pregnant and in the kitchen.
That women are inferior.
And this sinful worldview has led to the abuse, oppression and subjugation of women.
Where men were called by God to provide, protect, and lead with tender care and compassion for the women in their life, sin has led men to twist the headship God has given them to use women for their own ends instead of blessing them through their godly leadership.
So you have men who consume pornography, and treat women as little more than sex objects expecting them to put out without any commitment and the lifelong fidelity of marriage.
And then if they do marry them, they treat their wives as slaves whose sole purpose is to shut up and listen because they are the head of the home.
This is a sick twisted perversion of God’s design.
And I’m not naive enough to think that many of you women have experienced horrible injustice at the hands of wicked men.
That men have used and abused you and twisted your ability to trust, respect, and submit to the godly men in your life.
And if that is your story, I want to tell you I am sorry. That is not what God intended it to be. That is not what men are to be.
And no one can change anything that’s ever happened to you. But here’s what I know. There is a Man who can heal you.
There is a Man that perfectly protects, perfectly provides, and perfectly leads to give everyone that follows Him blessing and life.
The GodMan Jesus Christ can heal and redeem any sin and wickedness that has been committed against you.
He can take your pain and suffering and bring good from it.
Take your burdens to Christ and He will heal and redeem everything that has ever happened to you. He will make you whole. And he promises to never leave you or forsake you until its done.
Chauvinism is a sick, and twisted perversion of what God wanted men and women to be. And the bad news is, that sin gave birth to more sin.
Chauvinism created and gave justification for another sinful worldview on gender called feminism.


Feminism basically says that men are absolutely equal in every possible way. That everything a man can do and be, a woman can do and be too.
And radical feminism doesn’t stop there. Says the biblical view of complementarian patriarchy is so evil and men are so stupid and wicked that women actually need to rule over men.
They celebrate Eve’s curse not as a punishment for her sin, but as an ideal utopia.
They take the curse and actually say the world would be better if we just had the curse everywhere at every level of society.
And feminism is the lie of our culture. Even in Christian churches, if you say anything about male headship, as God designed it, everyone gets quiet.
Feminism is so embedded in our culture and in the minds and hearts of men and women, that some pastors feel like they have to apologize for how God ordered the world.
And that’s if they even mention it at all because when you start talking about biblical femininity and especially when you start talking against feminism people get mad.
And God help you if you dare call it a sin.
Footnote, its a sin.
Now to be sure. Men and women are equal before God. They are both made in his image. But that is different than saying there is no distinction between men and women and to say so is evil.
Feminists trash women’s high calling of being a homemaker, of being a wife and mother to raise the next generation in godliness, and tell women that unless they have a career, independence, sexual freedom, and autonomy from any husband and child, they are not a real woman.
They are a victim of the patriarchy.
This is why they see God’s Word, and God’s standard for biblical gender roles with man as the head and woman as the helper as sexist, chauvinistic, and oppressive.
And they deceive people, even Christian people, by calling it Equality and Women’s liberation.
Who can be against equality and freedom. That just seems reasonable and justified especially in a culture where women are unappreciated, exploited, and victimized.
But feminism is not freedom. Its slavery. The great lie of feminism is that a woman is free if she serves her employer or a career, but a slave of her husband and children if she serves her family.
Feminism is the default mindset of our culture. And if we look at God’s Word and bristle at what it has to say about men and women, the problem is not in the Bible. The problem is right here. In our hearts because we have loved the world and God graciously calls us to repent and build our lives and identities according to his will.
Both Chauvinism and Feminism are counterfeits that rob women of the dignity and worth God has given them by creating them in his image.
Neither Chauvinism or Feminism revere God. They don’t honor God. So if our women are going to be reverent in their way of living, they need more than the world’s counterfeit answers.
They need God’s revelation on what it means to be a woman created in the image of God.
So let’s go there. Genesis 1:26-28.

Dominion Mandate

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And in 6 days God made everything that was made.
Then God formed the man out of the dust of the ground, breathed life into his nostrils and placed the man in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.
And every day, God would look at what he had made and see that it was good.
But when God made Adam, something different happened. For the first time in his perfect creation, God said something was not good. Genesis 2:18 It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.
And then God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and while he slept, God took one of Adam’s ribs, and from that rib he made a woman.
Now the first thing this tells us is that patriarchy is biblical. God made Adam first, and created Eve, not from the dust of the ground, but from the rib of the man.
Later Paul tells us Adam being made first is the basis of male headship in the home, church and society.
Men are called to be the head, and women are created to help him do what God has called him to do.
But I don’t want you to focus on headship right now. Here’s what I want you to see.
God created Eve because it was not good for Adam. Adam needed a helper, and what is implied is without that helper, Adam would not be able to do what God had called him to.
In fact, the Bible says after God made Eve, he looked at his creation and said it was, not just good, but very good. We went from good, to not good, to very good in God’s creation of Eve.
Which should make you ask, What was that? What did Adam need a helper to do?
Look at Genesis 1:26-28.
Genesis 1:26-28 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
27  So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
Remember, God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, and commanded Adam to work it and keep it.
And after God made Eve, God pulled them together and commanded them to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, to subdue it and have dominion.
And you’ll notice in verse 26 God said, Let us make man in our image, and immediately after that God says let them have dominion.
Now here’s what all that means. In theology this is called the Creation or Cultural Mandate. But I prefer to call it the Dominion Mandate.
God created man with a purpose, and that purpose was to rule the earth.
And before you start thinking this is about man’s glory, you need to see how important it is that God ties Adam and Eve having dominion directly to being made in his image.
Why is that significant?
Being made in God’s image primarily means two things. 1. As God’s image bearers, we are able to relate to him. Commune with him. Have a relationship with him and worship him.
And 2. As God’s image bearers, Adam and Eve were God’s representatives on the earth. Think of them as Vice-King and Queen who in their dominion over everything God had made, proclaimed the glory of God and his dominion over all things.
That as mankind ruled the earth the testimony of their rule would be that God is the One True Sovereign who created all things.
So here is what this Dominion mandate is all about. God’s glory.
Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden. It was the place of the place of God’s presence, blessing, worship, life and peace. It was the Kingdom of God on Earth.
And God commanded them to work ground and keep the garden, and be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.
They were called to extend the borders of God’s Kingdom across the entire planet.
Why? So that the knowledge of the glory of God would fill the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habbakuk 2:14).
That as God’s image bearers, the vice-Kings and Queens of his Kingdom filled the earth so to would God’s glory. For one God’s image bearers would worship him everywhere they went.
And two, everywhere that God’s image bearers went as his representatives, it would be like the Kingdom of God conquering a new land, planting a flag, and saying God rules here. And here. And here. And here.
He is the Sovereign One over all creation and to him and him alone belongs all glory and praise.
So God created mankind, Adam and Eve, man and woman to fill the earth with his glory as his image bearers. To live all of their lives for his Kingdom and glory.
What that tells us is that God created mankind to be Kingdom of God focused. To be Kingdom men and Kingdom women.
And specifically when you see that Eve was created to be a helper for Adam because he could not do this on his own, that means that women, as co-image bearers of God, are a vital part of God’s Kingdom and the knowledge of the glory of God would fill the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habbakuk 2:14).
This demolishes chauvinism and feminism. Women are not an afterthought. Women are not a footstool. They are vital for God’s glory.
And women don’t need to buy into feminism to build their own glory because there is no higher calling than serving the Kingdom of God to bring glory to his name.
So to honor God, to revere God, going back to Titus, godly women must be Kingdom women.
They must honor God with all of their life and live for his Kingdom and not the Kingdom of this world.
But here’s the problem. We’ve filled the earth. We are not in Eden. We are all over the world.
But if you look out your window, do you see Paradise? Do you see the life, blessing, and justice of the Kingdom of God reigning supreme?
What happened? Sin.
Adam and Eve failed. They sinned against God and in Adam all of humanity fell. We still have dominion, but it is not a godly dominion. It is a sinful, broken, twisted corrupted dominion that does not honor God or give glory to his name.
In sin, we forfeited the blessing, life, and peace of God’s Kingdom.
God cut us off from his Kingdom, and drove us out of Eden into a kingdom of darkness, pain, and death, and the Dominion Mandate to spread God’s Kingdom and glory over the earth became impossible for us.
But the purposes of God cannot be thwarted. God created this world to fill it with the knowledge of his glory and bring glory to his Name.
And there was no way God was going to let sin, death, and defeat have the last word over His creation.
God commanded man to rule. God commanded man to have dominion and spread the glory of God so far that the sun would never set on his Kingdom.
Adam failed. So God, in his grace, love, and mercy sent a Man that would not fail. The eternal Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ took on human flesh.
The GodMan, the promised Messiah, the promised King of kings and Lord of lords, the Last Adam, the Perfect Adam lived a sinless life and paid our debt of sin on the cross.
Through his death and resurrection he reconciled us to God.
In the Garden of Eden Adam stood at a tree, took fruit forbidden to him by God, and said, My will be done. I don’t want God’s will. I don’t want to be a vice-king. I want to be a king equal with God. And he took and ate.
Thousands of years later, the Son of Man, the Perfect Adam knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane, begging the Father that there would be another way. Another way to save God’s people, and bring them back into God’s Kingdom of life, blessing and peace.
But in the end, Jesus prayed Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done (Luke 22:42).
And Jesus went to his own tree, and in perfect obedience to God let the kingdom of Men, the Domain of darkness, drive nails through his hands and his feet, and murdered him on the tree.
But God accepted his sacrifice and raised him from the dead. And when Christ ascended into heaven a cloud took him.
And when the Son of Man, the Last Adam came to the Ancient of Days, Daniel says God gave him dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed (Daniel 7:14).
This is why the gospel say Jesus came proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom. Through Christ, the Perfect Adam God was again fulfilling the Dominion mandate to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God through who will never fail.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion.
And anyone that puts their faith in him Colossians 1:23 promises that God delivers from the domain of darkness and transfer us into the Kingdom of his beloved Son in him we have redemption the forgiveness of sin.
And today, the Son of Man, reigns at the right hand of the Father and builds his kingdom.
Isaiah promises of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end (Is. 9:7).
And God’s kingdom will fill the earth because right after this, Isaiah says The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this (Is. 9:7).
His Kingdom will fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
And if we have faith in Christ, we are citizens of that Kingdom. We reign with Christ proclaiming his glory as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
We are no longer slaves to sin and death. We are new creations, sons and daughters of the Kingdom who go and proclaim the good news of the Kingdom to all the nations.
Christ is King. And through his life, death, resurrection, and coronation in heaven, is filling the earth with his glory, blessing and peace through Jesus Christ, the savior of the world.
Godly women are kingdom women. They honor God and live all of their lives for his glory.
They don’t live for the kingdom of this world. Buying into everything the world calls them to be.
They live for the Kingdom of God and the glory of Christ.
So, here’s the question. Are you a Kingdom woman or a worldly woman? Are your priorities Christ and his glory, or are they you, and your glory?
Do not buy into the lies of the world that rob you of your dignity and worth as an image bearer of God. Instead say my life is in Christ and in him alone and I want to live for his kingdom and glory.
Now what does that look like? What does it mean to be a Kingdom Woman? That’s point number 2...

II. Kingdom Women are Holy Women

Titus 2:3; 5 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are…to be self-controlled, pure,…kind, that the word of God may not be reviled.
So we just talked about what it means to be reverent in behavior. What it means to honor God.
Women are called by God to live all of their lives, in all of their functions, capacities and giftings for the glory of Christ and the advancement of his kingdom.
And then Paul gives a negative command. They are to be reverent in behavior but not slanderers or slaves to much wine.
A slanderer is a gossip or busybody who tears others down to lift themselves up. Instead of using their tongue for blessing they use it for cursing.
In fact, the word Paul uses here for slanderer is the greek work diabolos. which 34 out of 37 times in the NT is used for Satan.
So there’s a connection here between women slandering, and carrying out the same work that Satan himself does.
Instead of glorifying God, slanderous women use their speech to glorify themselves at the expense of other people.
Then Paul says or slaves to much wine.
This is strong language to say women should not be overcome with drunkenness.
Drunkenness is the outworking of a heart that is given over to passions, worldliness, pleasure and escapism.
Slaves to alcohol live for comfort and pleasure that life itself doesn’t give them so they turn to alcohol to find it.
And this was evidently a problem on Crete, because Paul gave a similar command to older men.
So again, if we zoom out what is Paul’s overarching concern for godly women on the Island of Crete.
One: They need to live for God’s glory and not their own
And two: they need to live for God’s Kingdom and not the pleasures, comforts, and desires of this world.
This obviously applies to men too, but Paul is explicitly talking about women in these verses.
And here’s why all of that is so important. Paul says the reason why women need to be holy and not pressed into the mold of the world is that the word of God may not be reviled.
The word reviled means denounced. Blasphemed. Derided. Cursed. Or Dishonored.
Well what’s the word of God? Paul defines it in Titus 3:4-7 calling it the trustworthy word.
But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
What I high calling the women of God have. If they live ungodly and worldly lives, Paul says the gospel itself will be reviled before the world.
But this by necessity means that your life can bring honor to the gospel. Your life can proclaim the glory of Christ and his salvation if you live for the kingdom and not the world.
Now that might look different from one woman to the next. Paul only lays out two sins common on Crete. But in every culture and every age, the world is trying to press you into its mold.
In Romans 12:1-2 Paul tells us that the world is constantly trying to make us look like them. To press us into their mold.
And this is constant in the lives of women today. You cant escape it. The world wants you that the gospel of Christ might be reviled.
I will tell you, I do not envy you. The world is constantly telling you who to be and what to be like and making sure you know you aren’t good enough if you don’t.
From unrealistic expectations of body image.
To keeping the perfect house.
To being the perfect mom, wife, homemaker, and career woman with goals and dreams all at the same time while making sure nothing falls through the cracks.
Its impossible.
Everything in our culture screams you are not enough, and even if it kills you, you better try.
But Paul says don’t let yourself be pressed into that mold. Be transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and offer your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God.
God did not save you to be a worldly woman. He saved you to be a Kingdom woman. And that means he saved you to be a holy woman.
Paul tells Titus older women are to teach younger women how to be self controlled, pure, and kind implying that these are characteristics that mark them as well.
I want to focus on purity because its a word that means innocent, without stain, morally upright and holy. And since we are asking the question what does it mean to be a godly woman? What does it mean to be a woman that honors and reveres God? I think if one word could describe it, it would be holy.
Kingdom women are holy women.
So what does God say a pure woman looks like. Go to 1 Peter 3.
Right before this passage Peter used our word pure to describe how wives should carry themselves. And then in verses 3-6 he expounds what pure conduct actually is.
1 Peter 3:3-6 Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear
The first you you’ll notice is that Peter says Do not let. Do not let your adorning be external. Do not let your hair, jewelry, make up, clothes dominate your life and identity.
And by saying do not let, Peter is saying that this is the natural gravity of a woman’s life. This external adornment, this focus on outer beauty is going to be what comes natural to most women.
Now this doesn’t mean you can’t look nice. You don’t have to be homely to be a godly woman.
In a parallel passage Paul tells Timothy that women should adorn themselves. Not with braided hair, jewelry or costly clothes, but with respectable apparel.
Things like modesty, and self control.
Godly women should dress differently than worldly women. They should dress in such a way to draw men’s eyes or to show off flash.
They shouldn’t wear skimpy swimsuits with cheeky bottoms just because that’s all you can find in the store.
They should strive for modesty knowing they are God’s daughters who are worthy of greater dignity and love than the world says they are.
So by all means wear a nice dress. But wear a dress that is fitting for a daughter in God’s Kingdom. And don’t let all your focus, attention, and effort be on your external beauty.
Peter says,
— 4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
Notice the juxtaposition here. Peter says don’t focus on your hair, jewelry and clothes. Don’t focus on your external beauty that everyone sees.
Instead, use your time, energy and effort to adorn the hidden person of the heart. Let the focus of your beauty be internal.
Don’t just focus every day on outer beauty. Focus on your Soul Beauty.
Well what does soul beauty look like. The imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
I love this. Peter says outer beauty’s going to fade. You can do whatever you want. Makeup, creams, moisturizers, botox. Wrinkles are coming. All those smoking looks are not going to last.
But soul beauty is imperishable. It is incorruptible. It will never fade or wear out. Soul beauty, the adornment of a godly spirit is beauty that will last.
And this beauty is to be a gentle and quiet spirit.
A gentle spirit is kind. Self controlled. Loving. Patient. One that is not rough or prickly.
What about a quiet spirit. Does that mean you can never talk or have a loud personality or have any opinions?
I don’t think so. In 1 Timothy 2:2 Paul uses that word to talk about a peaceful and quiet life. One that is godly and dignified.
So I think a quiet spirit means a submissive spirit. A restful spirit. A reverent and peaceful spirit.
Not one who is unsubmissive and rebellious because that’s what marks the women of the world.
I imagine a gentle and quiet spirit looking like a peaceful lake early in the morning. Its calm, the air is peaceful, the birds are singing, you can hear a soft wind blow through the trees and the lake is smooth as glass.
Its not rough or choppy and filled with white caps.
Its a soul that is peaceful, serene, at rest in God. And to use our word again reverent.
How distinct from the world would the daughters of God be if this is how they adorned themselves?
And notice what Peter says. A daughter of God’s gentle quiet spirit, her soul beauty in the hidden person of the heart, is not hidden to God. Quite the opposite. In God’s sight it is very precious.
Inner godliness, a life adorned with a gentle and quiet spirit and good works is very precious in the sight of God.
Its Treasured. Valued. Sought after in all of God’s daughters.
And most of all its true beauty. Its beauty that honors God by bearing God’s image and showing the world the purity of his holiness.
This should be the aim and desire of every Kingdom Woman. A godly beauty that will never fade and glorifies God in everything you do.
Let me ask it this way. And I promise you, I’m not trying to sting you.
When you look at your daily routine. What do you spend your time adorning?
Is all your focus on outer beauty? Hair, jewelry, make up, fine clothes?
Or do you let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart? The beauty of godliness that’s only obvious to God?
And look. I know some of you aren’t into make up and outer beauty. But the point is are you making your inner godliness a priority in your life or do you let soul beauty get pushed to the margins by whatever is “your thing”?
Let me ask it one last way. Let’s get up close and personal.
Would a worldly woman adorn herself the same way you adorn yourself?
Daughters of God’s Kingdom adorn themselves with holiness. Their heart's desire is to revere God in everything they do. To honor him. Bring glory to him.
Holiness is the aim of Godly Women. And holiness is true beauty that will never fade.


What does it mean to be a godly woman?

A godly woman is a Kingdom woman. And a Kingdom Woman is a holy woman.
Here has been my goal this entire sermon. I want Christ to free you from the pattern of the world.
I want to show you there is more to being a woman than homemaking as important as it is. I want to show you that there is more to being a woman than outer beauty, or the perfect house, or the perfect social media influencer life.
Being a woman first and foremost means you are made in the image of God to bring glory to Christ and fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God.
And how Christ, the true King who holds everlasting dominion, does this through you, is through the power of the transformed life of the new creation.
Through the power of the gospel that saves us from sin, and transfers us from the domain of darkness to the Kingdom of the Son.
Don’t settle for the things of this world. Live for Christ! Honor Him. Revere him. Die to yourself and live your life for the glory of His Name.

Let’s Pray

Scripture Reading

Psalm 22:27-28
All the ends of the earth shall remember
and turn to the Lord,
and all the families of the nations
shall worship before you.
28  For kingship belongs to the Lord,
and he rules over the nations.
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