When to Leave
1st John 2
1: My dear children: very personal John is now getting to be an old man Grandfather like,.
2: atoning sacrifice
3: We know him (Our knowledge of Christ must be personal, experiential, and practical—not just theoretical) .
if we obey his commands: old testament Hebrew word dābhār
as the ten words of God.
Practical knowledge of Christ has practical application in our daily walk (as John is about to assert). “To know about Christ, to understand the doctrine of His person and work is mere theory; we get to know Him and to know that we know Him by practice of His precepts” (Smith)
And how can we be sure that we belong to him? By obeying his commandments 3 Living bible
Here’s how we can be sure that we know God in the right way: Keep his commandments. Message Bible
What does it mean to follow god.
Do you guy know what legalism is so what is it:
1. Legalism puts Rules Above God, matthew 12:1-14
2. Puts rules above Human needs
3. Legalism kills joy Galatians 4:8-20
4. Legalism is attractive but destructive col: 2:6-23