Wedding Template
[time] Prelude (usually 15-30 min. before processional music begins)
[time] Entire wedding party dressed and in sanctuary for pictures
[time] Seating of Guests
[time] Wedding party in annex
[time] Special music (optional)
[time] Seating of Honored Guests
Begin Processional Music
Begin Processional Music
Seat groom's grandmother
Seat bride's grandmother
Seat groom's parents
Seat bride's mother
Both mothers light unity candle (or other unity prep — also optional)
Begin Processional
Begin Processional
Pastor Matt and Groom enter from side (Pastor Matt leads)
Groomsmen and Bridesmaids
Process down aisle to your place. Stand at an angle facing the congregation, so that you will see the bride as she comes down the aisle.
Maid/Matron of Honor and Best Man
Flower Girl and Ring Bearer
Begin Wedding March
Begin Wedding March
1. Bride with Father enters (Bride's mother stands as signal for all to stand)
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Ceremony
Call to Worship
Call to Worship
Prayer of Invocation
Prayer of Invocation
Inviting God’s presence and recognizing that marriage is part of his good plan. Ask God’s Spirit to supervise the service and sanctify all that happens.
Invite congregation to be seated
Invite congregation to be seated
Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks
Welcome guests on behalf of bride and groom.
We are gathered here in the sight of God and these witnesses to unite Groom and Bride in holy matrimony. As believers in Jesus Christ, they recognize that it was God who instituted marriage, and who said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." The God who made and redeemed them also instituted this relationship they are about to enter.
As God's children by faith in Jesus Christ, the relationship of marriage is especially meaningful. Our Savior, Jesus, declared that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. And through his apostles, he has instructed those who enter into this relation to cherish a mutual esteem and love; to bear with each other’s infirmities and weaknesses; to comfort each other in sickness, trouble, and sorrow; in honest work to provide for each other, and for their household, in temporal things; to pray for and encourage each other in the things which pertain to God; and to live together as the heirs of the grace of life.
Let me remind you, Groom and Bride, your home will never be what God intends for it to be if you leave Him out of your relationship. As you are obedient to the Word of God, and allow God to control your relationship, your home will be the place of joy and testimony to the world that God intends.
Vows of Intent
Vows of Intent
As Groom and Bride share their vows of their intent with one another. If you are here with your spouse this can be a good opportunity for you join hands and reaffirm your commitment to one another as well.
Groom, will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her and forsaking all others, keep only unto her as long as you both shall live? (Groom answers, “I will.”)
Bride, will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him and forsaking all others, keep only unto him as long as you both shall live? (Bride answers, “I will.”)
Giving Away of the Bride
Giving Away of the Bride
Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
Father: “Her mother and I.” (Place the Bride’s right hand in the left hand of the Groom.
She may give him a kiss.
Congregational Song
Congregational Song
Wedding Party Moves to Platform (if applicable)
Wedding Party Moves to Platform (if applicable)
Flower girl and ring bearer may be seated if needed.
Maid/Matron of Honor sets train and takes flowers.
Brideand Groom face one another and hold hands.
Scripture Reading
Scripture Reading
Wedding Scriptures Passage List
Congregational Song or Special Music
Congregational Song or Special Music
Wedding Vows Introduction
Wedding Vows Introduction
Groom and Bride, the vows you are about to take are not to be taken without careful thought and prayer. For in them you are committing yourselves exclusively the one to the other for as long as you both shall live. This love is not to be diminished by difficult circumstances, and it is only to be dissolved by death.
Ring Vows
Ring Vows
See Sample Wedding Vows and Sample Wedding Ceremonies
Unity Candle, Sand, Etc. with Special Music
Unity Candle, Sand, Etc. with Special Music
Prayer of Dedication
Prayer of Dedication
Join with me as we ask God's blessing on this new formed family unit. Shall we pray?
Eternal Father, creator, redeemer, lover of our souls, we now turn to you, and as the first act of this couple in their newly formed union. We as you to protect their home. May they always turn to you for guidance, for strength, for provision, for direction. May they glorify you in the choices they make, in the ministries they involve themselves in, in all that they do. Use them to draw others to yourself, and let them stand as a testimony to the world of your faithfulness. We ask this in Jesus name, Amen.
For as much as Groom and Bride have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and these witnesses, and thereto have pledged their faithfulness each to the other, and have pledged the same by the giving and receiving each of a ring, by the authority invested in me as a minister of the gospel according to the laws of the State of Iowa, I pronounce that they are husband and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Those that God has joined together, let no man put assunder.
(Anticipatory Pause)
You may kiss your bride.
The Kiss
The Kiss
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24–26, ESV)
Presentation of Couple
Presentation of Couple
Bride retrieves her flowers from the Maid/Matron of Honor and both face congregation.
Pastor Matt: Now it is my joy and honor to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Last Name.
Post Service
Post Service
Bride and Groom
Matron of Honor and Best Man
Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
Flower Girl and Ring Bearer (if they have remained up front)
Groomsmen/ushers return for honored guests who are escorted out in reversed order of their entrance
Pastor Matt exits after pastors/honored guests
Ushers may dismiss rest of guests or usher them out row by row
Receiving Line and Reception
Receiving Line and Reception
Family Representative to Assist
Bride’s Side: name (relation)
Groom’s Side: name (relation)
The Happy Couple
Bride’s Full Name: name
Groom’s Full Name: name
Parents (be mindful of step-parents)
Bride’s Father: name
Bride’s Mother: name
Groom’s Father: name
Groom’s Mother: name
Wedding Party
Maid of Honor: name
Best Man: name
Bridesmaids: name, name, name, name, name, name, name
Groomsmen: name, name, name, name, name, name, name
Flower Girl: name
Ring Bearer: name
Ushers: name, name, name, name, name, name, name
Musicians: name, name, name, name, name, name, name
Photographer: name(s)