1 Peter 2:6-8 - Swimming Upstream

1 Peter  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Swimming Upstream - honor God even if the culture thinks it's shameful


Swimming Upstream - honor God even if the culture thinks it's shameful

Dad - Work ethic - working around the house - no pay
Hard jobs! if it were easy anyone could do. It’s hard that’s why your doing it.
We honor the fathers who swim upstream from culture and swim to God. We encourage other fathers to do the same.
Swimming upstream - persecuted church, what we stand for is considered shameful by those around us
Ethical Economics
Sexual ethic
Purpose of Human Life
A dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a strong live fish to swim upstream


The Church, built by God - AND - God sees what we can’t
Who can be a part of the church? - as you are coming
What does the church look like? Jesus - a community of stones being built by Jesus
What’s the role of the church? Holy Priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices
Preaching - Uses 3 OT verses to show that either you are in line with God and honored or against God and dishonored.
1 Peter 2:6–8 (ESV)
6 For it stands in Scripture:
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone,
a cornerstone chosen and precious,
and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”
7 So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe,
“The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone,”
8 and
“A stone of stumbling,
and a rock of offense.”
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.

For those who Believe

Isaiah 28
Behold - pay attention
I (God) am laying in Zion
The central location for Israel’s self-understanding of life under God.
The place God showed up to you - whatever extent
Cornerstone - the first stone laid in the construction of a building at the outer corner of two intersecting masonry walls.
Jesus is not the kingdom of God he is the start - without him, there is no kingdom
Shame - to humiliate, to disgrace, to put to shame.
Honor last forever
Cannot be taken away
Honor is depicted in the NT as the result of a life of loyalty to Jesus and obedience to his teachings and example.

But for those who don’t believe

The builders rejected
God builds his church
Other building something else - don’t get caught in that
How do we know? - “as you are coming” vs rejection
Psalms 118:22
The stone rejected has become the cornerstone
Whether you like it or not - God has done this
Isaiah 8
& a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense
In the context of Isaiah 8, Israel and Judah (all 12 tribes of Isreal) are called upon to fear and trust the Lord rather than fear other nations
Peters readers would have been tempted to fear those who mistreated and persecuted them and not God.
Social Fear - Dad don’t worry about that
Everyone feels Shame when they fall down
1, 2 Peter, Jude (3) The Living Stone and Living Stones (2:4–10)

Their stumbling over the cornerstone is not accidental, as humans often trip unintentionally while walking. In this instance humans stumble because of rebellion, because they do not want to submit to God’s lordship

Building something that won’t last - inline with God our outline with an evil spirit
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.
99 times in ESV
Laid, lay, laying, lays, put, puts - 60 times
Destined - 2
Not 2 distinct appointments - but 1
you are coming to Jesus and letting him build you up in his kingdom
Or you are being used to build something that won’t last
Obey or disobey what God has relieved to you


Society has God on trial - like dead fish floating with the current, but what they don’t realize is that God will put us on trial.
C.S. Lewis
The ancient person approached God (or even false gods) as a person standing trial before a judge. But, for the modern person has reversed the roles. The modern thinks of himself as the judge: and thinks God is on the stand. If God should have a reasonable defense for allowing war, poverty and disease, he is ready to listen to it and judge kindly - may even decide God is not guilty. But in reality you and I will be on the stand and God is the judge.
Will you obey or disobey
Accept or reject God’s Zion moment in your life?
Will you swim upstream and be rejected by the world and honored by God
Or will follow the stream and be honored by the world and stumble before God?
There is honor in swimming upstream
Honor in believing in God and obeying him.
Jesus was willing to be rejected for you
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