Acts 13:13-26 JC to OT in 8 Steps
Acts 13:13-25 – OT to JC in 8 Steps
Diving Deeper Lesson Outline for Acts 13:13-25
This is lesson 1 of 3 on Paul’s sermon in Acts 13.
Part 1 is the “Jesus Was” of Paul’s sermon. Part 2 will cover the “Jesus Is” and Part 3 will cover the “Jesus Can Be.”
Title derived from Paul’s overview of OT history which culminates with Jesus Christ and John the Baptist in Acts 13:23-24.
Acts 13:13 and following is Paul’s first recorded and longest sermon.
It behooves us to pay attention to what the greatest evangelist of all time preaches.
It contains obvious parallels to Stephen’s sermon in Acts 7.
“Both sermons emphasize God's raising up leaders for Israel, but with a major (though complementary) difference: Stephen pointed to Israel's rejection of its God-sent leaders, while Paul stressed God's grace in providing the leaders.” – ESV Study Bible
Point 1 is a drawn from the actions ascribed to God, by Paul, in Acts 13:17-22.
The Actions and the Scripture background:
Genesis 12:1, Genesis 17:7 and in Psalm 135:4
Exodus 1:7 and Psalm 105:24
LED OUT OF EGYPT in Acts 13:17
Deuteronomy 4:20, Nehemiah 9:9-12 and Psalm 78:12-13, Micah 7:15 (will show you marvelous things)
PUT UP WITH (CARES FOR) in Acts 13:18
Exodus 16:2-3, Deuteronomy 9:7, Nehemiah 9:16-21, Acts 7:39-43 and Hebrews 3:7-10 (hardened hearts)
GAVE THEM LAND in Acts 13:19
Deuteronomy 7:1 and Psalm 78:55
GAVE THEM JUDGES in Acts 13:20
Judges 2:16-20
GAVE THEM A KING in Acts 13:21
1 Samuel 10:1 and Hosea 13:11
RAISED UP DAVID in Acts 13:22
1 Samuel 13:14, 2 Samuel 5:3-5 and Psalm 78:70-72
In examples above, the sovereignty of God is evident in all of Israel’s history.
God was their cause and source.
They were done His way, at His timing, for His glory.
And Paul’s carefully chosen OT references were more than just a primer on OT history.
Paul was painting a road sign that read, “This Way to Jesus.”
Point 2 is drawn from a comparison of the work of God in Israel’s in Acts 13:17-22 and the work of Jesus.
Jesus is part of this history, literally, as a promised offspring (Acts 13:23) of King David.
See Jeremiah 23:5 about the “righteous Branch” of King David.
See 2 Samuel 7:12-17 about the “promised offspring” of King David.
John the Baptist understood that Jesus was Messiah (John 1:19-23)
POI – Many believed John because Jesus had not yet failed to meet their expectations.
The Gospel of John 7:42 asks what Paul was essentially asking – “Has not Scripture said…”
Jesus, as evident by his relationship to David, is part of the unbroken will of God for Israel since choosing Abram.
Jesus is part of this history, spiritually, as the completion of God’s will for Israel.
God Chooses – person (Abraham) to begin a nation // person (Jesus) to save a nation
God Makes – the Hebrews prosper & multiply // believers multiply at preaching of Jesus
God Leads – the Hebrews out of Egypt and redeemed them // Jesus to the Cross to redeem us
God Put Up With – disobedience and was “ready to forgive” (Neh 9:17) // disobedience and, in Jesus, He forgives
God Gives – promised land through the shedding of blood // promised salvation through shedding of Jesus’ blood
God Gives – Judges & Kings authority to rule and protect // Jesus authority to conquer sin and save
God Raised Up – David as King // Jesus from the grave to be our unfailing King!
Not only is Jesus historically the Messiah but he is effectually the Messiah – Jesus Saves.
Paul tells us in Acts13:26 that JESUS IS the salvation message of Israel’s history!
We will have more on that next week.
The OT relationship to JC makes sense to discuss with Jews/God Fearers who were familiar with that history.
But does OT have any place in a modern day Gospel message?
Do you see the OT has relevant to your spiritual maturation?
Is there a Gospel message without the OT?