Genesis 14: Don't Forget Who's the Real King
The Journey of Faith • Sermon • Submitted
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Dad - what will be your mark of manhood?
86 year-old playing video games is not typical. Neither is a 75 year old man who acts more like Rambo than a senior saint as he defeats several enemy kingdoms.
What a Father’s Day story!
But, there’s much more to this story than a harrowing tale of an 75 year old man pulling off an amazing upset victory. This is a story that reminds us that God is always at work for our victory.
This story is for you if you’re exhausted. This story is for you if you feel like you are in a battle for your marriage, for your children, for your health, to get through college, to make it through the work day, or the battle to live for Jesus in a dark world. You are not alone in your battle!
Romans 8:37-39! Let these verses motivate you no matter the battles you face.
What we keep learning and what needs to be hammered in our heads in Abe’s story: God is faithful to accomplish in your life what He wants to accomplish. That truth should motivate us to keep our eyes on Him especially when we face challenges.
Abe faces a huge challenge: war. Two huge truths he learned about God in the battle of his life that you need to learn as well.
Abe’s back in the Promised Land, but it’s not a peaceful land. First war mentioned in Bible. We’ve come a long way from the Garden of Eden and God’s original design.
Tribal kingdoms formed an alliance. King Chedorlaomer of Elam was the big king in charge. For twelve years all these other tribal kingdoms answered to King C. They paid tribute to the king and in return they got his protection.
Five of the tribal kingdoms rebelled. Two of those kingdoms were Sodom and Gomorrah. The five kingdoms went up against the four kingdoms led by King C. It didn’t go well.
The five kingdoms were no match for King C and his allies. They fled. While fleeing, some fell in tar pits and left to die. The rest fled to the hills. The four kings plundered Sodom and Gomorrah.
In Ch. 13, Lot looked from a distance at the land of Sodom and Gomorrah and left Abe to live in this fertile area. Now, in Ch. 14, Lot is living in Sodom.
When Lot moved to Sodom, he expected Eden, but Sodom didn’t turn out to be Eden at all. Lot’s life was in jeopardy, and everything he had was taken away. He went to Sodom with his wealth, and he sought more wealth. THE IRONY: Instead of being wealthy, Lot and his family were captives and lost everything they had.
One survivor escapes and runs and reports to Abe what had happened.
Following God has not been easy for Abe. This was the Promised Land, but it didn’t seem so promising. First, a famine (Gen. 12), now a war in which Abe’s nephew was taken away as a captive.
This is the land God promised Abe, but what good was the Promised Land if at any moment competing kings can come in and plunder the land and take your relatives into exile?
Abe determines to rescue Lot. Reality: Lot didn’t deserve for his uncle to come and rescue him. Lot walked away. Lot chose a comfortable, easy life.
You didn’t choose to be rescued either, but God rescued you from sin and death through the death and resurrection of His own Son.
318 trained men born in his household. Not as many trained soldiers as there were in the 4 tribal kingdoms that routed Sodom and Gomorrah but impressive. Abe had grown into a man of wealth and power.
75 year old Abe took his 318 men and went to war. Strategically attacks the enemy by night - only way a smaller army could have any advantage over a larger.
Defeats King C and his allies - what the five kings could not do. Abe’s small army completely routs them. He frees Lots’s family and restores Lot’s possessions.
Faith leads Abe to act. He goes to battle knowing what God has promised him, and he goes to battle sacrificially for his nephew who had left him for a better land.
All these kings fighting in the land, and in one decisive battle Abe proves he’s the most powerful king in the land. This is his land. Abraham proves himself as the real king of the land.
After a decisive victory, Abe is met by the king of Sodom in the king’s valley. Abe has newfound confidence. He’s feeling like the king of the land. It’s his land. He’s defended it. He’s the one who’s mighty in the land; not King C.
BUT… Out of nowhere appears another king: Melchizedek - THE International Man of Mystery. Few details. Only time he makes an appearance in the Bible.
Melchizedek means king of righteousness. Salem
Peace. Abe is not the only one fighting for peace in the land. Mel is a priest. Bringing people before God to have peace with God. Standing before him is a righteous, peace seeking king. Salem ancient name for Jerusalem.
Brings out bread and wine - interesting - priest of the Most High God - What? Abe and his family aren’t the only followers of Yahweh. This man living in Canaan among pagans is a follower of Yahweh.
Not only a follower of Yahweh BUT a priest. Moses writing in the wilderness and establishing the priesthood. Long before Aaron was ordained priest there was a priest in Salem. A king who was a priest - someone who mediates between God and man.
Abe is feeling confident - but Abe’s superior - a priest and a king to put Abe in his place.
Melchizedek’s message: don’t forget for a moment where your blessing comes from and where your victory comes from. God has handed your enemies to you (vs. 20). God keeps blessing Abe!
Abraham had won a decisive victory. He seemed like the king of the land, but Mel reminded him who was the real king of the land: God.
Abraham gave him a tenth. A way of showing that what Abe had belonged to God.
King of Sodom: “Let’s work a business deal. I keep the people, you keep the goods.”
King of Sodom: “You can have it now… just give me what I want.”
King of Salem: “Trust the God who gave you victory. He will give you what He promised in His time.”
Abe to King of Sodom: I’m not dealing with you. I don’t every want anyone to say you made me rich. I take nothing from you.” Abe wanted people to know God made him rich.
The same God who is at work in your trials is at work in your victories.
The same God who is at work in your trials is at work in your victories.
God is always at work. When you are hurting, God is at work. When life couldn’t get any worse, God is at work.
When life can’t get any better, God is at work. When you achieve what appear to be life’s greatest successes, it was because of God.
You can’t take credit. Temptation for Abe to think he had done something great, but it was God. Temptation for you to say, “Look at me!” When the constant refrain of your life should be, “Look at God.” Paul knew this. (Galatians 6:14)
You can’t hold back. The only right response to God’s work in your life is to give - ultimately your life (Romans 12:1-2). God’s been good to you, yet you desperately cling to your life like it ultimately belongs to you. It doesn’t.
You can’t not submit. No area of your life where you can say to God, “Hands off.” Every area of your life, “God, what do you want from me? How do you want me to live? It is my joy to live for the King!”
Chik-fil-a catching up with me. I can’t live my way and get away with it. You can’t either.
The God who is at work in your victories knows how to bless you.
The God who is at work in your victories knows how to bless you.
We all want blessing! We all want the good life!
Where is Abe going to find blessing? Where is Abe going to find the blessed life? Making deals with the King of Sodom? Or by following God in faith? You know the answer… God has already promised Abe blessing.
You’re not going to miss out when you walk by faith. Why some of you fail to follow God. You think you’ll miss out.
The blessed life is not getting everything you want out of life. The blessed life is you receiving everything God desires for you. It’s receiving hardships by faith. It’s walking through difficult times empowered by the Spirit.
It’s going to difficult places with the confidence that God is with you. It’s sharing the Gospel. It’s ministering to the hurting. It’s fighting for your marriage. It’s patiently discipling your kids.
I don’t want to miss out on what God has for me.
You have EVERY reason to walk by faith. Are you?
You’re not going to give in when you walk by faith.
The enemy to Abe: I have something better for you… The enemy to Jesus (Matt. 4) The enemy to you… “I have something better for you...”
What I’ve found: the more I walk by faith the less I want to walk faithlessly.
When you know blessing comes from God, you’re not going to give in to the Kings of Sodom of your life who are trying to get you to make “business deals.”
For some of you, you need to taste the goodness of God. You need to walk with the God who is always at work in your life.
This morning we need a Melchizedek who stops us in our tracks to remind us of the greatness of our God who gives us victory and blesses us.
Thankfully, we have a Melchizedek. His name is Jesus.
Hebrews 7:26-28 - Jesus is a better priest than Melchizedek.
He doesn’t just remind us of the greatness of God. He brings us to God - not through our sacrifices, but by His sacrifice.
He’s not just the King of Salem, He’s the King of the Universe. He’s the King who died in our place and rose again. He’s the King who is establishing His Kingdom in this world and in your life. He is the King who is worthy of your worship.
In your victories, it’s easy to think, “I’m the king. Look what I’ve done.” No. He’s the King. Give your life to Him.