Principles and Practices in Evangelism

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Identifying the difference between personal and public evangelism

Defining Evangelism

Evangelism is biblical proclamation driven by a mandate rooted in the theological kenosis of Divine incarnation”
Personal Evangelism 1. What Is Evangelism?

To state it specifically, evangelism is the telling of the Gospel to sinners with intent to bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ.

What is personal evangelism?

Personal Evangelism 4. Forms of Evangelism

The forms of evangelism can be divided into two categories, having to do with the persons reached and the methods employed. Naturally there will be some overlapping.

Personal Evangelism 4. Forms of Evangelism

Personal Evangelism—Individual Work.

Here the emphasis is on reaching the individual. H. Clay Trumbull’s motto was, “Individual work for individuals.” In the long run, every other form we have mentioned reduces itself to this. Whatever the characteristic of the group with whom we are working, our aim is to win the individual. We are not after the crowd but the persons who make up the crowd. We are not interested in the student as such, the railwayman as such, the youth as such, the derelict as such, but we are seeking the person who happens to be a student, a railwayman, a youth, or a derelict. They are all lost. They are all precious. Christ died for them all. We see them all as souls, as persons. As such we must seek them.

Public evangelism is the Holy Spirit-filled proclamation of the gospel of Jesus through public preaching. This message includes the divinity, incarnation, ministry, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second advent of Jesus. Balvin B. Braham
It involves publicly teaching the origin, progression, and destiny of the world and its inhabitants. Public preaching is the presentation of the good news---through verbal and nonverbal means -in which an invitation is extended for the hearers to accept and commit to the message. Balvin B. Braham

How to run a tent series

EVANGELISM, PUBLIC. Seventh-day Adventists believe that evangelism—the proclamation of the gospel—is the very heart of Christianity. From the early days of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, public evangelism has played a major role in the growth and development of the denomination. It began with a handful of devoted preachers holding meetings among little groups of those who had taken part in the Millerite movement. As concepts widened, it was not long until the church realized its mission to carry the three angels’ messages (Rev. 14:6–12) to “every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (v. 6).

There were at first no settled pastors of churches. Congregations led by lay elders were expected to carry on lay evangelism with the occasional aid of the ministers. Today local pastors are still expected to hold evangelistic meetings from time to time.

Gone are the days when evangelistic campaigns would continue for twelve weeks. thousands of souls were reaped through those campaigns. the preacher would prepare the soil, sow the seed, reap the harvest, and nurture the believers in one single campaign.
In many societies it woud be difficult to pursue the same course today, and indeed, greater precampaign preparation allows for shorter campaigns to be successful. Ibid.
The evangelistic cycle in the local church should include spiritual renewal and empowerment for discipleship. While there is a degree of overlap between different phases, the five distinct phases to be established are: (1) recruitment and training, (2) revival and inspiration, (3) community outreach, (4) reaping, and (5) celebration and nurturing. Braham, Dr. Balvin B.. A Practical Guide to Evangelism . Lime Press LLC. Kindle Edition.
Pastor Mark Finley suggests initial steps that need to be undertaken in organizing for an Evangelistic Series
Choose a campaingn Coordinator
Choose chairpersons for your specific committees
Establish your evangelistic committees
The Evangelistic Campaign Organization
Campaign Coordinator
Associate Coordinator
Pre-Registration coordinator
Materials Coordinator
Visitation Coordinator
Platform Coordinator
Committees Coordinator
The Planning Meeting It is advisable to have an evangelistic-planning meeting to set the agenda, determine the way forward, and establish procedure for an upcoming evangelistic campaign Braham, Dr. Balvin B.. A Practical Guide to Evangelism . Lime Press LLC. Kindle Edition.
1. Personnel considerations: Churches that will be participating Campaign-coordinating committee (Evangelistic Action Committee in a single-church campaign)
Bible workers
Prayer-team members
Campaign treasurer
Other campaign committees and personnel Accommodations for evangelist and Bible workers Training for personnel
2. Dates for the following: The entire campaign (from intense field preparation to reaping and conservation of new believers) Meetings of the various committees Church and community-needs surveys Community-action initiatives to be executed Spiritual initiatives to be executed Public campaign
3. Field preparation: Territorial zoning for Bible workers Evangelistic visitation by church members Community-service activities Bible correspondence school Personal Bible studies Use of social media ministry Advertisement and promotion of the public campaign
4. Material considerations: The site for the public campaign Adequate seating for the congregation Musical equipment Audio-visual and public-address systems Other technological resources Production of sermon recordings and outlines Transportation Refreshments Financial expenses of the campaign Any other necessary resources
5. Programming considerations: Nightly features and program outline Musical program Use of drama Use of appropriate video clips Personal testimonies Story time or children’s program Distribution of sermon recordings and outlines Day-time community activities Sabbath program Baptism
6. Follow-up plan for new converts: Reception and celebration New-believer orientation New-believer education package Mentorship program Integration into small groups and ministries Braham, Dr. Balvin B.. A Practical Guide to Evangelism . Lime Press LLC. Kindle Edition.

Branch Sabbath Schools

The Branch Sabbath School is an Evangelistic type of service conducted primarily for the benefit of non-Seventh-day Adventists.
A Branch Sabbath School is conducted under the approval of the Sabbath School council of the conference Sabbath school director. Regardless of the day on which it is held, the term Branch Sabbath School is used to designate any regular weekly Sabbath School evangelistic endeavor in which Sabbath School materials are used.

Types of Branch Sabbath Schools

A Swarming Branch Sabbath School
An Outreach Branch Sabbath School

Soul winning Counsel

The object of the Sabbath school work should be the ingathering of souls
Each a Link in Chain of Salvation.--He who becomes a child of God should henceforth look upon himself as a link in the chain let down to save the world, one with Christ in His plan of mercy, going forth with Him to seek and save the lost.--Ministry of Healing, p. 105. (1905) {Ev 250.1}
Not upon the ordained minister only rests the responsibility of going forth to fulfill this commission. Everyone who has received Christ is called to work for the salvation of his fellow men. AA 110
A great work might be accomplished in bringing souls to the knowledge of the truth.... In every town, city, and village there are persons who would embrace the truth if it were brought before them. Testimonies for the Church vol. 2, p. 113

Prospects for Branch Sabbath Schools

Who might be interested in attending Branch Sabbath School? as we see the many contacts available to us we can find many avenues to interest souls
Church members who are not Sabbath School members
Former members of the S.D.A Church.
Non -Seventh-day Adventist parents of children in Sabbath School of Church School.
Guests who visit our church
Vacation Bible School follow-up interests
Interested friends and neighbours
Interested relative
People responding to a home visitation survey
Interests from literature evangelists
Radio, Tv, and Bible school interests
Hospital interests
Interests from literature distribution
Ingathering contacts
those attending evangelistic efforts
Community service contacts
Prison interests
People in retirement home
Business associates and contacts
People who formerly attended Branch Sabbath School or Vacation Bible School.
Branch Sabbath Schools can be held at:
The home of a member
the home of an isolated member or shut-in.
the home of an interested neighbor
the home of an interest for Vacation Bible School of Bible Study.
A school room or small Hall.
A public building—town hall, courthouse, fire station.
A vacant building—store, church, Office.
A nursing home
A prison
A YWCA , YMCA, lodge, of veterans building.
Out-of-doors if weather and conditions permit.
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