Exposistion of Psalm 23
I. We Are to Trust the Leadership & Protection of God Through All of Life (Psalm 1-5)
a. He Provides the Leadership we Need (Psalm 1-3)
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Spurgeon describes it this way “No one can trust providence (Or God’s plan) till he distrusts himself”
i. He Leads Us to Places of Rest (Psalm 23:2a ) He makes me lie down in green pastures.
ii. He Leads Us to Places of Nourishment (Psalm 23:2b) He leads me beside still waters
iii. He Leads Us Individually Back to The Fold (Psalm 23:3a) He restores my soul.
iv. He Leads Us in Righteousness for His Glory (Psalm 23:3b) He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake
Transition: He is with us not only leading in the good but also in the hardships of life.
b. Throughout Our Life He Provides the Protection We Need (Psalm 4-5)
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,[c]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
i. He Fights Our Battles (Psalm 23:4b) your rod and
The rod was used to fight off animals
ii. He Guides Us Through the Battles (Psalm 23:4b) your staff,
they comfort me.
The staff would help individual sheep & also at night the staff would be used to count the flock
iii. He Protects us from Future Danger (Psalm 23:5a) You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies
A table is reference to the “hill country”. To protect the flock while they ate & slept the Shepard would build a stone wall surrounding them. Through the night the Shepard would sleep at the entry being the door.
iv. He Treats Our Wounds (Ministers to us) (Psalm 23:5b) you anoint my head with oil
A shepherd would examine the flock
v. He Provides Nourishment Even Here (Psalm 23:5b) my cup overflows.
A shepherd would bring a large cup full of water for the thirsty
Transition: Not only does God lead and protect us He also Provides
II. We Have a Promises We Can Hope In! (Psalm 23:6)
a. We Have Hope in This Life (Psalm 23:6a) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
b. We Have Hope in Life After Death (Psalm 23:6b) and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
Application Illustration: Lucy Following Asland in Prince Caspian.