Romans 11:11-24
Ancient olive farmers had a fascinating practice when it came to production on their olive trees. Olive trees, as many trees, lost some of their production later in their lifespan. Instead of cutting the tree down, olive farmers would take a sprig or shoot from a wild olive tree and graft it onto the new tree.
As the sap of both trees intermingled, the tree would grow stronger and produce fruit again.
In a masterful illustration - Paul is comparing the Jews, who have been unfruitful in their knowledge of Jesus, to the unfruitful olive tree. He is also comparing the Gentiles to the grafted branches.
Paul is asking the question, “Did Isreal stumble and fall? Why won’t Israel believe?”
Their unbelief allowed the Gentiles to believe (11). God has done good on a bad situation. How much more will happen when the Israelites believe (12).
Paul is preaching to Gentiles that Jews might believe (13-14). God takes bad circumstances and makes them good (15).
Isn’t it bad to be jealous? Not always.
John Stott // “If something is in itself evil, or if it belongs to somebody else and we have no right to it, then they envy is sinful. But if the something desired is in itself good, a blessing from God, which he means all his people to enjoy, then to ‘covet’ it and to ‘envy’ thopse who have it is not at all unworthy. This kind of desire is right in itself, and to arouse it can be a realistic motive in ministry.”
Gentiles share (grafted), because the Jews, in this time, have forfeited their places. Branches were broken so that new branches could be grafted and grow.
Observations - How do we walk in this gift that God has given us?
Belief is a gift. It should never make us arrogant (20).
We are not better than the people around us because we are Christians. We are simply people who have been shown grace.
I believe the most lacking quality in Christian evangelism is humility.
Tim Keller // “Though they were the chosen people, they began to think that they were the choice people.”
Outside of grace, we is nothing. If Israel wasn’t spared, we won’t be either. God has no favorites, and He has no least favorites (21).
What Jews believe and what Christians believe are not the same thing. The Jews are still waiting for their Messiah, but Christians know that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, has already come.
We think our Christianity is the center of Christianity.
God is both a kind king and just judge. Continue to walk in His kindness (22). You have the option this side of eternity to choose.
God will overcome their unbelief (23).
This is their natural disposition (24). The law has condition them to understand the things of God.
You can be very close to Jesus and not know Him. Jesus looked at, loved, and spoke to the rich young ruler, and he still walked away without salvation.