Sermon Tone Analysis
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Lesson 12: Real Comfort
Colossians 2:1-3
This world we are living it is constantly look for comfort.
It looks for comfort physically, it looks for it emotionally, it also is looking for comfort spiritually.
We need to make sure we are getting that comfort that right way, the way God intended.
Paul indicates the right kind of comfort and how we can give and get it in the Colossians 2.
I. Comfort through Prayer
Col. 2:1.“For
I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh.”
Paul had never seen their faces, but he labored in prayer on their behalf
Now Paul could have had the attitude that it was the job of Epaphras, their Pastor, to struggle in prayer for these Colossian Christians.
But Paul had a heart of love for God’s people, and even though he had never seen them, he prayed for them.
A. Agonizing in Prayer
Notice the word “conflict” here.
This is the word “agona”.
That is, Paul agonized over them in prayer.
Agonizing in prayer is something very few people know anything about.
He agonized in prayer, he drove himself to pray with great fervor.
Can you imagine what it would be like, if all Believers agonized in prayer?
•If they did, they would have a new kind of compassion for their people
•If they did, they would see their churches revolutionized
•If they did, they would see the lives of the believers begin to change
Unfortunately, for many today there is the:
B. Absence of Prayer
Because prayer is an agonizing task.
We have to contend with:
• Wandering thoughts
• Schedules
• Selfish pride
• Imaginations
• Sinful thoughts
• Laziness
When we pray, we are bombarded by these attacks, and we have to struggle within ourselves.
Because this is such a difficult task, it is probably the chief reason our churches are filled with immature Christians.
The Word of God is still true today.
Prescription for Success in Prayer
1. Be one of His
I’m talking about salvation, becoming a Believer - being saved by the blood - through repentance and faith.
2. Humble yourself
3. Pray
4. Seek Him
“…and seek my face...”
5. Repent from your sin
“…and turn from their wicked ways...”
Comfort through Conviction
Look at verses 2-3, we read, “That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
There is still today, just like in the book of Acts and the early church, for hearts to be encouraged.
Paul did this through comfort.
Now the comfort we are talking about here is the normal comfort our minds goes to.
A. Unhelpful styles of comfort
We live in a generation of well wishers and false comforters.
Jobs said this:
Now, he said it for different reasons, but often we comfort people in wrong ways.
Here are some of those ways:
1. False praise
2. Flattery
3. Forget about it!
Meaning, “it will be okay” when it obviously won’t, forgetting about it is not dealing with the problem.
4. Feelings over fact
5. Luxury and entertainment
That is where Laodicea was, that is how Satan kept them from being truly comforted.
B. Comforted by strength
The word “comforted” is the Greek word “paraklethosin” (Para-cle-thosin), which means STRONG, STRENGTHENED, ESTABLISHED.
When you think about, someone that is comforted in something because they are strong in their conviction of its truth.
We need to be strong in the doctrine the Bible teaches.
Strong beliefs should inspire the weaker Christians to become strong also.
The reason that many are in the cults today, is because they met someone that was strong in what they believed.
Have you ever come into contact with a good salesman?
If you have, you recognized that he was not doing this for money, he was selling his product because he believed in it.
This is the kind of salesman that is successful.
I was a carpet salesmen at a store part time and I worked in the warehouse.
I knew that I was not a good salesman early on because I didn’t believe in the product.
I’d tell the customer, “don’t waste your money on this expensive carpet, by this apartment grade sculptured carpet.”
I wasn’t makeing any commissions obviously.
But when it comes to the Gospel, now that is something that I believe.
4 Areas Needing the Comfort of Strength:
1. Strength concerning authority
When we know by what authority we conduct ourselves in enables us and comforts us to do more and do it with confidence.
If God says to do it, you have the most extreme authority in heaven and earth on the subject, and you cannot go wrong when you are obeying Him!
Robert Louis Stevenson tells of a storm that caught a vessel off a rocky coast and threatened to drive it and its passengers to destruction.
In the midst of the terror, one daring man, contrary to orders, went to the deck, made a dangerous passage to the pilot house and saw the steerman, at his post holding the wheel unwaveringly, and inch by inch, turning the ship out, once more, to sea.
The pilot saw the watcher and smiled.
Then, the daring passenger went below and gave out a note of cheer: "I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled.
All is well."
Robert Louis Stevenson.
2. Strength concerning study
Comfort of strength comes when I study God’s Word.
My faith grows stronger and much more confident because I know more about the Lord, and my faith is increased:
3. Strength concerning communicating
Obedience always breeds comfort and strength for continued obedience.
Disobedience breeds doubt, confusion, and weakness.
So when I obey God and preach and teach the Word, it is going to encourage me and others to do more.
4. Strength concerning right living
Right along with the last point, if I obey God and stay away from sin, and separate myself unto God, leaving the world and its ways behind, I will be strengthened.
If a pastor or teacher believes in what they are saying, believes the authority behind, learns and studies about it, and declares it to others - those who believe will hear and be comforted and strengthened and those who do not believe, may see the strength of our faith with the conviction of the Holy Spirit using the Word of God to their conversion.
Oh, how we need to get back to comforting one another, but comforting one another with prayer, with authority and truth; with study, communication, and right living.
Douglas Maurer, 15, of Creve Coeur, Missouri, had been feeling bad for several days.
His temperature was ranging between 103 and 105 degrees, and he was suffering from severe flu-like symptoms.
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