“God’s Glory Our Relief”

“If we could only look upon a difficult crisis as an occasion of bringing out, on our behalf, the sufficiency of divine grace, it would enable us to preserve the balance of our souls and to glorify God, even in the deepest waters.” So said C. H. Mackintosh more than few a years ago. That had to be something he learned from & through the heartache & hardship of life.
Another great quote from Charles Spurgeon is: “I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages.” Both quotes help tune our hearts to the heart of this morning’s message — may God be gloried whatever my situation may be.
When our default is God’s glory above our comfort, we discover …
1. He really is with us always.
While we can’t always trace God’s hand, we can always trust His heart.
Exodus 14:3-4 / Psalm 136:1-2 & 13-15
2. Him being glorified sizes the situation for our sanity & peace.
Knowing He is more than able is more than enough no matter what the what is.
Psalm 106:7-8 & 115:1 / John 9:1ff & 11:1ff (esp v40 which points back to v23) & 12:27-28
Making It Real
1] How are you continuing to learn how true this truly is?
2] What situation do you find yourself in today needing to know this?
Action Step
Share your struggle with a trusted friend. Pray together asking God
for Him to be glorified concerning whatever it is that concerns you.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224
Pastor Dan Page June 20, 2021 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com