Worship and Praise
Intro-worship and praise not the same. Worship is praise’s foundation.
- What is worship? Service! The offering of your self for service. Main word in O.T. – ABODA; N.T. – LATREIA, both originally refer to the service of slaves or hired servants. A worship service is where you offer yourself, body, soul, and spirit to God for his work.
- Scripture – Dt. 6:13 (Matt. 4:10) N.T. Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only. Satan wanted Christ’s worship i.e. service
- N.T. – Romans 12: 1,2-worship is the offer of physical body as a living sacrifice. Rom. 6:19 offer my body as righteousness’s slave; this is worship.
- Having done that; praise if proper – Psalm 33:1. Upright praise.
- Who praises? Upright servants Ps. 33:1
- When praise? Ps. 34 All times, always on lips – Heb. 13:15
- What is praise? Singing, dancing, gesturing and otherwise extolling the Lord – Ps. 149, 150.
- Where praise? Wherever you are (see b) Ps. 149
i. Assembly of saints vs. 1
ii. In Bed vs 5
iii. In combat vs 6,7 –wherever you are
- How praise?
i. Naturally – fruit of lips – Heb 13:15
ii. Orderly – no chaos – I Cor. 14:40
iii. Wholeheartedly – no holding back – Ps. 145:1,2
iv. Skillfully – nothing slipshot – Ps. 33:3