6.27.21 Let's Go: Life's Lessons
I. Being Present
II. Walk of Faith
III. Learning as You Live
1. The importance of talking about the great things God does
2. The importance of rest
3. When Jesus saw the people, He had compassion
4. Jesus’ compassion led to teaching
5. You don’t tell God what to do
6. Never underestimate what God is able to do
Faith Sheet:
1. What do you think was Jesus’ purpose in having the disciples report about their mission? What benefit is there in sharing successes and failures with a group?
2. Do you have a tendency to work too much or too little? When Jesus invited the disciples to come away to a remote place, what does that say about the balance of work and rest?
3. What kind of activity in what kind of place restores your spiritual energy and equips you to resume ministry with renewed vigor?
4. How is a spiritual sabbatical different from a vacation? Can the two be combined?
5. Are peoples’ “felt needs” sometimes different from what they really need? How can you determine what are the real needs of the people to whom you serve?
6. How can we meet the physical needs of people without turning our ministry into just a “social gospel”? (John 6:15, 26-27)
7. Have you known of a situation lately where the resources and manpower were clearly inadequate to complete the ministry task that God had unquestionably assigned? What happened?
8. What are some events that have brought you the most spiritual encouragement and prompted the most praise to God? Do these often arise out of impossible challenges?
9. How satisfied are you in God? Pray for one another to most glorify God when we are most satisfied in Him. (Psalm 16:11)