Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Appreciate so much as a pastor and just an individual is is the fact that when you and I come and we hear a sermon when you when you and I pick up the word of God and we read through the pages of scripture.
That we listen.
We Maastricht and we get it the very first time.
No, no.
What about this?
I appreciate it so much as a parent as a father and my kids did not get Miah dadalorian shirt.
That is pretty cool.
So but, but I appreciate that.
Sell my children, something to do an end and correct them on something that from that point on.
I never have to tell them ever again.
That ain't even got more laughter and how you guys listen to sermon better.
That's good.
All right.
If only that were true, right?
If only we came once to, to God's word.
We saw what he what he was telling us to do how he was telling us to live when we go, that makes sense.
And we can If only our children would listen the first time.
Or at least the hundredth time, that would be encouraging, right?
I appreciate that.
God is a father is, is patient.
And the truth is that often you and I are falling over and over in sin.
We give way to temptation.
And this life that God has called us to a life that he says, he wants us to live abundantly.
We still come back and we listened in here similar sermons and we leave after the sermon going, you know, I should probably correct.
And should be told as we come to, this morning's passage.
If you read ahead, then you already know.
It's it's deja vu.
I already deal with this with Abraham.
I mean, wait, remember that sermon and weeks and weeks ago?
Neil falling and face and all sherly Abraham had learned his lesson, right?
I mean, it was written in scripture.
I mean, you wouldn't want to make the same mistake twice, as someone was reporting it with you.
I'm here.
We come to chapter 20.
And we see that Abraham is falling the very same way.
As we read the the passes this morning though.
I want your attention.
Not to be on Abraham because so often when we see someone trip up again.
Sin again.
We look at them.
We just kind of shake her finger.
So let's not look at Abraham so much this morning.
As we read this morning.
As we look at these verse.
I want you to notice our gun.
Oh, I love coming to the pages of scripture and looking at our God.
Look at how God is going to work this morning.
Look at our God and his faithfulness.
As we read through these versus notice is great and his Mercy.
In spite of our sin.
Join with me, as we we begin reading chapter 20, beginning of the first one, look at our journey from there towards the land of negative and settled between Abraham said his wife.
Really, we're doing this again.
She is my sister.
So abimelech, king of Garrison and Sarah.
But God, I love those two words in the scriptures.
We we come, and we see what Abraham and Sarah are doing.
We're like, oh, no, not again.
And then the next to word regard, change night and said to him behold.
You are a dead man.
That's not a dream, you want.
By the way, because of the woman whom you have taken, first.
She is married.
Now demilec had to come near and he said, Lord, will you slaying Nation even though playlist?
Interesting, coming right off of Sodom Gomorrah, isn't it?
Did he not say to me?
She is my sister.
And she herself says she is my brother in the Integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hand.
I have done this.
Then God said to him in the dream.
Yes, I know.
That in the Integrity of your heart, you have done this and I also kept you from sinning against me there for.
I did not let you touch her now therefore restore the man's wife or she is a profit first time that's ever used in the scripture and he will pray for you and you will live.
But if you do not restore her know that you shall surely die you and all who are yours.
So then like rose early in the morning, early in the morning and called all the servants and told all these things in their hearings and the men were greatly frightened.
Then the bimbel, I called Abraham and said to him, what he's done to us.
And how have I sinned against you?
You were brought on me and on my kingdom, a great sin.
You have done to me things that are not to be done in a Bentley said, Abraham what-have-yous.
Encountered that you have done this thing.
Abraham said because I thought surely, there is no fear of God in this place and they will kill me because of my wife.
Besides she actually is my sister, the daughter of my father but not the daughter of my mother and she became my wife and it came about when God calls me to wander for my father.
This is the kindness which you will show to me, wherever we go.
Say of me.
Abimelech, then took sheep and oxen male and female servants, and gave them to Abraham and restored, his wife Sarah to him.
I said, behold my land.
He said, behold, I have given your brother's a thousand pieces of silver behold.
It is your Vindication before all were here with you.
And before all men who are clear.
You are cleared Abraham prayed to God and God healed of them black and his wife, and his made.
So that they bore children, who Lord it, close fast all the rooms of the house because of Farrah Abraham's wife.
Then the Lord took note of Sarah and he, as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah borse bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed, time of which God has spoken to him, Abraham, called the name of his son was born to him from Sarah bored bored again, Isaac.
Then Abraham circumcise, her son, Isaac.
When he was eight days old as gone.
It commanded, him was 100 years old.
When his son Isaac was born to him.
Sarah say, God has made laughter for me.
Everyone who hears will laugh with me.
And she said, she would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children yet.
I had borne him a son in my old in his old age.
Has it come to this passage?
< .5
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