Greatness is Following Jesus in the Way of the Cross

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We are looking at this Gospel as Gospel for a return to in-person Church. Harder to to stay close to Jesus and harder to live and serve, not just as individual Christian, but as the Jesus-circle, community of Christ, band of brothers and sisters indwelt by the Spirit doing discipleship and service and reaching out. We want to recapture who Jesus is and what He and His kingdom is all about. And the first of half of this Mark 1-8 is really all summed up in what Jesus announced and preached, and then calling you and I to proclaim (kerux).
Summed up in Mark 1:15
Mark 1:15 ESV
and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
And we see both what is we are to do in responding to Jesus and also what incredible benefits and salvation and a real but not earthly kingdom that he starts among us, in this first half. But this morning, on the occasion, of us calling 5 to lead all of us into service to God - I want us to jump to the verse that most people consider the theme of the whole gospel. If the first half is showing who Jesus is and what His kingdom is about. And remember we have Mark recording whole bunch of success in around Galilee, who He is and how His Kingdom works, and then building opposition. Well, the second half is very uniquely about Jesus last trip to Jerusalem and his work of salvation on t Cross there.
And while the first half was about Jesus reaching out to all, - to apostles, disciples, to crowds, to scribes and Pharisees, then second half on his trip to the Cross, is about Jesus drawing his disciples especially his apostles close to teach them how: i. the Messiah King must be suffering and serving King from the Cross, and ii. that the way of suffering service is not just Jesus modus-operandi to work God’s glory, but it must become every Jesus follower’s way of doing life! The whole second half is kicked off by Peter confessing Jesus as the Christ the Son of the living God, but then right way Jesus teaching but I am going to the Cross and he says: Mark 9:35
Mark 9:35 ESV
And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
Jesus Kingdom is an upside-down one both to each one of self-centred human natures but also to our cultures. So these chapters Jesus has to spell out with increasing detail - how he goes to the Cross to serve us with salvation. And our text is the third and final and most detailed description of how lowly , and painful this kind of service would be. And that’s when Jesus gives what Mark makes the theme of the whole gospel. A verse that I know to me serving at camp, trying to learn the Jesus way one of the dearest verses of God’s Word to me: Mark 10:45
Mark 10:45 ESV
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
This is what makes the gospel of Mark, especially the second half a discipleship manual.

Key Truth: Those in the Jesus’s circle must live life by Jesus way!

We the Jesus way first of all by contrast in our passage. As I told you Mark has strung certain scattered events around themes in this gospel. But there is no major break in the story telling of Mark in this passage. Mark sandwiches the servanthood teaching at the heart of his gospel, between the example of Jesus service and the healing and following of blind Bartemaius.

A. Understand the Contrast of Self-Centered Glory-Seeking with Christ-like Serving

Let’s begin with self-centered glory seeking first. It begins with disciples #3 and #4, remember two sets of brothers, but Mark always puts Peter first. And indeed there was an inner circle of apostles that Jesus had, and Peter boldly led. But now those other two brothers James and John, hearing what Jesus just said about going into Jerusalem - they block out the suffering and service part, and all they seem to hear is Jerusalem part with glory. They want to beat Peter to the punch, and get seats of glory, where they won’t enter into Jerusalem with the world-Messiah, but they are asking to what: sit on thrones with Jesus on the right and left. Mark 10:37
Mark 10:37 ESV
And they said to him, “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.”
Plenty of expectation among Jews that Messiah, the branch, root of David, spring up and take a throne begin glorious earthly kingdom kicking out the Romans and even Herodians. In chapter 9 as they began the trip of Jesus going to Jerusalem to die in service, in substitution for them and us, they are arguing about who is the greatest. But now they are arguing about getting the most out their association with the Messiah. Ad we see this isn’t just James and John, its the whole group of 12 every last one of them: look at them: Mark 10:41
Mark 10:41 ESV
And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John.
Nothing wrong with indignation, anger - but what makes you angry, what do you do with it. Very very seldom we experience anger - not touched by sin. SO often our anger whitener aggressive or passive, is about us not getting our way, being jealous that another well-being comes before ours, you know that feeling your interests and position, and recognition, and your comfort is paramount. Some of our strongest angry or jealous reactions reveal that don’t they!
And do you see by contrast how Jesus is living. Look at the way our passage begins and ends. Something so symbolic here: Mark 10:32a, 52
Mark 10:32 ESV
And they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them. And they were amazed, and those who followed were afraid. And taking the twelve again, he began to tell them what was to happen to him,
Mark 10:52 ESV
And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way.
This whole section is about the way/road. IT’s the way of Jesus the way of the Cross. And the beginning of that v.32 shows Jesus both as a Rabbi walking ahead, but even this is God walking ahead of us, showing us the way. Fulfill OT prophesy:
And here is where the great contrast and irony comes. Look at the crowd and the disciples response. They sense something usually strange going on: Mark 10:32b
Mark 10:32b ESV
And they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them. And they were amazed, and those who followed were afraid. And taking the twelve again, he began to tell them what was to happen to him,
The crowds in this Passover season coming up Jerusalem road are amazed. The conflict with Scribes who early on plotted to kill and take out Jesus, are ready, and their jaw drops wow he is going to head them off in Jerusalem. And the disciples who are following behind this rabbi, whom they believe to be Messiah - they are shaking in their boots.
And Jesus has no, delusions of grandeur, no false expectation of ease and wordly-glory. I go to glory and salvation and establish my spiritual kingdom, not running away from suffering, but through suffering. The way up is the way down. And I go with a determination even a bounce in step to do it - But now the detail comes, I going to be condemned to death, read it allover the Scripture his whole life. I will be handed over to the Gentiles, ultimate humiliation. But I will rise.
And look at Jesus in the closing scene, we Jesus-followers stuck in pride and self-centred glory seeking, but here comes Jesus on road from Jericho to Jersualem, and right at the gateway to the desert, there is a blind man, whom everyone ignore, like the disciples ignored the children. You see that in v.48 shut that guy by the exit ramp up, get him out of here. But it is Jesus who came to serve to seek not his own interests but interest of others, takes on garb of servant and refuses to live by rankings! Jesus stops when everyone else pushes on. Jesus hears his crying out. And what is he crying, a testimony to how Jesus wore the title Messiah: Mark 10:48
Mark 10:48 ESV
And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
It is no wonder that he called him Son of David, but the premised Son of David, like David a warrior, yes king of peace, but not put together with this idea have mercy! I wonder about you - do people know you to be merciful, expect it from you. And look at his response, throws off his cloak - faith made well, Jesus tells him to go his way. but wow - With Mark’s favourite word - someone experience the Jesus way and what happens? That person begins to walk the Jesus way. Look at it again: Mark 10:52
Mark 10:52 ESV
And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way.
That’s Mark’s point, and what he is calling each of us too in experiencing the Jesus way of the Cross, faith and salvation there, but then we don’t turn around ad go home and just live like those apostles for our own interests, for our own glory, getting angry when our will isn’t done interests aren’t paramount. No, we live for Jesus interests, we walk in His way. And that is the second part of this text that the Holy Spirit is teaching us for a return to in person church.

B. The Glory of Powerful Son of Man is to be the Suffering Servant of All

Before we rush to the application Mark has for how we live and serve and lead, we must learn from Jesus what the heart of living for God, serving God and our neighbour and leading is really about!
In the first half it is Mark teaching the Christian’s in Rome about the Son of Man - see Jesus has authority to drive out demons, he has authority on earth to forgive sins. But now in the second half of the gospel, it is Jesus Himself taking on this title - he is making an extraordinary claim about this identity, and an even more extraordinary explanation of his job. First notice his claim.
Jesus going to the Cross, says , I am the Son of Man. The Jews of the day, understood he was taking on the Title for the Messiah described in Daniel 7 who is given authority to reign all kingdoms. No wonder the crowd thinks he is hurrying to Jersualem with such confidence. But he says he will be condemned and spit upon, die, but then rise. And then when those disciples stuck in their wrangling self-centeredness. He doesn’t condemn them or rebuke them. What do you want me to do for you. Oh you want seats of glory and ease with me. Well let me tell you what the Sn of Man does with all his power.
Mark 10:38
Mark 10:38 ESV
Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”
What’s the expected answer. Rhetorical question - you and i nor any human being can drink the cup Jesus as teh Son of Man, the Representative of humanity can drink. Cup of wrath, comes in service of others to drink it to the dregs, cup of judgment And what is this baptism? Not in the Jordan, with Spirit, not John’s baptism of repentance which shows so much about the fleeing from judgment turning to God’s way. No, this baptism is absolutely unique to Jesus - has nothing to do with immersion in water. but everything to do with immersion into suffering the judgment of God on sin and rebellion.
Think of how the NT teaches us about baptism. Not about a person’s faith or experience in the water. But two great passages are 1 Cor 10 - there the people God was saving, the fleeing Israelites, described passing through the Red Sea, maybe splashed around them, but walked through on dry ground. But they were baptized into Moses like all beliving Israel - and if not in Moses - washed away in judgment with Pharoah’ army. Or think of how Peter describes it - there is destroying flood out there, but you are dry in the ark - baptism is deliverance from that judgment - but you go t to tbe in the ark. And Jesus is describing what they could not yet get. He alone as the Son of Man has the authority and the power to undertake that baptism and drink that cup for us, and no sitting at my right hand or left isn’t about your ranking, or your performance. It is a pure gift! Wouldn’t be surprised if it is the least in the kingdom of heaven the little ones who will sit there.
But then Jesus says something that seems so confusing. You can’t undertake this. No, the Son of Man came to serve you in that way. But then Jesus looks at them, even as He does to any disciple here today, and says: Mark 10:39
Mark 10:39 ESV
And they said to him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized,
And pay careful attention here, for we are drawing to the heart of his teaching about you and I following in the Jesus way and not just being in the Jesus circle.
John and James and we can add Peter and each of them, jockeying for power,. Ye they flee when time to stand with suffering and Saviour comes. They live by what one British teacher says many Americans have for their national anthem: Oh say can you see, what’s in it for me! Whole church - consumer good - what does it do for me.
But years later a matured matured John and James, after receiving Christ work and living in Jesus way, have experienced Christ’s death and resurrection for them. This James is not brother of Jesus who wrote the epistle not James the lesser, apostles, but James the Great - God use his great talents, but even more his suffering - first of the apostles to give his life in service of brothers and sisters in Jerusalem church. And John, perhaps the only apostles not martyred. but how he suffered in exile in Patmos, persecuted. And this is Jesus point - they do drink the cup, sharing in Jesus’ suffering for the sake of others and gospel, not in saving way, but by way of example and way of Christ’s Spirit living in them. And they were baptized into his death. So that John later would write 1 John 3:16
1 John 3:16 ESV
By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
Do you understand that is what servants who are transformed by Jesus death and life do. They lay down there lives for each other. They copy the Lord of whom Paul said in Phil 2. Your attitude should be like that of Jesus - not count equality something to be grasped … laying down your life for another - start with closest to you -0 really find new life in Christ.
And that leads us to our concluding point.:

C. Our True Greatness is in Serving in the Way of Christ!

Do you get Jesus teaching for us this morning. He is not against greatness. We are to shoot for greatness. But Jesus is most vehemently against the world’s sinful self sense of greatness. Mark 10:42
Mark 10:42 ESV
And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.
Domineeringpower used for self and position. Greatness is to use your power, even every ounce of your life to exert for the interest of others wellbeing.
And this is the most radical new part of Jesus teaching. The Son of Man of Daniel 7, the Eternal and Divine Son of God - is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53. And that language is all over the next three verses. No one ever put the King and the Suffering Servant together before - what Jesus explained on Emmaus road - Christ had to suffer because Messiah Son of Man, all powerful exercising authority in order to serve that is the way to enter into real glory of God and the kingdom. Mark 10:43-44
Mark 10:43–44 ESV
But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.
It’s kind of like that saying, I don’t care how much you know until I know how much you care. I don’t care how much power, wisdom and greatness you have, until I know how much you use it to serve others. Who is a servant here, Who lays aside his rights and position and ease and comfort. Who inconveniences their time money their emotions - to become a slave, actually serving another. This is why the kingdom is upside down: - the one is first place of this world will be last, but the one who puts himself last as a real servant among God’s people, will be first.
Do you get that? While there is certainly difference in function, in role of people in God’s family, in his kingdom. Some many gifts and laments some few, some called to be apostles, some prophets, some teachers pastors, elders and deacons. Definitely have a role in leading, worthy of honouring. But not because you are worth more, have a higher standing, but because of your work in the Lord.
There is no place for rank personally in God’s economy. Do you hear that slave not just of a few people whom you chose to sevev, but slave of all. Do you understand this? It is the heart of ministry mindedness that a whole church and every Christian in it needs - if not to be overcome with anger jealously, grudges, quick to take offense, and just become a club of what’s in it for me - please and serve me religious people. No, I put myself in position of service to others, I realize my worth is not in my self my performance, my morality or spiritual experience, but I came with nothing in my hand before Christ, and so I serve others only with my worth in Him. Can you say that today - that my attitude to others is not I want higher rank. Can you say I don’t want more service from them to me, but I put myself below all others, I am here to serve, following the way of the Saviour whoever walk with me!
Look at the heart of the teaching: Mark 10:45
Mark 10:45 ESV
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
These are the words of Isaiah 53 - the suffering servant give his life as a ransom, an atonement for the sake of his people Not buying us back from Satan, but paid to God satisfy wrath, .Of course, we can’t repeat once for all, but his once for pinnacle of that kind of service - it opens the Jesus’ way like a road running through every relationships in our lives, in this church.
Herman Miller - changed a culture of a company. Interesting more recently Good to Great - became a Christian through seeing this hind of leadership. In the realm of civics , a shift that J F Kennedy trumpeted : Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Well, Jesus has done all for us, expects: 1. we’ll freely receive his great gifts -big part of church; But you freely receive like that it changes how then you live with every other person in your entire life - freely receive, now freely give this service!
In conclusion, story of Martin Luther’s teacher, someone in here going to change the world, took his teachers cap off that day. I am going to come down alongside and even under you to serve., Do you understand it now? The Son of Man the ultimate human representative perfected with divinity of God - he is also the ultimate servant the suffering servant. So follow him.
Greogry of Nazianzus: Let us offer ourselves, the possession most precious to God, and most fitting. Let us give back to the image what is made after the image. Let us recognize our dignity. Let us honor our archetype. Let us know the power of the mystery, and for what Christ died.
Let us become like Christ, since Christ became like us. Let us become God’s for His sake, since He for ours became man. He assumed the worse that He might give us the better; Gregory Nazianzus
He became poor that we through His poverty might be rich; He took upon Himself the form of a servant that we might receive back our liberty; He came down that we might be exalted; He was tempted that we might conquer; He was dishonored that He might glorify us; He died that He might save us; He ascended that He might draw to Himself us, who were lying low in the fall of sin. Let us give all, offer all, to Him who gave Himself a ransom and a reconciliation for us.
We must be willing to identify with Jesus in His disgrace and humiliation or we will never participate in His exaltation and glory. But He promises that all who identify with Him in His suffering will indeed participate with Him in His glory (Rom. 8:16–18). That is the Christian hope.
What is this way of leadership in home, church, in organization? The world and our nature says, prefer to be served rather than to serve. But Jesus will have none of that. He said that if we want to be great, we must be small. If we want to be exalted, we must be abased. If we want to rule, we must serve. That is the ethic of Jesus. Leaders have to see themselves as slaves.
Ethic of the kingdom is: 43–44 οὐχ οὕτως ἐστιν ἐν ὑμῖν (see Textual Note) sums up the revolutionary ethics of the kingdom of God. The natural expectations of society are reversed, and leadership is characterised by service, by being under the authority of others, like a διάκονος or δοῦλος. Nor is this just a matter of recognising a higher rank within a recognised hierarchy: it is to everyone (πάντων) that precedence must be given. Do I have this disposition to all people, and this expectation to serve their interests … or the opposite entitled to have them serve me and my interests!!!
45 kai gar = supreme model is Jesus using Son of Man Daneil 7:14 who receives glory but with Is 42-53 by serving, suffering on behalf… paradox of son of man as diakonos… payment to secure release… slavery or capture… not only from Egypt but also spiritual oppression, when our lives legally forfeited and subject to divine punishment…
Is 53:12
Isaiah 53:12 ESV
Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.
Many πολλῶν recalls the repeated ‘many’ of Is. 53:11, 12 (rabbîm twice; LXX, πολλοί three times), where it is the ‘many’ who will be the beneficiaries of the servant’s self-offering, as he bears their sins and so makes them righteous. This accumulation of verbal echoes of Is. 53:10–12 is compelling in itself
So the Son of Man can fulfill the task of the EBED YAHWEH! - not just quoting but own statement of HIS MISSION His many acts of mercy, healing, teaching, challenging the norms of society, and all the other elements of Mark’s story must be seen in the light of this one purpose, δοῦναι τὴν ψυχὴν αὐτοῦ λύτρον ἀντὶ πολλῶν
Great salvation text, but context is we can’t repeat dead, but must repeate the spirit of service and self sacrafice - needds of many - are for all disciples
Mark Craving Power and Position

water baptism, which is the sign of the new covenant, signifies that we are united with Christ in His death and in His resurrection. We must be willing to identify with Jesus in His disgrace and humiliation or we will never participate in His exaltation and glory. But He promises that all who identify with Him in His suffering will indeed participate with Him in His glory (Rom. 8:16–18). That is the Christian hope.

Other indiginant - calls and now the real lesson… unity of of disciples strained because of selfishness!!! maybe in the world, but in my kingdom - don’t misuse power, lord it over those supposed to be serving
What is this way of leadership in home, church, in organizaiton? prefer to be served rather than to serve. But Jesus will have none of that. He said that if we want to be great, we must be small. If we want to be exalted, we must be abased. If we want to rule, we must serve. That is the ethic of Jesus. Leaders have to see themselves as slaves.
ransom not paid to the Devil!!! ie as if prince of this world, though holds world in captivity - Christ crushes Satan’s head, ransom paid to the Father, demonds of God’s justice so purchaed freedom fro the just wrath of God.
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