Paradise Given; Paradise Lost
Man and woman depended solely on God in the garden. They aspired to be like God but found they were a cheap facsimile thereof and were still dependent on God, but now in adverse circumstances. God has promised to restore us to paradise in time, but we do not need to wait until that day to place our daily dependence back on Him.
Paradise Given; Paradise Lost
Evil, problem of
The Source of Sin
God is not the source of sin; he neither commits nor wills nor prompts it (James 1:13). God made rational creatures who were capable of loving him freely and by choice and that meant they could freely choose not to love him—which is what some angels and all our race have done. How such disobedience is possible, while God is Lord of this world, we cannot conceive; that it is possible, however, is undeniable, for it has happened.
How did sin enter the cosmos? Scripture tells us that Satan and his angels rebelled against the Creator before man was made (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6), so that when the first human beings appeared “that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan” (Rev. 20:2) was there to trip them up (Gen. 3). And “the tempter,” the “ruler” and “god of this world” (1 Thess. 3:5; John 14:30; 2 Cor. 4:4) still marauds with serpentine cunning and lion-like savagery. It is right to trace moral evil back to Satan as its patron, promoter, producer, director, and instigatory cause.
Where do the inclinations to evil which I find in myself, and so often yield to, come from? The Bible says their source is my own heart (James 1:13–15; Mark 7:21–23). Just as a cripple’s twisted leg makes him walk lame, so the motivational twist of my fallen heart—anti-god, anti-other, self-absorbed—constantly induces wrong attitudes and actions.
Your Father Loves You by James Packer, (Harold Shaw Publishers, 1986), page for February 24
I. Paradise Lost
Their one-flesh relationship reflected the eternal intimacy and order of the Holy Trinity and foreshadowed the intimacy and order of Christ and his bride, the church (cf. Ephesians 5:31, 32). Their intimacy was a substantial glory to God as a reflection of what always was and a glimpse of what was to come.
1) Adam was created first, a fact that Paul makes central in his argument for maintaining creation order in 1 Timothy 2:13—“For Adam was formed first, then Eve.” 2) Eve was taken out of man, which Paul likewise notes in a similar argument in 1 Corinthians 11:8, 9—“For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.” 3) Eve was designated Adam’s “helper” (2:18), whereas this could not be said of Adam. And 4) the authority structure of Genesis 2–3 rests on the careful order of God, the man, the woman, and the animal (serpent).
A. The Fall (vv 1-7)
B. The Confrontation (vv 8-13)
C. The Curse & Judgement (vv 14-16)
D. Judgement & Sin (vv 17-24)
II. Promise of Paradise Restored (Gen 3:15)
What Satan had promised Eve had become partially true. Man had become like God. But the couple’s likeness to God was not glorious, as they had supposed, but ignominious.
They had sought moral autonomy, the power to decide what was right and wrong apart from God and his word. And all humanity has done this ever since.