Joyful Completion IV
READ Philippians 2:1-11
READ Philippians 2:1-11
For a football team to operate in harmony, every athlete must do their individual job so that the ball can move up and down the field.
Everyone is moving in the same direction for the same reason.
In the kingdom of God, we measure the greatness of people by looking at their service record.
Paul saw the church iPhilippians churches service record and urged the people to continue walking forward.
The believers were to live in unity.
“united in spirit” Same attitude and mindset.
Avoid serving self and focus on the needs of others.
“empty conceit” = arrogance, pride, inflated ego.
Focus on the ways others excel.
Servant minded believers were to look for the noteworthy qualities in fellow believers.
Servants benefit personally from from serving others. “Win-win”
Ego’s and disunity can destroy the common fellowship in the church.
Preoccupied with our own spiritual development so much that we miss out on the noble traits to be seen in others.
Where there is disunity, the Spirit backs up. Conversely, the Spirit remains at home.
God knows our hearts and He is watching us. He sees our hearts and will honor our willingness to serve and work together.
Talented people are wonderful but God wants people to be faithful.
Jesus is the example for people to follow.
If anyone deserved to be served, it was the son of God.
He was already God and chose to put on human flesh. He became a servant to all people.
Took on human nature.
Humbled Himself further in that nature.
Hypostatic union = two natures in one person
Didn’t seek to exploit His high standing.
Abraham Lincoln’s actions during the civil war were examples of servant leadership. He was secure in his position. It would have been easier to let the Union dissolve or simply let slavery remain intact. Rather, Lincoln chose the harder road because it would have been more beneficial to the people he was serving in the long run, even if they did not realize it.
Jesus laid aside His rights as God to become the world’s servant.
Service wasn’t a threat to Jesus because He was confident in who He was.
We can be so sure of who we are in Jesus that we are able to serve others. Never feel as if is anything is beneath us.
We can find our confidence in Jesus Christ alone.
Jesus died a substitutionary sacrifice so that He would atone for all sinners.
He died the death that we deserve. The ultimate sacrifice.
He wasn’t seeking worldly fame. He had a divine of His actions.
Because He went to the lowest place, God exalted Jesus higher and seated Him next to the throne.
“Every knee” - Heavenly beings, people on earth, and the dead.
EVERY PERSON will acknowledge the highest place that Jesus will hold in glory.
He is the King of the kingdom in which we belong. He is the ruler of all.
What is the silliest thing you have ever done to gain approval from another person?
If you aim to please people, their applause will be your only reward. We are called to recognize our place in God’s kingdom and work together to honor Him above all.
We go low to find Him. The way to the high places are found by serving others.