The Root of All Uncertainty - I John 5:13-21
[why summarize this way] Because of what Idolatry Means:
[why summarize this way] Because of How We Are Created:
It’s our Natural Human Tendency:
(1) Know that you are not immune to idolatry (I John 5:13)
(2) Pray confidently for those in idolatry (I John 5:14-17)
We Have Been Polluted with Idolatry and Superstition
Deuteronomy 4:24; Hebrews 12:29
Preaching Themes: Confession, Idolatry, Superstition
Prayer Type: Confession
O dreadful and most mighty God, who from the beginning has declared yourself a consuming fire against the condemners of your most holy precepts, and yet to the penitent you have shown yourself a favorable Father and a God full of mercy; we, the workmanship of your own hands, confess ourselves most unworthy to open our eyes unto heaven, for our conscience accuses us, and our manifest iniquity bears witness that we have declined from you. We have been polluted with idolatry and superstition; we have given your glory to creatures, and have sought support where it was not to be found. The manifest corruption of our lives evidently proves how far we have offended against you and against your just and most holy commandments.
We most humbly ask you, O Father of mercies, for Christ Jesus your Son’s sake, to remove the remembrance of our past iniquities, and by the power of your Holy Spirit so to govern us in all times to come that all the actions of our life may tend to the advancement of your glory, and to the comfort of your troubled flock.
Deliver Me from Idolatry
1 Timothy 6:10; 1 John 5:21
Preaching Themes: Idolatry, Love
Prayer Type: Petition
Deliver me, O God, from all idolatrous love of any creature. I know infinite numbers have been lost to you, by loving those creatures for their own sake, which you permit, even command, to love subordinately to you. Preserve me, I ask you, from all such blind affection; be a guard to all my desires, that they fix on no creature any farther than the love of it tends to build me up in the love of you. You require me to love you with all my heart; I ask you that I may never open my heart to anything, but out of love to you.
Above all, deliver me, O my God, from all idolatrous self-love. I know, O God, that this is the root of all evil. I know you made me, not to do my own will, but yours. I know, the very corruption of the devil is, the having a will contrary to yours. O be my helper against this most dangerous of all idols, that I may both discern all its subtleties, and withstand all its force. O you who have commanded me to renounce myself, give me strength, and I will obey your command. My choice and desire is, to love myself, as all other creatures, in and for you. O let your almighty arm so establish, strengthen, and settle me, that you may ever be the ground and pillar of all my love.
(3) Live with certainty about sin, self, and the Son (I John 5:18-20)
(4) Guard against idolatry intentionally (I John 5:21)
Worldliness, then, is a preoccupation with ease and affluence. It elevates creature comfort to the point of idolatry; large salaries and comfortable life-styles become necessities of life.