7.4.21 Let's Go: Lessons from Walking on Water
Let’s Go: “Lessons from Walking on Water”
Mark 6:45-56
July 4, 2021
1. It’s not always good to get excited. (vs 45)
Romans 12:1-2
2. It’s always good to pray. (vs 46)
I Thess. 5:17
I Chronicles 16:11
3. It’s always good to ask for help when needed. (vs 47-49)
I Peter 5:7
Disciples had to learn:
a. To confess their need for help.
b. to endure against the storms of life.
c. To trust Christ at all times.
4. It’s always good to be in the presence of Jesus. (vs 50-51)
3 Results:
a. Fear was replaced with assurances.
b. The storm was now calm.
c. Utterly in amazement.
Matthew 7:24-25
Philippians 4:6-7
5. It’s always good to trust in the power of Jesus. (vs 52-56)
Psalm 82:5
Going Deeper:
1. If someone told you that it is impossible for a man to walk on water, how would you respond?
2. Imagine what you would have done if you had seen someone walking on water. Why were the disciples terrified?
3. What was the crowd hoping for when they wanted to crown Jesus as Israel’s king?
4. Have you ever felt that you were doing the will of God obediently, but you still ended up with trouble and difficulty? How did you feel during the trouble? How did it turn out in the end?
5. Mark records three of the instances when Jesus prayed (1:35; 6:46; 14:32-42). How might you change the time, place, and nature of your prayers in light of when and how He prayed?
6. How are you encouraged by the disciples’ slowness to understand who Jesus was and the Lord’s patience?