Women in Ministry Part 6
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Mary of Bethany
Mary of Bethany
Six days before the Passover celebration began, Jesus arrived in Bethany, the home of Lazarus—the man he had raised from the dead. A dinner was prepared in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those who ate with him. Then Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance.
But Judas Iscariot, the disciple who would soon betray him, said, “That perfume was worth a year’s wages. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor.” Not that he cared for the poor—he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the disciples’ money, he often stole some for himself.
Jesus replied, “Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.”
I have read these words before but it hit me when preparing this message the true heart felt love that is presented here in this scene.
There are many times that we feel like we have nothing much to offer the Lord. We have nothing much to offer Him, yet He gave everything for us.
Ever feel so unworthy of it all?
This morning if you knew Jesus was about to walk in this building in the physical sense how would you react?
How would you receive Him?
How do you react when someone new is coming to your home?
Do you clean extra long?
Do you prepare special dishes?
Do you stress about how you will receive them?
Do you feel pressured?
Do you get stressed?
Do you worry if they person coming will like you or receive you at all?
Mary, Martha and Lazarus loved Jesus. They were close to Jesus. They had a personal relationship with Him. But there was a lot happening and He was about to come and spend time at their house.
They went through a lot to ensure He felt welcomed. That He was well received. Jesus had done so much for them so hospitality was important to them. Ensuring all the comforts for their important guest was felt.
Jesus shows them that:
Jesus is Personable
Jesus is Personable
He came to their home
He gathered with Mary’s family
Can you imagine what that was like? He wasn’t formal. He was personable. He laughed at their jokes and probably told His own.
He sat with them, spent time with them, and this made everything else that was going on seem less important.
It was the night before Passover and this family wanted to honor Jesus for everything He had done for them.
There was a lot going on at that time. The whole world was against Jesus and tensions were rising. This family and friends could have let Jesus know they were unified with Him! Looking back that may have been a huge regret and missed opportunity for them.
That night they had Jesus over to their home for dinner to honor Him.
How exactly do you honor someone or adquately thank them for bringing your brother back to life?
How exactly do you honor someone or adquately thank them for bringing your brother back to life?
Mary, Martha and Lazarus were so pleased to have Jesus at their home.
Each person in each household goes about making people feel welcome in different ways.
Some clean.
Some cook.
Some play music.
Some entertain with stories and polite conversation.
Each person has their own way to share of themselves.
Martha was busy in the kitchen preparing a perfect meal.
We know she was somewhat of a perfectionist in these matters.
Lazarus was among the crew that ate with Jesus and engaged in polite conversation. Talking about the things that were taking place, latest news and goings on.
Mary was there as well taking in all in. As she watched and observed the love that she had for Jesus was intensifying.
You can almost read her mind in that how can I repay Him for all that He has done for me?
What can I bring to Him that will matter?
She remembered she had a valued possession in her care. She had a bottle of scented oil. It was expensive and rare.
It was so precious and valuable to her.
Precious things give to Jesus never really seem wasted do they?
She knew as soon as she did what she was thinking she would be criticized.
Some people would not be pleased with her actions, with her choice.
It wasn’t planned but she was just overwhelmed with love and this action came from her heart.
She let down her hair in public this action in itself was shocking. You just don’t do that.
Not only did she let down her hair and began to wipe Jesus feet with her hair.
Then she poured out an expensive jar of oil to honor him.
The beautiful scent fileld the whole room. If she stayed paralyzed by the thoughts of others - especially her sister Martha — after she had prepared this whole meal she may have never worshipped Jesus in that way.
But this was Martha’s time to show her gratitude. This was Mary’s time to show Jesus her deep level of love.
She poured out this oil as an offering of worship and wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair and tears. She kissed his feet. She loved him humbly and dearly. She did not care what criticism she endured it was her way to so Him her worship, her love, her thanks and adoration.
The beautiful scent was unhindered and it stayed in that room for days and days.
The beautiful scent was noted as broke through all the barriers in that room. It was worship in itself. It was an offering of expense and intense love (through smell and extravagance). It was gratitude without control.
Mary showed an intense level of love to Jesus
Mary showed an intense level of love to Jesus
unhindered - didn’t matter what others thought even those closest to her
reckless love - love without thought to cost
offering of love and worship - let down her hair - not the thing to do in public. Bowed down on her hands and knees in public and humbled herself to kiss and wipe his feet with all that she had, her hair. She was overwhelmed with love it brought her to tears.
She had an intense love for Jesus and knew she wanted to show her love to him with intense action and gave the most expensive thing she owned. That jar of oil - was worth a years wages - that was a lot to give.
broken and spilled out - gave her all to him as He would give His all to her only a few days later.
Sitting at his fee no one else mattered and no one else’s opinion mattered - note Judas’ words noting her waste and she should have given the money from the sale of the jar of oil to the poor — then Judas betrayed Jesus only a few days later for much less and kept the reward for his own selfish needs.
Jesus was pleased with Mary and defended her - He noted that there will always be poor but He will not always be around. To make the most of the time we have with those we care deeply for without inhibitions.
Why did Mary do this?
She gave all that she had
It was all that she had
Days after Jesus poured out everything He had for us
For Her!
For you!
This morning as we take time to receive of his body and blood that was broken and spilled out for our salvation. Take time to thank him.
If you have not received salvation, today is the day. Be like Mary allow His love for you to overwhelm your heart and be moved to this altar with your love for Him!
Start a new life fresh. He offeres you a fresh start, a clean slate. A brand new outlook is to be had and let the fragrance of the oil of His spirit fill this room this morning. The oil and the wine that brings peace and restoration to our spirit and soul.