Checking the Blind Spots
Jesus pictures a rich man. Purple was cloth dyed with a very costly dye (obtainable from the shellfish murex). It would be used for the outer garment and the fine linen for the undergarment. The combination stands for the ultimate in luxury. Feasted (euphrainomenos) sounds the note of happiness, for the same verb is used of merriment in 12:19; 15:23, 32. This man had all he asked in life and lived a life of enjoyable ease. He is not said to have committed any grave sin, but he lived only for himself. That was his condemnation.
20–21. In contrast is the poor man, called Lazarus (i.e. Eleazar; the name means ‘God has helped’ and may be significant; certainly man did not help this unfortunate). He is the only character given a name in Jesus’ parables. Sometimes the rich man is called ‘Dives’, but this is simply the Latin for ‘rich man’. Lazarus lay at the gate of the other, the word denoting a large gate or portico like that of a city or a palace. The house was a grand one. Full of sores points to physical misery and this is emphasized with the detail that the pariah dogs licked his sores. His destitution comes out in the information that he desired to be fed (not necessarily was fed) with what fell from the rich man’s table. The one man had all he wanted; the other had nothing.