Stop Being Selfish Jerks
What is described here is not Jesus emptying himself of his eternal deity. Nor does it mean that Jesus exchanged his deity for humanity. Rather, this asserts that he laid aside his prerogatives as God in order to take on the limitations of humanity. The Son of God added to his person a human nature without surrendering any of his divine attributes. This was an act of self-renunciation on the part of the Son of God by which he voluntarily chose not to exercise all his rights as God during the time of his earthly life. But at no time did he rid himself of any divine perfections. Calvin helpfully describes Paul’s teaching this way:
“[Jesus] had been brought down to the level of mankind, so that there was in appearance nothing that differed from the common condition of mankind.”
(The Epistles of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, page 58)
We need to linger here, in order to appreciate and marvel at this. In his incarnation, Jesus did not diminish in his deity. When he assumed human flesh, he never became less than fully God. What Jesus did yield was the free exercise of his divine prerogatives. He likewise sacrificed the intimate relationship he had enjoyed with the Father from eternity past. While taking upon himself sinless humanity, he remained fully God; but he surrendered every advantage as God. He chose to empty himself of the constant use of his deity.