4 Steps of the Gospel (1 Peter 3:15)
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- We should be always prepared to answer to those who ask us the reason for the hope we have.
- They may ask us why we go to church, why we worship God, or what we believe.
- 질문: If your friend or family ask you to explain what you are believing, can you explain to them coherently?
- We should be ready for this.
- If we are not ready for this, we will change the topic or avoid such conversations. Or you may argue with them because you cannot explain.
- If so, they will think, “there is nothing special in their faith.”
- Today’s text says that we should answer that question with gentleness and respect.
>> To get ready to answer that kind of question! First of all, we ourselves should understand what we believe.
- So today we are gonna examine what we believe, the essentials of the Gospel.
- There are four steps of the Gospel.
>> Pay attention to this message. This is the most basic of what we believe and what we have to explain to others.
- In small group, you will check each other if they are understanding the four steps of the Gospel.
First, every person is a sinner.
First, every person is a sinner.
- This is the premise of the Gospel and the reason why we need the Gospel.
- EX: 사람들이 어린 아기들을 보면서 이야기 한다. “너무 예쁘다. 너무 순하다. 천사 같아요.” 근데 과연 그럴까?
- Even a little baby has bad thoughts in mind. As they suck the mom’s breast, when they feel a little bad, they bite the breast to the point it bleeds. It means that there is selfish mind in them.
- 모든 사람은 태어날 때부터 죄를 가지고 태어난다. Everyone is born with sin from birth.
<< Ps 51:5
1) The Origin of Sin: 원죄 (Original Sin) <PPT>
- The origin of sin came from Adam’s disobedience.
- In accordance with the Bible, we believe that Adam was the first man who was directly created by God in history.
- By the way, this Adam disobeyed God’s command that he must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
2) The Representative Principle
- Becasue Adam was a representative of mankind, Since Adam, every person has been born with sin.
- This is called “the representative principle.” <PPT>
- EX: Summit meeting <PPT>
- Imagine that Joe Biden and Moon Jae-in met in a summit meeting. As the representatives, they discuss and agree on some issues. Their agreement and decision may make some laws change, and they have much influence on our lives. It is not us who discussed and agreed in the summit meeting. It is Joe Biden and Moon Jae-in who discussed and agreed. But we are affected by their decisions because they are our representatives. This is the representative principle.
<< Rom 5:19
3) So, we all are sinners.
- We were born with sinful nature called “original sin.”
- Actually, we are in a state where it is impossible not to commit a sin.
- Q: 죄인이 아니라고 말할 수 있는 사람 있어요? Is there any one who can say “I am not a sinner”?
4) God’s Justice and Judgment
- We know God is just. It means that God should judge about sins. The just God cannot overlook sins. And the punishment that sinners should bear is eternal punishment in hell.
~ 질문: 너는 죄인인가? 죄인이 아닌가? Are you a sinner or not?
~ If you admit you are a sinner, you would need the Gospel because sinners should be judged.
Second, Jesus died for us and has risen from the death.
Second, Jesus died for us and has risen from the death.
- This is the Gospel itself.
1) The Death of Jesus & His Love for us <PPT>
<< Rom 5:8
- Since God still loves us, He wanted to save us.
- Because God is just, it was not possible to save us without any punishment of sin. To save us, somebody’s sacrifice was needed, and the one should be perfectly clean.
!! That is why God gave us His only Son Jesus as the atoning sacrifice. And on the cross, Jesus bore the pain we have to bear, and he paid the price we have to pay. He died for us. Because Jesus died for us, we are free from the punishment. We don’t have to pay the price of sin any more.
- The value of the blood Jesus shed is greater than the sum of all sins in this world. The sacrifice of the Son of God is more than enough to cover all our sins.
- Jesus Christ is “our Savior” who solved the problem of our sins.
!! This is how God saved us. And this is how much God and His Son Jesus love us.
2) The Resurrection of Jesus <PPT>
- Not only did Jesus die for us, He was also resurrected from the dead.
- The resurrection of the dead is impossible. It is possible only by God.
- Thus, this resurrection shows us that God is the real God, and Jesus is the real Son of God. And the dramatic transformation of the disciples who were cowards and betrayers proves Jesus’ resurrection. Besides the disciples, there were many witnesses to the resurrection. They all were transformed and came to believe. So, the church could grow a lot in spite of severe persecution at that time.
- Through this resurrection, Jesus perfected our salvation.
!! This death of Jesus shows God’s great love for us, and his resurrection shows God’s infinite power.
- We call this love and power of God as the Gospel. Jesus’s death and resurrection are the essence of the Gospel. <PPT>
Third, through faith we are saved.
Third, through faith we are saved.
- This is the application of the Gospel. This is how the Gospel applies to us.
1) Faith is enough.
- Remember! Jesus did everything for our salvation. God does not require any other works of us for salvation.
- The Bible says that if we believe in the Gospel, Jesus’ death and resurrection, it is enough to be saved.
<< Gal 2:16
<< John 3:16
- Faith is enough because Jesus already did everything instead of us. If you feel the want or uneasiness although you are believing in Jesus, you are not trusting in what Jesus did for you.
- Believing in the Gospel means just thankfully receiving the amazing gift God gave us. It’s amazing grace! <PPT>
2) 행위를 요구하지 않는 유일한 종교
- Christianity is the only religion that does not require works for salvation.
- EX: Budism, Islam, Roman Catholic <PPT>
- The common point of these all religions is that good works are required for salvation.
- Roman Cathotic is the same. Many of them also believe in Jesus. But they think that believing in Jesus is not enough. According to them, what Jesus did for us is not sufficient, they have to do more.
- Of course, good works are important, but it cannot be the condition for salvation.
- Once you believe in the Gospel, the unchangeable relationship between God and you is established.
- It is not to be saved which we do good. It is to please our Father in heaven which we have to do good.
- We are saved through the faith in what Jesus did for us.
~ This is the third step of the Gospel. Faith!
Fourth, there are a lot of grace and blessings to the believers.
Fourth, there are a lot of grace and blessings to the believers.
- This is the results of the Gospel or the benefits of the Gospel.
- There are so many things we can enjoy and experience through the Gospel.
1) Let me list the blessings now! <PPT>
- When we believe in the Gospel, our sins are forgiven.
- When we believe in the Gospel, we are saved from eternal punishment because Jesus already bore the punishment.
- We will gain eternal life. We will live forever with God in heaven.
- Through the faith in the Gospel, we will enter and experience the Kingdom of God. It means that we can enjoy God’s presence, grace, care, protection, and provision in our lives. And we will enjoy peace, joy, and righteousness God gives us. In our lives and in heaven, God will reign us with his love.
- When we believe in the Gospel, we become God’s sons and daughters, and God becomes our Father. Amazing privilege!
- Because God is our Father, God promised us to answer our prayers when we pray to God in Jesus’ name.
- When we believe in Jesus, God sends the Holy Spirit in each of us to help us in every matter in our lives. The Holy Spirit also gives us the power that enables us to live a faithful life.
- GOD HIMSELF: The most thankful thing is to restore the relationship with God and have a fellowship with God eternally.
- So many blessings! Right?!
- These things are much better than game, money, fame, success.
- These things make you really happy. Because these are eternal things.
>> Remember! We should be afraid of hell because it is “eternal” punishment. These blessings are great because these are “eternal.”
!! The Gospel gives us real and eternal happiness incomparable to the happiness this world gives.
Application & Conclusion
Application & Conclusion
- These are the 4 steps of the Gospel.
- These are the most basic of what we believe.
>> Can you remember the four things? 실제로 해보기
>> When people ask you what you believe in, you should be prepared to answer clearly with gentleness and respect.
>> You should be able to explain this to your family, friends, and anybody who asks you this.
>> You yourself should be understanding what you believe. You have to understand these four steps of the Gospel. This is the basic.
>> Above all, you should really believe this. When you believe, you can explain the Gospel persuasively.
- I eagerly long for each of you to be able to understand, believe, and explain these essentials of the Gospel!
- I bless that you may be prepared for this! Let’s pray!
The four steps of the Gospels should be carved in your mind.
- Let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom so that we may understand this principle of the Gospel.
- Believing is more important than understanding.
- Let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to give us grace so that we may truly believe the Gospel and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
2. Today’s text is speaking to us that we should be ready to explain the Gospel coherently to others.
- Pray for you to be the one who can explain the truth and convey the Gospel to your friends and family.
- Let’s pray to give us boldness to preach the Gospel to others! to give us wisdom to answer the reason for the hope we have!
King of Kings