Let's Go: "The Glorious One"
2 Peter 1:16
1 John 1:1
I. The Glorious Praying Savior (Mark 6:45-46)
II. The Glorious God (Mark 6:47-50)
Job 9:1–10
Isaiah 43:16
1 Kings 19:11–13
Exodus 33:18–22
John 8:58
Exodus 3:14
Responding in Dire Circumstances (Mark 6:50)
1. Have Courage
2. Remember Christ
John 12:16
3. Don’t be Afraid
III. The Glorious One Heals our Hurts (Mark 6:51-56)
Responding to Hard Hearts:
1. Don’t give up
2. Pray for them
3. Go to them
4. Point them to the glory of God