The Permeating Word

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:02
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A few years ago, after the leaving the church and driving up Old Mountain Road, Janet hit one of those little black and white crittersthat seem to be all over this part of the country – you know, a skunk. And the smellof that little critter permeated the car so deeply that it hung around for days!
The dictionary defines the word permeate this way: “to spread or flow throughout, pervade…” What is permeating your life today? Is there any thing that God wants to permeate your life with? Well according to Deuteronomy 6:4-9 there is. Read.
From this passage known as the Shema, God makes it clear that He greatly desires for His Holy and Divine Word to permeate – to spread and flow in you. You need to remember the context of this passage. Moses was delivering his last discourses to the children of Israel on the plains of Moab just before they entered the Promised Land. He was stressing to them the things that were vitally important as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. Here in his 2nd discourse, he made reference to the 10 Commandments and God’s statutes. In this context, Moses emphasized to the children of Israel “…and these Words which I am commanding you today…”Which words? The 10 Commandments and God’s statutes! And here he says that these Words – THE WORD OF GOD - should permeate 3 things. First…
1. THEY SHOULD PERMEATE YOUR HEART. “and these words today shall be on your heart”
- In the Bible, the word heart usually refers to the seat of your mind, will and emotions – the very center of your personhood.
- And God says the Word of God should permeate your heart – the seat of your mind, will and emotions – the very center of who you are!
- Understand this: When your heart is permeated by the Word of God, your whole life will be greatly effected!
- Remember that Jesus teaches in Mark 7:21-23 that from within the heart proceed all kinds of evil and sin: "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, [22] deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. [23] "All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man."
- Psalm 119:11 says “Thy Word have I hid (treasured) in my heart that I may not sin against Thee.”
- Psalm 119:105 says “They Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
TS – Second…
2. THEY SHOULD PERMEATE YOUR CHILDREN. “shall teach them diligently to your sons”
- What would happen if your children were “permeated” with the Word of God? They would grow up understanding what God expects of them and prayerfully they would avoid a lot of the garbage and junk of this world!
- Who’s job is it to teach them – the church, the Sunday School Teacher, AWANA? YES!
- But the primary responsibility falls upon the parents! God says here “…and youshall teach them diligently to your sons…”
- Literally, the Hebrew word used here translated teach more literally means to repeat.
- The idea presented here is that we as parents have a God given privilege and responsibility to teach our children the Word of God.
- And the context indicates that this teaching isn’t just some kind of a lecture style but a conversational and lifestyle kind of teaching – something that is to be “as normal and natural a part of your conversation as anything else.”
- Sadly, too many parents have abdicated their role and responsibility to teach their children the Word of God! And no wonder we have a generation growing up today that sees no problem with gay marriage, abortions or living together out of marriage!
TS – Third…
3. THEY SHOULD PERMEATE YOUR DAILY LIFE. “shall talk of them when you sit…rise up”
- Notice here that he covers 4 areas of your daily life: 1) When you get up in the morning “rise up” 2) When you are away from your home “walk by the way” 3) When you are at home “sit in your house” 4) When you go to bed at night “when you lie down”
- For too many of us God’s Word doesn’t permeate our daily lives! When we get up in the morning, we don’t spend time in God’s Word. We take off and most of us don’t give God much thought as we start our days. And as we go through the day we don’t meditate on God’s Word. No, instead we meditate on everything but God’s Word. And when we come home and sit in our houses, most of us flip on the TV and fill our minds with the smut that’s piped in daily. And then when we go to bed at night, God and His Word are pretty foreign thoughts.
- Joshua 1:8 says "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.”
- Friend, God says His Word should be permeating your daily life! And when it does you will begin to prosper in ways you never dreamed possible!
God wanted His Word to so permeate His people’s lives that He instructed them to do 3 things:
These instructions were probably intended to be taken in a spiritual sense rather than a literal or physical sense. However, within a period of time, good orthodox Jews took them literally and physically where they would tie a small leather pouch around their arm and around their forehead with which contained several verses written on parchment. On the doorposts of their houses they would place a mezuzah, a small vessel containing a scroll of Deut. 6:4-9 and 11:13-21 and God’s name Shaddai. And when they would leave or enter their home, they would kiss their fingers, touch the box and recite a prayer.
God clearly wants His people to keep His Word before them and for it to permeate your life, your being – your thoughts, your actions and your very life.
The question I ask this morning is this? Does God’s Word permeate your life? May be I should ask: What is permeating your life? Many of us are allowing the things of this world to permeate our lives – the TV, movies, pursuit of materialism, etc. God says His Word should be permeating your life!
What do you have to do to let God’s Word permeate your life?
You have to read/study it. You have to meditate/memorize it.
You have to saturate your heart, mind and soul with it. What are you saturating your heart, mind and soul with today?
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