The Purpose Of God.
To Save us From Hell.
but one great poet said above the doors of hell should be engraved these words: “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Hell is a place, dear friend, that, once you’re there, you’ll never get out of hell. If you don’t want to go to hell, you don’t have to go to hell. But, if you die and go to hell, you will never ever get out of hell. And, the Bible says, “The smoke of their torment ascendeth … for ever and ever.” (Revelation 14:11)
The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not … willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) And, God doesn’t want you to die and go to hell.
•Years ago, I read a story. Gipsy Smith, the great evangelist, told the story. He said he was raised a gypsy boy, and one day the gypsies were traveling, going from one place to another, and they tried to get their wagons across a little narrow bridge crossing a stream. And somehow, in crossing the stream, one of the horses reared. And, the horse was frightened, and the carriage and the wagons tipped over. And, this gypsy boy’s mother fell into the rushing torrent, the water of that stream. The gypsy boy was not a good swimmer, but he pulled his coat from off his back and jumped into the water and tried to get his mother. But, she was frightened, and she panicked; and she fought him. And, he tried to save her, and she pulled him under. And, he wasn’t a good swimmer. He said, “Mother, be still! I want to help you!” But, she was in such a frenzy and such a panic that she kept fighting and kept fighting. Finally, exhausted, the boy released the hold on his mother, and she sank beneath the swirling waters and was drowned.
Later on, at the funeral, that gypsy boy was there, and he looked down at the face of his now dead mother, and the hot tears coursed down his cheeks. And, he said, “Mother! Mother, I tried to save you, but you wouldn’t let me! Mother, I tried to save you, but you wouldn’t let me! Mother, I tried to save you, but you wouldn’t let me!”
I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, as you drop into hell, will say, “Oh, sinner, I tried to save you! I tried to save you! I died to save you, but you wouldn’t let me. You wouldn’t let me. You wouldn’t let me.”•
“The Lord is not … willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)•