Famine in Samaria
Famine in Samaria:
Serious famine. We are unable to relate because we are so blessed.
Our blessings…ILL 39 cans of soup on stand by. Soap, my family 4 vehicles, spare Christmas presents.
Many talk about hard times – depression etc. We worked for our food, helped one another etc - - - at least you could. But even those do not compare to famine in Samaria.
A place so hopeless that only God can correct.
Maybe yours is not that bad but hopeless non the less
Some truths that it points to:
Priorities…. Trouble realigns our priorities.
ILL> Owner of a retail store.
A policeman knocks at your door
The world changes. What was imp. is no longer. And what was imp. but taken for granted is now the full focus.
The value of bread.
The value of money.
Jehoram's false humility.
Walking on the wall. Tearing robe. Yet wants to kill the man of God. God’s outlet of grace. We often blame God and become angry with Him for our troubles.
Chapter 7:1 Oh what a difference a day makes. What a difference the word of the lord makes. Hold on!
The view of the faithless. The view of the unspiritual. WON’T HAPPEN!
vs 2 cont. = Behold you will see it but you will not partake.
Those who doubt and are faithless leave the miracles for others.
Why cant God help me. He helped so and so.
To him that believes all things are possible.
There must be a point when it is made evident that what is impossible w man is possible with God.
Not only possible but will happen. Believe the word of the Lord.
God often waits as he did in Samaria till we come to the impossible and then he takes our case. And he shows His power and grace. But as long as you feel you have another resource God will wait until you have exhausted it. It’ always darkest just before the dawn.
It’s when we lift empty hands toward heaven and cry – ALL is gone, Help! Then he opens the windows of heaven.
ILL> Drowning looks a lot like swimming. Some looking on can’t tell the difference. To be rescued the drowning man must stop. Don’t try to help.
NT says , So long as a man thinks he can do anything for his own redemption he is not permitted to see the cross in it’s power. It’s only when he renounces himself.
little things of life hinge on big doors
Life is a plan not a chain of unrelated events.
Why sit we here?????
It was only a noise. Yet noises frighten. ILL me
Love it when God turns the fear of noise onto the enemy.
v8 lepers ate
v10 went and told
v 16-17 prophecy fulfilled.
Don’t doubt what God can do!!