Servants Not Judges
Never brush your teeth with your left hand a toothbrush works better.
Its Narnia Business
Can you make them sit at your left and right in your kingdom? And he redefined greatness… and he asks them if they can drink and they say they can, and he says its not up to him, but the father… there is this reality in the Christian church where you come with this reality of God… Zeus… but thats not the way Christianity defines God… instead three parts… equal. Father, son, holy spirit. He tells the disciples about the Father and how he is serving him and his plan… and he is going to tell us the same way he is subservient to his father we have to be servants as well
Jesus is going to come in and tell us the true greatness and power in the church is when we relate to the world as servant and slave...
24 And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers.
And the other dudes are mad about it… you know angry… indignant… it was a natural emotion to get mad at something that doesn’t line up with what you expect.
One of the biggest things we deal with in our society becasue of our stress levels, is anger… and jesus is going to teach us a little about anger in our life and say the answer is the gospel…
thats why he says
28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
He ransomed hisself to save us from slavery, and that is the answer to any anger we have in our life… so god wanted to take his anger out on you, but Jesus dealt with it… and we have to realize that in the end God’s perfect justice is dolled out
And there are things we should have righteous anger about and it should drive us toward a call in our life, and that is a good thing…
24 And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers.
Here is another reason they are angry.. this we know is salome from the book of Mark, and we know that Salome is Jesus’ mother’s sister, So these are Jesus’ cousins… and this is a jacked because some of you are like really close to your cousins and they are your best friends.... and the disciples are like hey are they playing the cousins card and it is making them… indignant
and there is another level where they kind of wish they had thought of it themselves… like why didnt I think of this? I want praise and recognition. There is constantly in our lives this mixed up version of motives some holy… some narcissistic self motivations… and we get it all mixed up all the time...
Thats how we are we want to do things to be praised, and Im not saying you shouldnt try to get recognition because sometimes it is a natural beautiful thing, but if all you are doing is trying to look for recognition it will slow you down and make everything so much worse.... becasue 95% of everything you do to be successful in life will be done when people don’t see you.
Seinfeld… its a great show… Kramer… Comedians with Coffee and cars… I never enjoyed the 90s… he would just try so hard… and he said no you did that not so we would enjoy ourselves… but so the world would enjoy it… and you planted that seed… and true greatness comes from the time when no one is looking when you say I don’t need a throne because Jesus is already on one...
25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.
26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,
People of God and people outside.... if you want greatness in your life according to the unbiblical version you lord over people… but he says...
There is a way to have success and power in the world.... and in the kingdom… but those dont meet… and the problem is for us we want both of those…
He says there are two kinds of people those who lord it over and those who dont
We tend to rave about things that are success in the worldly setting… influence, power, money… and we evaluate it the way the world does through these shallow messed up things… and we have learned it and its hard for us to think about it different… and JEsus is saying look guys you are evaluating it all wrong.
Alll the people at the top with all the money and influence and everyone else at the bottom. HE isnt saying you shouldnt try to be great and be mediocre at everything… that isnt what he is saying...
No one wants to be the failure… its not bad to want to be great, but its how we go about greatness… people go after power and prestige and they think thats greatness… they bully people into submission… and thats not kingdom stuff…
Be careful of the way of the world.. be careful of charisma… and this happens so often in the church, we attach ourselves to people in the church that have charisma and you listen without really questioning… not the truth and lies, but the truth and close to the truth...
be careful of people who rule with wit and charm…and thats why I love preaching the way I do, I am able to feed you what we need and you are able to question and see what is going on and give you a deep background… and thats the fear there are so many people that will preach and they will never even open the bible, and I dont mean literally wont open a bible on stage, but they wont use any scripture in their talk at all
25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.
26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,
Not don’t be great… but this is how you do it… as servant.. and how many of you in this room have decided servant is your centralized identity… in a world where people think they have to talk all the time, I don’t feel that need… and I will talk and I love people but in a room of people unless its a place where I am teaching and people are looking for me to have something to say to teach them, I am going to let people have the room and not exercise that authority… I don’t need people to look at me all the time...
You know what our attitude needs to be toward the homosexual community… not judge and lord, but servant… WHHHHHHATTT… Marilyn Manson…two churches… picket… hot chocolate… which one had more impact? THe church is supposed to serve and become slave.... and we are supposed to become slave to our neighbor… and we aren’t just supposed to write blogs and criticize… and when we became Christians it isnt that we become judge of people we became slaves… when the scriptures define stuff for you it changes everything...
And Jesus tells us that our life needs to have a posture of servant… and this is so contrary to culture....
Creating Magic
We should be better at hospitality than Disney… and Jesus is on his way to wash peoples feet, and is that the attitude you have when you come in...
aHere is what is crazy of servant or slave over long game…
WE see ourselves as better than servant and we shouldn’t and her is what Oswald Sanders says in SPiritual Leadership
“The axe cannot boast of the trees that it has cut down. IT could do nothing apart from the woodsman. He made it, he sharpened it, and he used it. The moment he throws it aside; it becomes only old iron. O that I may never lose sight of this.”
Oswald Sanders
You and I may never lose sight of who we are without a master....we are nothing....
Lastly a slave doesnt get to think on its own, it has to submit to a master.
Why wouldn’t he stop every moment of evil and suffering… what if he wanted to do that, he had to violate a greater good like human will… what if he did that and it would stop someone who would create good for millions of evil… and now you are arguing that God should stop suffering only if there is no good that will ever come out of it… and you start to realzie you can’t wrap your mind around what is going on...