Leading By Listening
Leading By Listening
1 Kings 19:11-12
I. Leaders must see through the sensational.
The average Christian will need the spectacular to keep going because he has nothing in himself to carry on.
The weaker man looks for God in these events in order to validate his stand.
II. Leaders must learn to recognize when God is speaking.
Some facts to consider:
A. God will never speak contrary to His Word.
B. God will speak to the heart.
1. Maybe a burden.
2. Maybe a thought.
3. Maybe through restlessness.
C. God will speak to those who are prepared to listen.
What better place for us to hear Him speaking, then in His Word.
But, are we prepared to hear Him when we read?
III. Leaders must be patient to wait until God speaks.
We are well aware of the virtue of patience.
It is one of he fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5), it leads to experience, and experience hope (Rom.5:4), and we are told to let patience have her perfect work (James 1:4).
We need to stay the course and not be moved until God gives us the green light.
A. Elijah waited till the calm and then stepped out to listen.
B. Elijah recognized the conditions by which God presents Himself.
C. Elijah ignored everything else until the moment was right.