Tale of Two Builders
The foundation on which we build our life is essential. Some build on sand and others build on Rock.
Tale of Two Builders
Intro: The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy is going to fall. Scientists travel to the town of Pisa every year to measure the building’s slow descent. They report that the 179-foot tower, which was built in 1173, moves about one-twentieth of an inch a year, and is now 17 feet out of plumb. Recent renovations may have saved the 810-year old tower and prevent it from collapsing. Quite significantly, the word “pisa” means “marshy land,” which gives some clue as to why the tower began to lean even before it was completed. Also, another issue is the fact that its foundation is only 10 feet deep! The reason the Leaning Tower of Pisa is leaning is because it is built on a faulty foundation.
Comparison of the Two Builders
Both Heard the Word
Both Built Houses
Both Built in Same Location
Both Built similar houses
Contrasting the Two Builders
One Built His House on the Sand
One Built His House on the Rock
House Built on the Sand Could Not Withstand the Storm
House Built on the Rock Overcame the Storm
• You can join the church and still go to Hell.
• You can be baptized and still go to Hell.
• You can be a good person, at least in the eyes of other people and still go to Hell.
• You can build you house on religion and still go to Hell.
• You can build you house on atheism, human wisdom, human philosophies, and anything else you can name, and you will still die and go to Hell.
• But, if you build your life on faith in Jesus Christ, and on His death and resurrection, your house will stand and you will be saved.