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1st prayer

Father we pray for your blessing upon this Church service. May your name be honoured in the proceedings, the sermon and in each heart. We are the body of Christ, given by You to Jesus and kept secure by Him.


2nd prayer

O Lord, our Lord,

·         How majestic is Your name in all the earth,

               Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!

                  From the mouth of infants and nursing babes Your glory is announced, the weakest most helpless of Your creation proclaims your majesty.

                               When we consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,

               The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;

                              What is man that You take thought of him,

               And the son of man that You care for him?  

   Indeed Father, what are we that You consider us? We look at nature around us and see the splendour of Your works. We turn to Scripture and your awesome holiness makes us bend our knees in humility and submission. From You and for You are all things and by your will they exist and have their being.

·         We pray for the forgiveness of our sins. Where we closed our eyes to what is contrary to your Word, please give us insight into our failing and grant us true repentance.

·         We thank You Lord, for our salvation. We thank you for loving us when we were yet sinners. We thank You for the ability to have open access to your Throne by Jesus our High Priest and mediator. We thank You for protection in this Country. We pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the world who are persecuted for Christ’ name sake. We thank You for their witness and pray your Spirit to strengthen them during their trials. May their witness embolden others to be faithful!  We heard of the killings in India, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ivory coast, Sudan and other Arab countries. We heard of persecution in China, Korea and even here in England were faithful believers are prosecuted for their faithfulness to Your Word.

·         We pray for this congregation. Lord Jesus, please provide the right man to lead and Shepherd this flock. I pray that their love for You would increase more and more as they learn to know You better. Give them a hunger for Your Word and a desire to be obedient, instruments for righteousness for your glory’s sake. Provide and enable strong leaders both in this transition time and for the future ahead so that this congregation would honour you by being faithful.

·         Those among them not yet saved, we pray for the veil to be lifted, for them to see You for whatYou are and understand their own sin. Grant them the faith to turn to You and be healed.

·         Those among them in physical and material need we bring to You and ask Your mercy upon them and their families.


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