Participation in the Supernatural Growth of the Kingdom

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Is the kingdom of God an event or a process to you? Is it sudden flash of God snapping his fingers to change, and heal and inspire and transform people, or is it ongoing gradual work of the holy Spirit? There is no question that in God working salvation - much of it was specific clear sudden events in history. No question that even in the application of the salvation in your life, of Jesus finished work, there have been certain clear events whether you realize it or not. For instance, there was a time didn’t have the Holy Spirit and time received and were regenerated, an event,. And there are events in your response to Jesus when actually trusted, had faith - when you repented of certain known sins - all events . From God’s side, there was a moment when you switched from being under the wrath yea the condemnation of God to being justified - even tin time in your life whether you can pin point that or not. For sure so much of your response and God’s work is also gradual ongoing process of sanctification and discipleship; but clear distinct events in the working of God in our lives!
Well, for these disciples and especially the 12 - whom Jesus distinctly in one event not only called them to follow but made/the created them appointed them apostles of new creation! Jesus began his ministry with sudden event a key word, that so far just used twice - announcing the kingdom of God is imminent it has arrived. Now all his parables after that first one about the seed of God - the word and your reception, now they are mostly going to begin the kingdom of God is like! And for the Jews of that day and for you and me in the church, and for those disciples and apostles - we think that the kingdom of God should come in like a flood, that it should be a sudden and dramatic event - like a Messiah riding in one a white charger, rallying political and military troops - revolutionary throwing out of evil and evil doers.
And the way so much church thinking goes is that - we want to focus on results - on numbers , on church as sudden events, - tweak things so attract more - and we see times in church history, we see various churches like Vineyard, The Meeting House, like Harvest - seems more like the kingdom is an events, and then other times of church history and other churches - slugging it out and not growing. Well this too was the case in Mark’s audience, the church at Rome, persecution broke out and after a few decades of seeing Asia Minor or Alexandria where Mark was going - church kind of exploding among the nations - they are like the disciples at this point! This is the context for Jesus telling the first seed parable and then Mark selecting 3 others not about the seed itself of the kingdom being sown, but about the unexpected and unusual growth and about the harvest of the kingdom! These three - the two seed parables and the saying about the lamp hang together as answer to that question of how in the midst of such opposition, set backs, this battle of Satan against the Lord’s Kingdom, how is the Kingdom still coming.
And the first answer to that question is exceedingly good news:

A. Jesus Light though hidden now, is being made fully manifest for all who truly hear

Here again is a little riddle like saying, like the seed - we can get the earthly comparison and just leave at that, or we can tease out what this is saying about how God is at work and what that has do with the condition of my heart.
Look at how the kingdom comes - its not in one flashy event - its’s like Zechariah prophesied around Jesus’ coming - those sitting in darkness - a light is dawning, like Isaiah dawning, like Revelation’s last title given to even the ascended Lord, bright and morning star -Like Peter says, this is what ahppens when you are receiving Jesus and His Word: 2 Peter 1:19
2 Peter 1:19 ESV
And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,
The Kingdom comes and continues to come with the full revealing. It comes by the light of the knowledge of God that the Messiah brings.
Jesus is explaining that, now before the Cross and Resurrection, Ascension - people don't really get it. To them the Kingdom is hidden: Mark 4:22
Mark 4:22 ESV
For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light.
It seems hidden now, disciples and apostles they are listening to Word of God, have to be patiently taught again and again, but they believe. Even though their knowlege is still fuzzy and their faith waivers, like the father - help our unbelief . The disciples show us that not even the closest can really see what thtis kingdom is about or what tranformatnion it brings; No until the Saviour shows the full extendt that he will suffer, bear sin remove guilt, rise and give what the Holy Spirit . Then Jesus promised that they, the apostles, Jesus will lead them into what - into the full truth of what Christ’s life and death and resurrection ascension to reign now from heaven. Jesus would give them the Spirit of revelation - God’s Word his perfect revealed will - Jesus said once died, send the Spirit to lead the whole Church in all ages, in lands!
Do you get the good news - the light isn’t clever ways we come to have fellowship , orgnaize events and build big churches. The light is the Word of God shining knowledge of Jesus salvation. And pretty soon, exactly this started to happen. So unlikely from 12, to 120 to 3000, to that light soon shining every corner of a crumbling Roman Empire, to India, Britannia. And Jesus gives the method of your participation in His ongoing light manifesting work: Mark 4:23
Mark 4:23 ESV
If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Honestly, is it any wonder that when we don’t participate in the Jesus light shining process in this way that the church - languishes, grows deformed and sickly. For instance do, you know what they called Wycliffe - the morning star of the Reformation - Lollards - Bible in own language preaching in common tongue - really knew the gospel - light changed families communities for generations to come. And do you know what the motto of the whole Reformation was? Post Tenebres Lux - after darkness light. But people were converted, families transformed, communities pointed to the kingdom of God, not just because now teaching and gospel and kingdomof Jesus - those words lifted up - people knew them intellectually! No look what Jesus then went on to say about how the kingdom comes:
Mark 4:24
Mark 4:24 (ESV)
And he said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you.
with the measure you know - it will be done to you. No with the measure you feel; No, look what our Lord - our Light bearing Lord says, YOU USE. Measured to you. The stories told of a butcher and baker who would barter - butcher lbs of best cut of steak for equivalent of richest flour. And he would get his pastries wrapped up - and get angrier and angrier. One day brought it back - this isn’t one pound - shave off at least 6 ounces. To which the baker replied I don’t know what it weighs exactly, because I use a scale. To which the butcher start getting red in the face. I put your ground beef on one side and measure out mine on the other. Exposed trying to rip him off himself. Jesus point is that its only those who, not only hear his teaching, but heed it it, attend to it, let it do its work in there lives, then obey it, put it into practice, that’s how the kingdom comes. And this is Jesus beef with those scribes and Pharisees. They say they know the Scripture, but Jesus says they don’t do them. They know Scripture that Speak of Christ, but won’t in faith and repentance come and attend to him. And Jesus reiterates his stark teaching on parables, if all your doing is hearing a nice story, but not letting God reveal Himself His kingdom, and your heart - if you have hardened your heart to his word, guess what - the kingdom and the salvation and the teaching of Jesus just remain hidden and mumble jumble. But if you really get the Word, it will be multiplied incredibly. If you don’t get Jesus Word and Light - even what you have will ultimately be taken away!
And Mark recalls and links this to two of the Kingdom parables Jesus told.

B) The Kingdom of God comes when the Word-Seed produces a Harvest!

Do you see how the emphasis changes here - the parable of the seed is about sowing, but for what purpose. That the parable of kingdom growth. Do you remember the first time you planted a precious seed? A bit of an investment of time, money, effort. You dig the hole, plant,m the seed. Remember Father’s Day - 2 pear and two apple trees. Like a little kid, plant that seed, but next morning - where is it - it didn’t work - these are dud seeds - tempted more and more water. Tempted keep stacking the manure and straw so doesn’t dry out - day 6 maybe if get heat lamps. That can be like the church - all the ways we can attract people, all the supplements to gospel sowing, - fellowship, popular testimony of celebrity, food, jazz up the music, … But what is our repsponbility - simply this sow the seed. Sure ordains the ends also ordains the means. But listen to Jesus: Mark 4:27-28
Mark 4:27–28 ESV
He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.
Like Giants in the Earth - Hans Pera, early spring plants - kind of tragic - but invisible feeling, holding that seed in his hand, feels its power just throbbing whole universe of life - potential in there. And Jesus says the same thing about our role in the kingdom growing, not our action ultimately - think of that parents can’t make a kid believe if its the last thing you do. Think of that you who think such a strong Christian and wish these other weaker Christian more like you . Sure God uses means to bring people to Christ, And He uses means to cause them to grow. But those means aren’t what causes the growth - that in the power of the seed in the heart of the earth.
And listen, day and night the farmer sleep and rises and seed sprouts and grows - long process longer fo some than others - but its the grace of God alone that is working that growth. Our calling is to be planting the good seed - not to be focused on results - but just on our faithfulness - leave the results to the LORD. Yes he uses means, but the main means is the Word of God! And look like Ecclesiastes throw your bread on the water and in many days you will find it. The harvest comes and at first didn’t see any fruit, no kernels on that plant all leaf. But look Mark 4:29
Mark 4:29 ESV
But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”
Do you see how the kingdom grows - the LORD has those apostles sowing the seed, set up communities of seed-sowers, some of that seed, we don’t know what percentage - it grows - but the goal is the final harvest - its the fruit.
And listen to me, the church that has understood has always taken a long view of ministry. Its not going to be just about the moment the seeds pop out with sprouts, - conversions, its not just gong to be about exciting times of church growth , get radically more people in the pews. The church that gets this parable will pray for that kind of numberic growth, but has always udnerstood, not just about making Christians, but about disciplining them - to bear that fruit, Not just live well, but to die well, to finsih the course, to receive that - this was the good I called you to do, the maturing to be like Christ - reflect it to others, the good works prepared in advance for you to do in Christ - did them. There is a harvest coming - and God is looking for those he brings to salvation here -He is looking for you to be matured with fruit - commit to that process of the seed working and slowly and continually growing to bear fruit, is as much the affairs of the kingdom as bringing people in. Can’t have and not the other!
And then we get what I believe to the most powerful kingdom parable. Not the paradigm parable of the seed. But: what is the kingdom like: Let me give you the picture of how kingdom growth happens!

C. The Kingdom Becomes the Greatest Reality by Starting As the Smallest

There are only two ways that things get done,. Either top-down, or the bottom-up. And God’s kingdom - the seed working in a person’s life, God’s grace and power saving and recreating you and us, Jesus says its a decidedly bottom up venture. It begins in the smallest lowliest most common places. Remember little child is how the kingdom is received - not childishly but with trust and dependence. And if your faith not latching on to God with that kind of dependence can’t enter the kingdom. Remember the last and lowest servant become the greatest.
Well, I really do wonder when Jesus told this parable, if he wasn’t standing beside the biggest top-down approach to kingdom and life Israel ever saw. Herod the Great just outside Jerusalem built one of his four fortresses,Herodium, this is the one he would die at, wanted it higher so all would see from Jerusalem. Wasn’t high enough got civilian population like slaves to build his man made mountain higher. Way of the world, power prestige - put yourself first. What they wanted for a kingdom to - maybe with better morals but by power and military might, political maneuvering - Messiah bring golden age
We believe the lie too - whether its technology or education, that our pleasure and prosperity, our life is by our own fashioning. And the kingdom will come by big events of human greatness. We think that about church too. But you know what I saw outside the Herodium, at its base. A little yellow bush outside Herod’s Fortress - Proverbially smallest seed - Jesus says My Word, my gospel sown - and then producing life change - that’s what’s going to turn the world upside down or right side up.
Herod died, couldnt wait to tear it down, like all earthly empires. But kingdom of God when word really embraced, Jesus says it grow sand grows - still growing today - outlasts every empire, and life-giving healing , home. Look at the image Jesus uses: Mark 4:32
Mark 4:32 ESV
yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”
Now that’s one of the most beautiful images in the whole Bible. Its from the OT, the Tree of Life, in the middle of a garden - made in the shade bird singing cheerfully, delight and beauty and refreshment and fulness of life. Image taken regarding great king of Babylon, living a Herod life - building a Herod kingdom - boast as great tree, hewn down - but another image in Daniel, lie the garden of Eden, the Mountain of the Lord. Remember the image of 4 kingdoms, little rock )that at one time was rejected) comes tumbling down the moutnain - brings an end to all empires of pride - but then it start to grow and grow and grow - turns into Mountain of the Lord - Har Megido … - And guess what the nations stream to that moutain thes growing and growing - like a mustard seed.
I wander if you know the history of the church in India - yes struggle William Carrie - not a single convert. But seed panted it grow and it grows. O the story of China - few thousand Christian less than 1% before WWII - now 7% of the population. I wonder if you know story of your ancestors, one person at one time - really accepted the gospel - and now who knows how many true believers in families that knew the LORD> And you and I become to others in our community - that tree of life the Church of the living Lord Jesus Christ.
G.K. Chesterton - has a great little saying. Normally we think if something is worth doing its is worth doing well magnificently. But what practically happens when we start something we can’t do it well, so we stop and never establishes that new habit, or technique. So Chesterton says, if something is worth doing, it is also worth doing badly (at first), getting started in small ways!
DO you get these three pictures of the Lamp, the seed growing in the field by its own power, and the mustard seed that becomes the life-tree of this world? These disciples maybe like you in time of pandemic, in time of doom and gloom about Christianity in our culture, they think if this is really true - why aren’t more people believing this, engaged in this, why are they leaving churches, or bobbing around to fancier supplementary farm equipment? Jesus is saying don’t you worry - the seed - the seed that is main thing and it is God’s supernatural business to be growing it - those who don’t really get it because of the harness of their heart, distraction - they can’t really take it in, but those who do get it- even if like the disciples can’t figure it all out but they accept, they Jesus will teach and the kingdom will grow: Mark 4:34
Mark 4:34 ESV
He did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything.
If you get the secret of kingdom growth and that it is worked, not primarily and continuously in the great outward events of this world, but small, and growing inward events in your heart and mind that over time shift a person’s whole life, then the precious prophesy of Zechariah 4:10 will come true among us:
Zechariah 4:10 ESV
For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice, and shall see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. “These seven are the eyes of the Lord, which range through the whole earth.”
When it comes to your own growth - what are the small beginnings this week the LORD is at work in. When it comes to our witness in other peoples’ lives again what are the small beginnings - God is calling us to partner with Him in. The secret isn’t big human efforts and results, and our perfect performance, but faithfulness in the small beginnings. Its not perfection God is looking for as His eyes ranger through out the whole earth - not perfection but direction! Amen.
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