The inner-community strife flows from the evil impulse, the lust within, and thus blocks prayer. The Christians are adulterous, for they have provoked God to jealousy. Therefore they must repent and turn from the devil and his works. Concretely this will mean ceasing to criticize one another, for in doing this they have assumed God’s prerogative
(1) “From where do wars and conflicts among you stem?
The community conflicts come not from a passion for truth or godly wisdom, but from “your pleasures” or, better, “your desires.
The body is itself neutral, but it is often controlled by sin. This is precisely what Paul argues in Romans 6–8. Sin has to be conquered by Christ before a person can do what he wants with his body. Thus the fight is within the body of the individual Christian.
This struggle is not just against God and his Spirit
The point is that the good gift is not desired for sharing with others or godly ends, but simply to gratify desire, the evil yēṣer. Thus the prayer will not be heard, for the motives are totally selfish and worldly.
The call, then, is to submit to God. If one remains proud and continues to seek the world, God’s jealousy, God’s resistance will surely fall. But all is not lost. There is still an even greater graciousness to God. If one will simply humble oneself, God will extend his grace and mercy. This verse, then, is a solid basis on which to build an emphatic call to repentance, which James proceeds to do.*
This submission is accomplished first by resisting (i.e. not submitting to) the devil, which is precisely what God does to the proud
The means of resistance is either good works (Test. XII) or total commitment to God. For James there would be little difference between these two, although his emphasis here is on total commitment.
Such true repentance will not be without results; God will give grace to the humble